Uptime Thread

Uptime Thread. Also do you turn off your computer at night or leave it on? Why?

Attached: Uptime.jpg (1132x816, 130K)

Not even 24 hours since I compiled new kernel. I use suspend to RAM. Power off only if there's going to be a thunderstorm.

0hrs uptime. On a vacation. Averages around 12 hours since I turn off at night cus:
>loud PSU fan
>annoying lights on mobo
>NSA hearing me mastrubate through ME on my 7700k

I just leave mine on 24/7 put of laziness. My uptime (the pic in the op) would be quite a bit longer, but I had to shutdown the other day and downclock for a video render because summer heat and OC'd fx chip don't mix.

Leave it on all day, unplug Ethernet at night
During thunderstorms I unplug everything including Ethernet because I got fucked before

Attached: 151882998.png (234x590, 138K)

>do you turn off your computer at night or leave it on?
Sometimes on, sometimes off.
Electric bill. I own a few computers so if I don't use one very often over a 48-hr period, I'll turn it off.

I'm just shocked you managed to get wangblows to run for 6 days.

Even the most powerhungry computers only cost a few bucks a month to run. But yeah, I get it if you've got a few computers it all adds up.

I never got the whole " ""teh windos do teh bluscreen"" " meme. Just don't install random garbage and it's perfectly stable.

Win desktop:
>System Boot Time: 2018-08-05, 08:42:35
My working rig
>-> % uptime
> 15:03:42 up 18 days, 3:30, 11 users, load average: 1,42, 1,72, 1,67

I turn off, good to start fresh in the afternoon next day and let your CPU + fans cool down for a bit

What theme is that for wandows?

Look up Penumbra 10 on DA. I'm using that, dark control panel, and ribbon disabler for a nice all around dark theme.

Gonna be out most of the day, but I'll link the version of dark control panel I'm using since I don't remember which one it was and the others are shit. Check back in like 12 hours.

Nuh, I just suspend. Though booting takes some seconds (SSD masterrace), reopening all the windows is a pain.

Used Pendumbra before, will have a nother look with that dark control panel

i dont turn off anything or use any standby things.

Attached: fetch.png (942x361, 12K)

winblows thinkpad i use every day

>Just don't install random garbage and it's perfectly stable.
my thing crashed exactly once in the three or so years i've had it

Attached: sdfg.png (182x67, 9K)

[user0@user0-pc ~]$ uptime -p
up 4 days, 15 hours, 7 minutes

[fgt@box~]$ uptime -p
up 15 weeks, 5 days, 7 hours, 29 minutes

raid controller failed...
but then again it's time for a reboot I think - I'm still running kernel 4.12

My computer is in my bedroom and it produces noise and heat, and I can't sleep with it on. Also, electricity bill is 700$ a month.