I'm looking for a minimalist FTP client that isn't absolute bloat. Any suggestions?
Minimalist FTP client
GNU Midnight Commander
Open a raw TCP session and send the commands manually
Fuck it, istalling filezilla. I'll use it for FTPing into my ps3 anyway
Share colors
You are welcome
Depending on your platform, of course.
This and /thread
Lftp is an amazing piece of software
sudo apt install lftp
On Windows I used to use LeechFTP for years and years.
why do people still use ftp over sftp/scp/rsync?
Use it all the time, its great. Windows only though.
> Any suggestions?
The one included in your file manager
ftps or sftp?
I can do FTP from literally any file manager in gnu..
nemo, thunar, dolphin, etc
why can't you?
Windows 10 comes with FTP.
pure-ftpd should do. It's fairly minimalistic.
>has le gentoo
>doesn't even know about the cli FTP clients or doing it with file manager
wow you're gonna have a great time