Minimalist FTP client

I'm looking for a minimalist FTP client that isn't absolute bloat. Any suggestions?

Attached: ftp.jpg (1280x600, 82K)


GNU Midnight Commander

Open a raw TCP session and send the commands manually


Fuck it, istalling filezilla. I'll use it for FTPing into my ps3 anyway

Attached: neofetch-2018-08-12-02-07-43-31106.png (1600x900, 307K)

Share colors


You are welcome

Attached: beetz.jpg (680x440, 18K)

Depending on your platform, of course.


This and /thread
Lftp is an amazing piece of software

sudo apt install lftp

On Windows I used to use LeechFTP for years and years.

why do people still use ftp over sftp/scp/rsync?

Use it all the time, its great. Windows only though.

> Any suggestions?

The one included in your file manager

Attached: faceslim-saved-image-13août2018132500.jpg (768x960, 67K)


ftps or sftp?

I can do FTP from literally any file manager in gnu..
nemo, thunar, dolphin, etc
why can't you?

Windows 10 comes with FTP.

pure-ftpd should do. It's fairly minimalistic.

>has le gentoo
>doesn't even know about the cli FTP clients or doing it with file manager
wow you're gonna have a great time
