Shill your personal website / comfy small websites or else
Personal website thread
not comfy at all.
>this site requires cookies and javascript to be enabled
is it a virus?
Ah, I see you're a fellow hue as well. Though I must say the gray background sucks ass, something lighter (white is usually the best choice) would look nicer. Overall, solid simples site, 8/10.
>blue links on dark blue bg
it sucks
I ain’t clicking that shit
[spoiler]pls donate[/spoiler]
Nice try m8. I don't watch that brazilian insanity
cool site
>living in mississippi
i kind of miss it desu
op here mine is'm trying to make a voice-based board) lmk what you think of it, I need feedback
FUCK YOU, this shit logged me out of everything and fucked my browser history
Kek thanks for sharing
>asking for webcam permission
It's... just a blank page?
Glad I went incognito.
Feel free to visit and get hacked.
can some other user with a more secure setup go here and post a screengrab?
its just a stargazing website
But it says not vince
Also, were you at party at DC26? How many people went, and how many were weirder than normal?
>step 1. globally disable everything with uBlock Origin
>step 2. visit site
nevertheless it is an amateur astronomer site
only JS is Google Ads and Twitter
I used my real name if you search through icann info
By the way dude, some post-processing can greatly enhance your photos. For example I performed some noise reduction for this Orion photo.
forgot pic
Nice site
Nice what software did you use?
Have to give it a try on my next images.
Pinta, a cross-platform clone of Paint.NET. If on Windows I prefer the later. The algorithms used in Pinta are derived from an older open source Paint.NET version.
But as post-processing is a core part of astrophotography, learning GIMP + UFRaw could be better.
I like how you casually skip the crypto miner
I get a terrified primal instinct whenever this happens. Fucking hell.
So how do you use UBlock Origin to protect yourself before going to a site like this?
WTF i closed the tab but its still playing the music.
Holy fuck lmao. Enabling javascript for this shit was a big mistake.
Block JS by default
I'm a 23 year old boomer and I'm afraid to click any links that I don't already know about.
Otter browser doesn't have this problem. (Seriously)
What problem?
Do what pic related does. Have a bot fetch the page for you and email it to you.
Annoying website is no longer annoying.
Then that other browser is not up to standard.
Runs webkit so it is more or less safari
It actually blocks popups. Save file confirmation doesn't make a new window.
So basically. It does almost nothing annoying.
kindly murder yourself.
Someone went in without disabling javascript.
If you the real Luke Smith I like your latex tutorials
Holy guacamole!
Thanks! Going to be shitposting this places. Keep up the good work.
really cool project user
This reminds me that my website where I hosted a bunch of .js files and plugins I wrote has died.
I had maybe 200 visits in 2 years. Not sure I want to renew it.
Whats the point of having a personal website if you aren't selling anything?
Found the NEET
It will be 7 years of programming experience for me this October.
So whats the point of having a personal website if you aren't selling anything?
based luke
>Feross Aboukhadijeh
>syntax error on perfectly normal code
is my browser outdated?
Promising, i'd ditch the background (grey gradient) though, it's not really good.
I guess you're hosting far from me so the website is a bit slow for me.
It makes the content of the article pages do summersaults for a solid 3 seconds before the whole thing is loaded (i have fiber btw).
Each article of a topic takes a 0.1+ sec to load so they appear one after the other, pushing the others down the column. Maybe you could paginate it with less elements, or lazy load.