
What do you guys carry everyday?

House and car keys
Work badge
Paper towel

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Phone, headphones, wallet, keyring with house key/car key/office key/U2F token, and a multitool

Why a paper towel?

>Why a paper towel?
In case I need to blow my nose. I find them less irritating and more durable than tissue paper.


>Fuckload of keys
>Vital file backup zip disquette
>Live Debian zip disquette
>SureFire Titan Plus
Griptilian 551
SIG SP2022-357

pics please!

You know the rules. OP first.

key fob
also some paper towel (only if I'm having noise bleeds)

>noise bleeds
This pleases the prince of excess.

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Why does durability matter?

keys, bank cards, driver license, folding Jow Forumsarambit, smartphone, and headphones (which I always wear)

nothing special


Backpack (usually just to work)
Work laptop
phone charger
and a bunch of assorted shit I've thrown in

Not that guy, but have you ever blown your nose only to have the tissue paper come apart as you do? It's not nice.

Single ply toilet paper? Unless you have some retard cannon nose

>Jow Forumsarambit
I think that's more /v/, my friend.

>tissue paper
>toilet paper
Pick one.
He means the stupid paper rags people actually use exclusively for post-fap cleanup; Kleenex, Scotties, etc.

Again, cannon nose

Phone + charger
ESEE Avispa
American Spirit Reds
Work ID badge

Most of it goes in my lunch bag (its one of those camping ones with 1000 extra pockets). The only things I keep in my pockets at work are phone and wallet

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A gun
A condom

2 different smartphones
usb cord
a few assorted pills (don't ask)
M&P shield .380 pistol
spare mag
Gerber fast draw knife

Why do you need to carry around a dry erase marker

>American Spirit Reds
What the fuck even are those?
I smoke light blues, and greys when feeling fancy, what the fuck are reds?

daily reminder that carrying a firearm is autistic

just in case. there are lots of clear plastic places to write shit on the boat.

these fuckers

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What the fuck are those? I have never seen reds before. How are they different than light blue?

Hasn't changed in a year or so, the laptop has more stickers on it, though.

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why dont you guys smoke the comfy periques though

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What pills?

I carry Suboxone and Wellbutrin on me typically.

A year ago I would have said I carried several bins/bags of heroin , several pressed Xanax bars, possibly some crystal meth, and a kit with 29g syringes in it. Pretty proud of myself but damn do I want to get high now.

>Brb relapsing

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dunno, never smoked blues

I do, I said I smoke light blues and greys. Greys are the lighter version of periques. The black periques are a bit too harsh, although they are tasty. The greys are about in between the blues and yellows in terms of harshness, but they have the perique tobacco.
Do you live in the US? I know the dark blues used to be gold and red, but have never seen straight reds.

Phone charger
Car/House Keys
Pocket knife

All goes into the drawstring bag

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I am actually literally 2 days away from 4 years sober from heroin. I carry .5mg clonazepam, 2x 25mg diphenhydramine, ~4x 200mg ibuprofen, sometimes a little something extra if it's gonna be one of those weekends. congrats on getting sober. Coming off subs is a bitch btw. I would recommend either diazepam or phenobarbital in conjunction with clonodine to help taper off. Those and also a decent amount of imodium and zofran. I don't know about you, but I got off anti-depressants months ago. I was on wellbutrin at one point. I have never been less depressed in my life since getting sober and getting off ssri's.

Phone, wallet, houses keys, flash drive on keychain of said keys, some gum

when do noise marines get guitar flamers ):

nah its not worth it, focus on learning or working.
I'm in the same/similar position you are, we just gotta stay busy.

The following is every day in the most literal sense:
M&P Shield 9mm m2.0
Extra mag
Keys, flash drive, yubikey
A watch
Jaybird Freedom headphones

If you consider 5 out of 7 days of the week 'everyday carry', then also include a laptop bag, an XPS 13, some cables, a battery bank, a first aid kit, and an MX Ergo trackball

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Poorfag watch and gun.

>all these guns

You fucking pussies meed to learn to fight

Pocket knife
Cah keys

watch, phone, wallet, earbuds, power bank, and depending on what I'm doing, I might have either a bluetooth keyboard (can just carry in my hands, it's light as shit and if something stupid happens, it's only $20) or my laptop (in a bag, could probably carry it in my hands but fuck that)

Post gun
>all these car keys
You fucking pussies need to learn to run


I have never seen a quality folding karambit

>Samsung Note 8
>Ball Engineer II Arabic COSC
>Chris Reeve Small Sebenza 21
>Swisstool Spirit
>Surefire Titan Plus
>Car/apt/parents' house/etc. keys w/ 32gb USB3 drive
>Wismec Luxotic BF 100w mod w/ Wotofo Recurve RDA
>(not pictured) Persol sunglasses

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Phone, wallet, car keys/house keys and a microfiber dust cloth

no surprise there

Some change (usually like 5 dollars)
Rayban Sunglasses

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Not much choice here these days, it's become illegal to smoke pretty much anywhere other than a private home and cigs are 10 bucks a pack or more.

Keys and wallet. I hate every kind of telephone.

