>he still uses mpc instead of mpv
He still uses mpc instead of mpv
Other urls found in this thread:
>he still cares how other people watch their mongolian cartoons.
>he's such a special snowflake that he needs to use a command line media player in order to not feel inadequate on the internet
MPC does the job and that's enough for me.
>uses vlc snap
t. mpc plebs
>he's not Kaos
>command line
A few clicks later and you can open every .mkv with mpv by default.
This looks like a dumb shitposting thread though so excuse me because I need to kill OP for using Kaosu's beautiful face for inciting fights.
I have MPC set up so I just use the arrow keys and the Ins-Del-PhUp-PgDn-Home-End cluster (basically, my right hand resting on the same spot on the keyboard) to control everything, including volume, skipping forward and backward, screenshots, subtitle toggle, pause/play, close and mute. In the past, I've set up a gaming mouse with these controls and used the gaming mouse as a remote control from my couch.
Prove me wrong. There is no way to set up mpv like this.
>mfw I still use Windows Media Player
>mfw obvious bait
>He doesn't open his files with an hex editor and visualize the content in his head simply by looking at the byte values
Not gonna make it
It's actually pretty easy.
I hate video player autists like you guys. Your glorious MPV video player myth doesn't mean jack shit. Download the latest version of VLC and it will be fine.
fuck off with your off topic cancer
fuck off to your 125th darling in the shit thread
>He doesn't extract the audio track and listen to it in the car
I actually did do this for Cromartie.
>actually pretty easy
>dumps a massive infographic full of code
How about just creating a GUI so I don't have to recode the media player manually every time I want to adjust a setting?
>command line player
How does that work? Does it display the videos like ascii art?
>tfw you realize /a/ is full of ignorant plebs that don't know shit about software or PC's and get scared of a simple installation
It's just text configuration. Great for syncing and sharing.
Seriously, user?
>RIGHT seek 1
>LEFT seek -1
>UP seek 5
>DOWN seek -5
>SHIFT+UP seek 60
>SHIFT+DOWN seek -60
>PGUP seek 80
>PGDWN seek -80
This is what I use for my arrow keys and page up/down. All it takes is a bit of reading so you can find out what you need to change, nothing too different from looking which options you want to change on a GUI.
When you grow up, past about the age of 20, you'll learn that your time is not infinite. There is no way a single person can know everything, watch every anime, read every manga. We each choose what to use our time on. Only the very immature child thinks it's a "win" that he knows something that somebody else doesn't know. There will always be things that you don't know how to do. You just haven't learned that life lesson yet.
You can't seriously believe that's a lot of "code", oh wait you're just for some reason trying to falseflag mpc users as utterly tech illiterate.
no, you're just a brainlet who needs to die
stop projecting, retard
Oh boy, the eternal excuse of "I'm old so I can't learn things XD". If you faggots take 5 min to read something you will realize It's actually pretty easy and being ignorant/lazy is no excuse.
>pretending you could tell the difference
>not just using winamp
Plebs, all of you!
While that's true, it's not a excuse for being dumb and lazy. How hard is wasting one or two whole minutes on Google to learn how to install it?
Limited time isn't an excuse to actively avoid learning new things, especially when those things might improve your experience while doing other things. Did you know everything you need to get MPC working by yourself from the start or did you learn how to do it by reading guides and manuals?
In any case, as long as you're content with your current setup everything is fine. Just please be willing to try new things every so often because you'll never know if you'll enjoy them even better.
You're right, user, that's so much more intuitive and easy than having a fucking GUI.
Casual watchers, sauce faggots, anime onlis and you, need to fuck off from /a/
i only switched to mpc because vlc would get weird artifacting on occasion which was fixed when i swapped over. dont think ill ever bother going to mpv unless it dies in the ass somehow
I know an autistic retard who literally streams everything because he finds torrents and video players to be something very complicated
>massive infographic full of code
oh my, mpc users being retarded was not just a meme.
