*obsoletes your T520*
*obsoletes your T520*
>chiclet keyboard
>not compatible with coreboot
gr8 b8 m8
That keyboard looks fucking terrible. Was the T60 the last good Thinkpad?
No, the xx30 series is good because you can put the xx20 keyboard in them. Everything after is trash.
But the x220/T420 keyboard is shit. Brittle keys with no travel. Noticeably inferior to those on the T60 and X60.
this, fpbp
t. T520 owner
Okay and the t60 can't run 2 programs at the same time, unfortunately the 60 series was right before the cpus that still stand up today being the first gen iseries.
>Okay and the t60 can't run 2 programs at the same time
Retard. I'm running 15 programs on my T60 currently. Get a fucking grip, you imbecile. You pathetic scum.
>15 instances of notepad
I don't use wangblows, you fucking retard. Do you think I'm some kind of underage gamer or a pajeet? I use a real OS, not some cobbled together trash built on the corpse of the shitty NT kernel.
>Get a fucking grip, you imbecile. You pathetic scum.
You're flipping your shit over an old thinkpad. Your grip on reality seems rock solid.
Piss off, yankee. You don't have the slightest clue what you're on about.
>Do you think I'm some kind of underage gamer
You certainly type like one
So yes
Why would I take that as an insult from someone who doesn't even understand punctuation and assumes everyone is using some malware rubbish OS.
Get help, faggot.
I don't need help, you do since you uncontrollably shit on hardware by virtue of it being older than you.
>I use a real OS, not some cobbled together trash built on the corpse of...
>using gnu
>being this self-righteous
15 tabs of Jow Forums in ff? Tell me, how long does it take you to compile gcc? Can you test software you write in virtual machines? If so, how many instances? Can you have 15+ browser tabs, while compiling a big C++ project, while having a loaded IDE, and having at least one VM running? I bet your CPU doesn't even support VT-x
That isn't how quoting works.
You're feeling personally attacked because someone said the t60 isn't powerful. Which it isn't. If you want to spend all your time ricing your arch install feel free. Unfortunately the t60 isn't powerful enough to do real work outside of programming
> obsoletes your T520
It doesn't cost $150 yet.
>being this new
>no u
Thanks for the laugh, homo.
>that 30 yo boomer complaining about chiclet
That aside, shit laptop at that price tag.
And by programming I mean writing lines in Vim.
It has 3gb of ram max, you can't even compile firefox with that.
>15 tabs of Jow Forums
I said 15 programs. See it plainly says,
>I'm running 15 programs on my T60 currently
So deduce from that what you will.
>Tell me, how long does it take you to compile gcc?
Around half and hour.
>Can you test software you write in virtual machines?
Yes, easily.
>If so, how many instances?
Maximum I have used is 4, but the memory was the bottleneck, since the machine can only recognise 3GB.
>Can you have 15+ browser tabs, while compiling a big C++ project, while having a loaded IDE, and having at least one VM running?
>I bet your CPU doesn't even support VT-x
Why would I want that?
Oh, I see. You're on holiday from /b/. Well let me fill you in on things. Using the quotation symbol does more than make your text change to a funky new colour, it actually signifies that you are quoting a poster that you have replied to. Neat, right? This has been standard on message boards for decades. Please try to follow good board etiquette while you're here, many do not take kindly to young memers spreading misinformation. Thank you for your time.
That's plenty for ricing though, which is probably the only thing he does.
Scroll up, you spastic. Or is that asking too much of your feeble little mind?
>incel i9 + nvidia dgpu on a homosexual söyboy ultra thin build
nothing personnel ki- *throttles*
I don't come here to read some faggot's blog, sorry.
That's your response to being blown the fuck out? Interesting. You are a baby.
>muh light
>muh thin
>all with post-2012 Lenovo's brilliant cooling
And may God deliver us from the numen
>blown the fuck out
The only angry autist in this thread is you, fruitcup.
Go buy your shitty chinkpad, sweetheart.
I think it's 4 different people telling you that you're retarded. Don't worry, it's everyone else that's wrong. You not having a job, a girlfriend, or any friends is just society trying to keep you down. It's definitely not your autism or lack of intelligence holding you back.
Sounds like you're projecting.
>Someone points out everything wrong with me
>Waaahh you're just projecting, it's not my problem.
core2duo the best
I didn't say either of those things. You know if you highlight the post you can get an exact quote, rather than typing it out?
a man of culture i see