
What's up Jow Forums?

Attached: me_large.jpg (184x184, 13K)


Ozz id

OZZ id!!

nothin' much


What's up?

Nothin' much dudio spaghettio

Do you call pic related Uluru or Ayers Rock? Ive heard both here in the US but Im curious if Australia uses one or the other.

Attached: c7c6e4d7a6ae456ca37f662153601b93?width=1024.jpg (1023x576, 102K)

You can call it either! It's a dual name landmark.

both, but I call it abo rock, since only abos can touch it

Yeah. It's a very sacred rock that dates all the way back to the dreamtime.

"Each feature of the rock has a meaning in 'Tjukurpa' or Dreamtime, the traditional Anangu law that explains how the world was created." -Google

everyone tries so hard to make abos out to be some sort of vibrant culture but it is literally all bullshit
>oral tradition so you can never tell if its consistent
>language had 3 vowels and probably 500 words
>hundreds of "mutually intelligible" """languages""" (they actually mean dialects but academics are disingenuous cunts)
>Dot painting originated 40 years ago back in 1971
>probably largely responsible for megafauna being dead because they burned down as much shit as they could as a sophisticated hunting tactic

I think my ID changed...help!

oh wait nvm. But for some reason it was different when I was replying to

Oh cool!
thanks for answering


I really don't give a shit, I just wanna get shit faced on top of it.

op is a faggot

Bored and getting sleepy


lol irony