Left pocket:
Keys (two regular (one defunct) and one car key) with a leather attachment
Pack of 25 Next Blue Regular cigarettes
Lighter (sometimes two)
Portable Ash Tray

Right pocket:
Ultra slim Vaultskin Chelsea wallet (good for holding cards, not that great for holding lots of cash but i love it anyways)
OnePlus X running Sailfish (while i wait for an Xperia X to run official Sailfish on to come in)
Xiaomi Piston III headphones (sometimes)

Back pockets:

Backpack (if necessary)
Book that I'm reading
Portable phone charger and microUSB cable, USB-C adapter, Lightning cable
Piston III headphones sometimes go in here

I guess it really is that much different closer to the east coast. I can find some bars that aren't smoke-free and a lot of smoking parlors for those gay cigar/pipe clubs that I only rarely attend to get samples of peoples personal blends. Also most cigarettes are $7 or less. With pallmalls being almost $5. A few years ago they were barely $4.

Yeah, CA has really cracked down hard. We have a few cigar clubs but those are the only public businesses that can legally allow any kind of smoking indoors. Restaurants and bars can't even do it if they want to. Quite a few cities have also banned smoking on sidewalks, in parks, etc.

Sidewalks? Banned smoking?
What kind of fucking shit is that? Just ban throwing your lit cig on the ground dont ban me from huffin n' puffin my way downtown.

Swiss masterrace reporting in:

- Hanky (Marks & Spencer's)
- Mini LED flashlight
- 1 m line in minigrip
- Small bottle of hand sanitizer
- Bic lighter
- Swiss army knive (standard / private version)
- Key attached to shoelace (fixed to jeans)
- Pager (very pix related)
- ATM & Credit card in NFC shield
- 64 GB USB stick
- Wallet
- Biro

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>I should be allowed to blow irritating toxins around in a public space meant for pedestrians
How about fuck off? Nobody else on the sidewalk wants to inhale the noxious byproduct of your slow suicide.

you fell for the second hand smoke meme haven't you

work badge

maybe sometimes wallet

I refuse to believe you carry a fucking scientific calculator everywhere you go

>blow irritating toxins

>Be me
>Blow the nose like a trumpet
>They all look at me
>What's the problem, niggers?

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>going outside

Moto X Play
Knife (AK47 or Spyderco sage 1)
Keychain with:
thrunite ti3 flashlight
schrade schf50 push dagger

If I have my backpack:
-Power Cord
-Water Bottle

both things you're never gonna use faggot

Phone, wallet, smart watch, laptop bag with work laptop and personal laptop, screwdriver set, ethernet cable, external 2tb drive, laptop charger, power bank, and various screws and usbs.

I work in IT

Learning to fight in a world with guns is pretty silly. The only time you need to fight is when your loved ones, property, or well being are endangered, all of which justify killing the degenerate reaponsible to better society. Fighting is worthless outside of randomly assaulting people in bars because your girlfriend is dressed like a slut. You can be the most badass motherfucker on the planet and get utterly destroyed by a nine year old with a nine millimeter who isn't actually trying to kill you and thinks it's a toy. Pandora's box has been opened, fight with fire or get burnt.

Unless he uses the gun to get some pussy and the condom to avoid leaving his evidence in her.

Personal keys on carabineer
Leatherman wave
Pocket measuring tape
USB zip diskette
Eyeglass cloth
Spyderco pocket knife

If at work, I add the following...
Work keys on separate carabineer
Multi bit screwdriver
Adjustable wrench

I carry a knife every day, but karambits feel like a meme to me. Do you actually use yours for normal knife stuff?

What laptop is that?

In my pockets I only ever have my phone and wallet. I have my keys, laptop and charger, notebook, flash drive, headphone, and a few pens inside a slim backpack.

yes, it just werks™ even if it's just a $13 knife

PortaPros w/ case
2nd gen iPod Nano
mini Bic lighter
2 thermoses
GPS cycling computer

An iBook

The only decent answer, if only you weren’t a furfag

RSA token
Private and company phone
A Haiku-only laptop

>the best single stack 9mm is bad
fuck off yurocuck

>RSA token
how do you store it?

Glock 45
Wooden cross
Wooden stakes
Rune scimmy
KJV Bible
3 IBM ThinkPads
Ancient chinese sacrificial dagger
Anonymous mask
2 grenades
3 Cigarillos
The communist manifesto
2 Nazi battle ensigns

Not much just the essentials haha

>KJV Bible
>3 Cigarillos
post pics of these please

On my keychain.

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That's Mr Furfaggot Weeb to you.

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used tickets
loose change

FOX and Emerson make high quality folding karambits.

Utter and complete crap.
Broken by man in the middle attack more than 5 years ago. Garbage and eWaste now.

broke city cop

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>Nokia 6.1
>Leather bifold wallet
>Keyring attached to d-ring belt loop with carabiner clip
>Bus pass
>cheap chinese iems with memory foam tips

More stuff usually if I go to university like laptop, notebook, calculator, pens, ruler etc

Laptop + charger
Phone + charger
Casio F-91W
Notebook (to write)

BBC dildo (2)
Extra kneepads

>All of these green bubbles ITT.


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apartment #1 keys
apartment #2 keys
car keys
personal legal documents
money / debit card
USB memory stick
250-500ml bottle of water
250ml bottle of Listerine
pack of napkins
pack of STs
nail clipper
lip balm
favourite lipstick
tiny makeup kit
hair brush
painkillers (ketoprofen)
I might have forgotten some items though :S

Nice tazer, fag bag. Off to shock some niggers at the strip mall?

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Phone (card ninja on back)
Analog watch
Pocket knife

Lenovo Flex 5
Galaxy Gear S2
Moto G5 Plus 64GB
Yamaka and necklace.

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Do you actually call them eye glasses?


- Xircom Rex-5000 (if abroad)
- Citizen watch
- Cheap swiss style cigars ($1 @ pce), s/times
- Matches for cheap cigars

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Are you living in 1996

Found the jew