Getting sick of firefox, what web browser do you fellas use and why?

getting sick of firefox, what web browser do you fellas use and why?

Attached: netscape-hero.jpg (1100x739, 107K)

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firefox esr quantum
it just werks

I got sick of Firefox too a few months ago and switched to Chromium, then realized Chromium is worse in every way and switched back immediately.

Firefox, because it's the least bad option.

Unironically NetSurf. It's portable to damn near anything, lightweight, and just works.

is brave actually good or is it a meme

Falkon or Vivaldi

>It's portable to damn near anything
What's this supposed to mean?

Firefox and Falkon.

Comfy UI

Google Ultron

Attached: images.png (225x225, 4K)

so many shitposters, try seamonkey

IE 1.0

It means it can be ported to nearly any CPU architecture and OS, retard.


the fucking wat the shit is that glow in the dark fren ?

Qutebrowser. all the other web browsers are pretty shit. Also you can operate it with a keyboard alone (no mouse required).

Attached: qutebrowser.png (1024x576, 42K)

>Also you can operate it with a keyboard alone (no mouse required).

Why are you acting like this is a selling point?

I hope you mean chromium sucks as well since Qutebrowser uses the chromium engine

and you can use a keyboard to navigate any other browser as well

tired of firefox, customizable keybinds, webpanels

Firefox, everything else sucks

Trying out Vivaldi for the first time in a few months, really like how it's coming along. Looks and performs great.

using a mouse if cumbersome. I personally prefer elinks/links2/lynx for general browsing. Anything that requires javascript is done with Firefox.

Firefox is pretty good at keyboard browsing, slash to jump to text, quote to jump to link text, enter to click links. That's why I like it, along with adblocking and other content blocking.

nice try, faggot.

This, NetSurf is comfy as fuck. Pic related.

Attached: atari-netsurf.png (1024x764, 124K)

Unironically, luakit. It does not depend on pulseaudio like qutebrowser (at least on openbsd) and it's comfy af

I just switched to Firefox because that fucking chromium kept trying to get me to log in to google, maybe i dont want my browser stamped with my google profile all the time,

nice /b/ meme

yeah, I'd like it better if it were free software but at that point I got too dependent on its features to give a fuck

Would you rather have a project where security issues are quickly fixed and announced properly, or a project where they are swept under the rug or not fixed at all?

Maxthon, can't live without mouse gestures and the resource sniffer, it also has the ability to popup videos and download them, and it's all integrated.
Opera would be a nice choice too, too bad all browsers now are just chromium reskin, choose your poison.

The best one

Attached: download (1).jpg (160x65, 3K)

Go to Chromium
Firefox has completely cucked itself with all the "security" features it added on

opera is chromium based built in ad blocker cryto wallet vpn and chrome extension support

Seconding Qutebrowser. It is way too comfy to give up at this point.

Chromium is pretty good, with the Dame extensions FF have.

It was in 2004.

>Chinese botnet.

anyone use vivaldi?

Nah, it's trash.

Vivaldi, even tho it looks kinda bad IMO, so much good features and lighter than Chrome



I'd use it, but security isn't even mentioned.


Firefox because it's better than Edge & Safari

>keyboard is more productive than the mouse
not true btw


Ungoogled Chromium with a VPN on at all times.
It’s slower than say, literally anything else, but it gives me the privacy I want.

heh.. Safari

i have to use a mac for work and netsurf for mac hasn't been updated in 6 years.

fast, frugal, responsive (wasting no time or cpu cycles on speculative preloading bs like ff)
comfy retro looks
integrated email/rss reader
ublock and greasemonkey

On the Internet? You can't be serious, man

Chrome I’m not autistic enough to use Firefox when it eats ram cpu and battery for bwekfast

Build the GTK version yourself.

How ungoogled-chromium is slower than vanilla chromium? For me it's quicker and uses less ressources
Best browser I've used since a long time