Is this a good password?


Attached: d31f1958fd4191076be473b31b8a5103.jpg (736x1107, 280K)

Are you literally 12?

No, here's a good password: hunter2

My password is 12345.

no, why?

no, it's not


who's this qt3.14, and please don't tell me it's a man

it was an ok password until you posted it here, now its in everyone's brute force dictionary

rgtqu23h4i Ç._ w UIR4Y21EMfrgweq45i)U)?=2rk:ie0'1320_
should do the trick

Attached: 06124224.png (512x512, 152K)

but all i can see is ******* ??????

please tell me it is

A better password: is_this_a_good_password_710_dark_beer_renki


anything in a dictionary is a bad password
anything that even sounds like it could be a word is a bad password
it should contain as many letters, numbers and symbols as you can possibly remember

my password is goodluckguessingthisoneyoustupidnerd24


my password on all platforms

it's not great but probably better than >98 % of passwords in usage

Added to my bruteforce pass dictionary :^)

my password is pussyslay69
(no its not)

This password is solid as fuck: zrxk99bk1JhMAca6cv

>using passwords you can't pronounce

It was fine until you posted it on Jow Forums. Into my wordlist it goes :>

wat een fris dingetje

yep, this is going in my password dictionary