>"it just works"
I purchased ZoomPlayer and control it 100% from the keyboard. I'm so far above you dirt-scrabbling 20th-century Morlocks I can hardly believe that we still speak the same language.
It's an entirely different thing, how "intuitive and easy" it is depends only on your experience and what you find comfortable.
I'm not telling you to move to a different player by the way, please just use what suits you best. All I'm doing is telling you to not be so biased against mpv because it feels different at first.
By the way, doesn't mpv have a few frontends anyway? Try to start with those, that's how I slowly moved from MPC to mplayer2 (and then mpv).
I always worship my boy nurgle
>buying a media player
I use mpc when k-lite codec pack. I don't think mpv offers any better than this shit.
I don't really care if it's a command-line interface, a GUI, or a dicksock controller, I just want to know what makes mpv superior. Don't they all use the same codecs in the end (except VLC, which is why it sucks)?
"its newer and therefore better" is what it boils down to. dont let these faggots try to convince you otherwise
You get to feel superior and talk down to people who don't know how to control gui-less programs at the command line. See, for example:
I still use wmp with some subtitle addon.
I use mpv now that development on mpc-hc has stopped. I don't know why I even bother trying to keep up with the latest tech even though I was anime on a shitty laptop screen which is too pleb for me to even notice the difference on. To add to that, half the time I'm not even watching the fucking cartoon because I'm an english only peasant who needs to read the subs.
But at least I'm not using outdated tech.
>doesn't stream anime
>still uses up precious hard drive space for their polynesian cartoons
Sasuga penniless pirates. You can only dream of having the disposable income to buy things you don't really need. Don't hate the winners.
>/a/ mods
Fuck you mod, now Jow Forums will make fun of us!
Pretty sure we do a bang-up job of making fun of ourselves.
H...hello Jow Forums!
based mod
I want to sexually penetrate /a/ mods given they are little girls.
>imagine being triggered by a media player
Youre on Jow Forums now. Getting triggered about software choice is the norm
>not having multiple terabyte SSDs solely to store your shows
What are you, some kinda poorfag?
how do I fix white artifacts under text? only happens in mpv with subtitles and OSD
Is this mpv? Never happens to me
>Jow Forums
I am glad we have a thread to contain anime retards who can't even use a config file
>thread was literally on /a/
Oh ok it did seem weird.
yes, OSD also is cursed by shit
this thread physically hurts
>reddit teller
Welcome, Senapi.
Go away Kaos you're stupid.
i actually did this and now have two ssd solely for anime
i dont know whether to be proud or ashamed desu
Bro, it's a plaintext file.
What the fuck is up with this thread. It feels like a bunch of /v/tards or even worse, /b/tards, came out of a portal.
It got moved from /a/, so pretty much
how do I connect mpv to my netflix?
well, you start by cracking widevine
Your intuition is shit and you should neck yourself
>tfw SMPlayer chad
mpc is a gcc dependency
MPC plays 4k videos better than vlc or kodi and thats why i use it. I did not try mpv because mpc worked
Is this the de facto /mpv/ thread?
Redpill me on lasch0r vs shinchiro builds for windows
I still don't know how many of the MPC posts are just plain stupidity or falseflag.
>tfw everytime you click mpc ever icon on your desktop flashes
how do I fix this bros??????
Sure am OP
MPC-BE x64 last updated 9 hours ago :^)
is there a thumbnail script for mpv that easily integrates into your existing settings instead of taking over the entire osc?
can u link me to it wanna dowlnoad it
whitch one do i download videohelp.com
I guess mpv is okay if you're too lazy or dumb to configure mpc properly, but this is a technology board, I'd expect us all to want the best video quality possible even if it means spending some time tweaking settings.
>how do i fix this bros?????
working as intended
THANSK this fixed the issue now VLC is running though??????
wait is this good or are you selling me some botnet fork meme
you got it the other way around faggot
how do i open up videos with mpv from linux terminal
without typing out the entire filename like an animal
Convince me to use mpv
Isn't mpc windows-only? I don't think any of my friends here on Jow Forums are using windows!