/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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I did install through the netinstall iso but it just downloads and installs everything during setup. Is there a way to stop it from doing that that I can't see?

during select and install software
did uncheck the things?

I only had standard system utilities, ssh server, print server, and kde selected. Is all that software bundled in with standard system utilities? I figured that would just be shit like nano and minor cli programs.

Attached: Software-Selection-Debian9-Installation.jpg (800x600, 43K)

tree -d [somedir] provides a nice visualization for how best to set your $CDPATH

fair enough.

KDE will install the desktop environment and has some of those bloat software

you need to not select a desktop environment during install and instead install it later with like the package kde-plasma-desktop
more here wiki.debian.org/KDE

What are some cool terminal commands?

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go to town man!

I don't understand why I need a function and cdpath to do this. If I add the directory to cdpath then wouldn't I be able to do this whenever just by cd gay[TAB]?

Because aliases do not use variables


echo My computer has $(compgen -abckA function | wc -l) aliases, builtins, commands, keywords and functions.

how can I check drive health on linux, I've been hearing noises from my computer, its like a rev sounds, that probably doesn't make sense but I think it might be the harddrive


so what the fuck am I supposed to do then?
I make a function called "whatever" with the path and $* and add to $CDPATH and then what?
you told me I can't use alias to do this, so I just type "whatever"[:space:] [TAB]?

So I just was looking at my CDPATH, and it starts with .:$HOME:
Are . and $HOME doing the same thing twice, or am mistaken?

>I copy pasted it from somewhere, and then edited it to suit my purposes.

There is no system but GNU and Linux is one of its kernels.

What do I need to change in Windows 10 so it won't fuck up whatever distro I decide to dual-boot it with?

you're already fine.
install distro
run os-prober.
run it

install os-prober*

But won't the auto-defragamajig or whatever possibly fuck up my Linux partitions at random? I don't know.


disable fast startup, might cause problems skipping the bootloader.


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Gentoo has been hacked and compromised. Don't trust it.

Whats a good CLI FTP client that I can edit files with?

who uses ftp?
>I can edit files with?
just ssh and use the editor of your choice, or sshfs if you absolutely must use your notepad.exe

put this into my .xinitrc and it doesn't autostart on xfce start up, DE runs normally as nothing has been changed
"redshift -c /home/user/.config/redshift/redshift.config" &

tried with different combinations of quotation marks

because .xinitrc is something that is called by startx
your DE obviously does something else.

should not have trusted xfce

Its a game server, and my host only supports FTP.

just install a DM you dweebs.

>host only supports FTP.

you do realize how insecure that is, right?

don't do that

>i like making my life harder and wasting my time
at the expense of 3MB

Is it worth using Gentoo with -march=zver1 or -march=native on Ryzen, or is amd64 baseline still "good enough" for userspace?

if you're compiling everything from source why wouldn't you use native?

I mean using Gentoo at all with -march=native versus a regular distro.

shell -> startx -> xinit -> xserver

init service -> xserver1 -> greeter -> system XDG xsession files -> user XDG xsession files -> xserver2

>enable auto-login
wow that was hard

what is easy about any of what you said?

Heyo. So I've got a spare desktop and have been thinking about installing Ubutnu on it. I have no programming experience but I wanna use this as an experimental sort of PC I can fuck around with. What do I need to know before I put it on my desktop or after I install it?

I prefer to have control over my computer

>enable it yourself

Its a game server, the worst someone could do is delete server files. I just picked the host cause they had cheap half decent servers.

Chromium is throwing a core dump because of vaapi.I dont use vaapi and dont have an intel gpu.
Why is it trying to use vaapi and how do i prevent it from trying too?

Is there a way to disable a user's password login but still allow SSH key-based login? Basically adduser --disabled-password but after the fact.

Remember me?
I found out why some of my theme's gtk3 icons weren't showing up. The problem is that the theme stores it's gtk icons seperately or something. He has a section about it on his gitlab page (DarK by sixsixfive). I tried fixing it through copy and paste in several different locations but nothing worked. I then tried building it with the dev's installer scripts and that didn't work either for different reasons (he has the user compile to a deb to install). So I decided to stop using his theme as aesthetic as it may be.

Anyone have any links for making a userChrome.css for firefox? I would like to try it out if it's advisable at all. I want firefox to look more stream lined.

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is xfce session storing retarded, that when i have a file open in nano for example or mousepad they are all gone from editing after i log out and log in back again?

I have a few questions. I'm an electronic musician so I'm chained to windows for my DAWs. Specifically, Ableton Live.

I have an ancient Firewire audio interface. I've tried to get it working on Linux before. It's not going to work.
Do any of you guys know a modern audio interface that plays well with linux?

And have any of you guys ever tried getting to run a DAW with native-level latency (>20ms) in a virtual machine? I want to try running one in a bare-metal hypervisor but I don't know if it's possible.
You can get video games to run natively with hardware passthrough, so I'm wondering if you could do the same with DAW software

I installed Photoshop CS6 succesfully over Wine, but, whenever I launch it, my color correction resets and there's constant black flickering on the GUI. Has anyone had similar problems, and do you know of a fix? Running KDE with the proprietary NVIDIA driver.

Whats the optimal settings for optipng?

how about the microfone in port

I figured this was more up to speed with you guys than sqt, discord wont run on my i3 without root permissions and it fails to detect my mic and speakers, how do I resolve this issues?

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I'm going to try to install Gentoo.
But I'm not quite sure how I should partition and format my disks.
I have:
-Small SSD (I would probably install gentoo here)
-Slower SSD with a lot of space
I want to run a windows VM, so what format should the big SSD be?

