new desktop thread
would like some advice on how to rice mine further
Desktop Thread
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is this the new desktop thread
Imo you should look for a better composition, Numix doesn't fit well with vaporwave nor with the icon theme you chose. Also personally I don't like the maximize/minimize/close buttons on the tray, but if it fits your workflow, see if another theme/tray makes them look better.
feel free to rate!
Good setup, not so good colors.
Shit, forgot the image.
1080p monitor died on me
>something that slick idling at 1/20th max ram
gj user
It's usable but painfully so. Had my last good 5:4 LCD panel die on me and had to use a monitor with that resolution for several months. It made me singletask a lot more, but I'm glad to be back to a 1280x1024 display.
it's an old 15" that i used for years when i was neet, i can't believe i resorted to that.
new 24" is already ordered but i'm stuck with that for now.
I suggest you set your panel to autohide and buckle in.
thanks for the tips, what do you mean by numix though? googling it I find it's a theme which I'm not using
I have a bunch of different wallpapers which are set on a slideshow(pic related)
i like having the buttons on the tray and removing title bars from all windows for extra space, considering the fact that the tray will be there any way I might as well use it
cool as ice cream
my bad, I meant Arc
I understand you want the bars but the icons don't look too nice on there. Might want to consider a different WM theme for that.
Also, might want to try to keep the wallpapers in the slideshow within a set style or just choose one, otherwise your icons and theme will look ok with some but out of place with others, such as arc looking out of place with a vaporwave wp, but looking alright with a more serious and darker one.
Still amazingly cute. Share wp?
you're definitely right about the wallpapers, I see it clearly when comparing the two screenshots I posted in this thread
about the buttons in the tray, I'm not sure, I could disable them completely and just use keybinds for controlling the windows(is that what you do?) but I do like the way they look on the panel, they don't really look out of place or bad to me honestly
I'm calling it. These colours are gonna be the prime aesthetic once the teal/pink vaporwave aesthetics die down.
I called vapor years ago, and now I'm calling this. Good work user.
The buttons on the tray is not an issue. It's just that they're in the middle of it and they stand out a bit too much (it's a big round red button just there in the middle of the bar). Maybe if you had them off to the side like next to the menu button and with a more minimal look on them it would look nicer.
Using keybind is also an option but if you're not used to work like that, it would be more comfortable for you to just set it up to look nicer.
Well, I don't see vapor dying soon, but it would still be nice to have the lively blue green and purple colors a bit more popular, since a lot of people seem to be going for either warm colors or monochrome lately.
That wallpaper would be so much better if it didn't have that tacky error popup.
finally installed a windows 10 vm because adobe's software sucks on wine (i don't blame wine tho).
hope everyone is having a comfy day
i don't like it
ebin desgtob
It's a QNX Photon kind of feel.
If you're gonna post at least pick out your favs from the thread, or rate someone. You fucking lazy faggots.
fuck off retard
But he's right you know.
no u
>referring to yourself in the third person
>it's impossible that anyone else supports somebody's popular opinion
I'm not the same guy, no matter how much you wish I was.
who ever said it's required to rate someone if you post your desktop? fuck it just sounds like you're desperate for you's
Ricing wm/terminal is nice, but how the fuck does one make GTK and Qt programs look the same?
No one but it makes the thread more interesting.
Build a GTK theme and a Qt theme. Welcome the hell that is inferior freetard GUI toolkits. None of them are good. Suck it up and get over it.
With a little bit of effort.
>using gui
fucking pleb
Never claimed to be an artist. I really need to re-rice but I'm too lazy.
what's browser? cute?
back when I was on debian I used qtconfig and set it to gtk. I have no idea how to make qtconfig work on gentoo but the only qt applications I use is obs and fightcade so the inconsistency doesn't bother me anymore
was it a pain installing it on gentoo? it's masked?
nice desktop
happy now?
No. We want you to an hero now.
Keep wanting.
USE="webchannel widgets qml icu minizip" emerge -av qutebrowser
Desktop profile with 'alsa' as a global use flag
It takes a long time to compile but that's true for any browser.
I require more info senpai.
based and redpilled
i hope you read the ps2 graphic visual novels, the anime totally ruins everything.
getting there
>running a botnet willingly
what if i don't have any favs and i think that ratings don't matter
dunno, highlight the ones you don't like?
>64-bit CPU
>runs i686 kernel
Why? Also, desktop looks pretty good.
Any thoughts or experiences with Deepin?
i dont like this one
I like that one.
all are pretty meh expect tbqh
>red velvet
my nigga
>64-bit CPU
heh I learnt something new. Not sure why I thought it was 32. Better recompile.
Try to contribute some CnC?
what the fuck is that file-picker and those icons?
thunar and ubo icons
If you're ever unsure you can just look up the model and go to the Intel/AMD websites. They'll tell you whether or not it's 64-bit. Sometimes the hardware info section of the BIOS will tell you as well. Not sure if you'd gain anything much through a recompile but, but totally updating your software to 64-bit versions will make them future-proof.
very carefully
on a
Running 64-bit only software that makes use of 64-bit only libraries.
alright, i'm gonna give it a shot.
your wallpaper looks bad imo, but that might be because i don't like the drawing style. i feel like your terminal colorscheme is mediocre too because the red doesn't look light enough.
try adding a bit of padding and maybe reducing the opacity of your shadows. not a bad desktop otherwise.
interesting take on ricing, going against the trends etc. i like it, i feel like it would feel better with more contrast between colors (eg.: lighter grays and darker blacks).
looks too default, find some terminal colorscheme that you like and try applying the same scheme on the rest of your elements, it'll look more consistent in the end and might look good even.
i really don't see the point of all of those infos in your bar but if you like that then suit yourself.
i'll also always be against transparency expect if there's a blur or something going on to make it look different, try using compton or something.
it's all about that transparency again, i don't feel like it fits with the wallpaper. maybe try going with a different prompt, might be fun.
don't like the panel but the rest is clean enough. i'd recommend decreasing the brightness of the terminal background to something a bit darker, could make your colors pop up more.
would look even better with unaliased fonts imo.
look really good, i don't know why but i like the vibe. the only thing that i don't like is the font and maybe the fact that you have titlebars enabled.
looks fucking rad - don't like the icons tho.
I just turned transparency off and I think you're right. Setup is better looking and more functional without.
Im going to try a warm/light rice next.
Can't get too exciting.
It's pure aids. I instantly hate any desktop with transparency.
no rice is the best rice
clean and comfy
>running the only gnu/linux distro with botnet included
why not just use windows then?
>interesting take on ricing, going against the trends
Thanks. It's meant to look like SGI's IRIX, which was a proprietary Unix OS in the 90s and early 2000s.
>i feel like it would feel better with more contrast between colors
Could you be more specific?
>(eg.: lighter grays and darker blacks).
Blacks are already #000000. Might be able to work with the greys.
>the only
deepin exist user
try ot beat this
Weaksauce popup.
it comes bundled with botnets and phones home just like windows 10
never heard of it, can you give me a quick summary?
The heck you're running? Fluxbox?
>RMS will die in your lifetime
thank god
>RMS will die in your lifetime
I've removed all botnets, the only ones I have are Skype and Nvidia drivers.
No, it's XFCE. And I get asked this a lot. Here's the theme.
oh so you recompiled the kernel as well?
its a chinese made distro, that looks decent.
post it