Post your screenfetches

Post your screenfetches

Attached: fetch.png (488x431, 63K)

>doing NSA's job
good goy

Attached: sf.png (513x291, 30K)

>8766 packages
god damn it why does debian split everything up into packages?

8000 of those are probably libboost

This installation is roughly 7 years old and I can't be arsed to clean after trying out new software
The number of packages doesn't really impact system performance that much. Linux is efficient at searching directories (like those in $PATH).

Why you use powershell on mac? WTF is this?

Attached: WTF.png (569x281, 46K)

This is the next level of homosexual

Attached: fetch.png (668x284, 13K)

bully me

Attached: neofetch.jpg (1202x324, 99K)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-14_21-02-03.png (806x375, 62K)

>Powershell on Mac

Holy shit, i use a mac and even i am not that gay...

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 6.26.28 PM.png (699x452, 49K)

Attached: screenfetches.png (2071x351, 171K)


My nigga

Why aren't you running powershell on your mac and linux?

Attached: 1409343719892.gif (230x250, 1.81M)


Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-14_13-40-49.png (772x267, 9K)

bully me

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 1.44.29 PM.png (2560x1600, 1.59M)

Why the fuck is your terminal window so huge? Full screen it or don't.

Attached: me gusta.png (570x363, 239K)

4.18 master-race

Attached: Screenshot_003.png (722x466, 81K)

Attached: neofetch.dildos.png (713x267, 26K)

Someone using neofetch has the scrot option not working on it? Happened recently but I can't figure out why. Scrot by itself still works tho.