Pic also related

Attached: NoAudio!.png (1366x768, 92K)

is your user a member of the audio group

posted this in the stupid questions general, but this is probably a more appropriate place for this:

I am an idiot, and this is my first time installing a linux distro. After fixing error after error that's been fucking up my ubuntu installation, i've finally reached the point where a GRUB installation failure is preventing the install. can i just give up and boot linux mint, or is this GRUB boot loader something that i fucked up on my actual computer?

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Grub error would be ubuntu installer specific
Please dont use mint cause i dont want to answer your posts sarcastically when mint fucks up on you(cause it will)

what errors are you encountering? We might be able to fix it for you

So just picking another distro would save me the headache? I'm kinda getting burned out on (badly) troubleshooting every new error that pops up.

>how I should partition and format my disks.
however you want. just use ext4 and save yourself the trouble for your first install.

The error message says :

"The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot."

I'm finding some help from googling the error message, but I'm reaching the point that I can't just bumble my way through anymore.

I assume you're using UEFI.
UEFI is a nightmare with Grub. It took me three days to get gentoo installed and booting correctly on my new laptop solely because of UEFI, and I consider myself an advanced linux user.

what I wound up doing was forgoing installing grub entirely, and using the Linux kernel's own bootloader in tandem with rodsbooks.com/refind/

I need an audio interface for the higher quality audio recording it allows, and for its sound driver. Microphone In doesn't cut it unfortunately

God fucking dammit
I don't know what has happened
computer froze while installing a package
rebooted and now can't do anything and just get this message
running debian
need help asap I got a project that needs to be completed

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your drive's fukt senpai
best you can try doing is booting into a live cd and trying to unfsck your drive with fsck

I mean, if you read the grub error it will tell you what needs to happen.
How far are you deviating from a standard build?

Is there a way to remove the proprietary kernel blobs from Void? Thinking of using either it or Parabola with a librebooted Thinkpad but I'd like to have 100% free software.

what happened to it and have I lost anything?
How did this happen? was it just from getting stuck installing a package?
Once I have a live CD up what do I need to do?

It's dead jim.
Hope you have a semi recent backup cause thats your only hope

okay, cool, thanks! i'll check that out.

not doing anything really unusual, just new to this, and figured that if it was just an easy 2 hour process to use another distro, it would be better than spending another few hours trouble shooting, and hoping that i don't run into ANOTHER error.

how the fuck did this happen? How can I make sure it doesn't happen again?

The hardware failed.
>dosent happen a gain
You cant, all hdd are susceptible to dying randomly like this. All you can do is do daily backups to mitigate critical failures like this

Does your motherboard support LEGACY BIOS?
BIOS is alot easier to install and manage with grub

it had nothing to do with installing a package. I'm going to guess you force-restarted the computer to get it unfrozen, which is what killed the drive.

Essentially, you killed power while it was writing to the drive, which incorrigibly corrupted the file system.

the drive is probably fine, but whatever you have on it now is probably toast; all you can do is run fsck on it and see if it fixes it to some degree

is not a corrupted filesystem, it means there are at minimum one bad sector.But hdd's and file systems have self correction features that would prevent small issues like this, when it gets to it at this level, the drive is irrecoverable and physical damage as happened

shit you're right, I missed that
still caused by powering down during a read/write cycle though

the drive is perma fucked though

it does -- is there any downsides to using BIOS instead of booting in UEFI mode?

>still caused by powering down during a read/write cycle though
Not necessarily, doing so would most like corrupt the filesystem, a fault in the software, not physical damage.
I wouldnt say it NEVER happens but it is rare and not occational

are you guys serious? Physically damaged?
As in even if I wiped the whole thing, I wouldn't be able to reinstall?
I'd need to buy a completely new hard drive?
I don't even have a sad enough image to express how I feel right now

Yes, you have bad sectors, the drive is damage and no longer usable in any stable capacity.

if you want any hope of recovering anything from the drive, *stop using it right now and power it down until you have the means to clone it*

was this my fault? or was this purely a problem with the HDD.
Did I do a fuckup, or did my drive just die by itself.
who is to blame for this?

I'd say about 50/50 your fault and random chance if you did an unclean power off.

otherwise you just got supremely unlucky

Thinking about installing GuixSD on my laptop

anything I should be aware of before doing it?

I already have a backup of my most important files. The only thing I've lost is some sick background from /wg/ and a few weeks worth of progress from a project I was on

I've had drives die while being in use with a UPS that could power the system for 12 hours on battery, flat out I/O errors.
Unexpected shutdown isnt as bad as it was in the 90's or 00's.It 99% of the time causes a file system corruption, which is usually fixable with a chkdsk or fsck,or what ever your filesystem uses

so what would be the correct thing to do in the case of freezing while half way through installing a package

GuixSD is supposed to be a FOSS focused OS, so your mileage may vary with support out of the box. Don't be surprised if the laptop has a trackpad problem or wireless card problem. They're simple fixes regardless.

What's your actual laptop?

Is the Linux kernel a hybrid kernel or a monolithic kernel? Does having loadable kernel modules make it hybrid or is it still monolithic because it really has no aspects of a microkernel?


Can I stip down my Debian-based distro into only

Trying to get rid of the useless stuff, halp pls

Monolithic. Kernel modules are still in kernel space


Thanks. Does Linux have any features typical of a microkernel?

The reason you have that useless stuff is cause of the DE. A DE is a assortment not only of WM, panel, and all that but also programs like libreoffice and shit. You can sort out the stuff but its a bit of a hassle and you may end up with random problems down the road.

Chromium is core dumping.This is the backtrace and error message.
I do not use vaapi and i dont have it installed, i dont have an intel gpu.
I'm not sure how to proceed, i cant find any relevant information