It better be a good excuse.
Why bother configuring your Linux when you can just install LARBS?
>it just works
What is your excuse for not installing LARBS?
I'm not a fucking LARBer, for starters.
we would like to learn, not to windows
Why don't you
1. create a distro and call it "arch easy"
2. ?
3. Profit
Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische. Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritz.
what's the point of using arch if you're not gonna slowly configure things by yourself, making sure that you don't add shit you don't actually need
Not wasting your time.
why use arch then, you genius
jesus christ, thats like rebuilding a motorcycle into a submarine
ok, use this instead
I like Arch, thats why.
Sorry, i dont like malware in my pc.
>case statement with 1 condition
What the fuck?
not gentoo
tiling managers are garbage, especially i3
>I like Arch, thats why.
you are retarded then, for following reasons
1) liking that dumpsterfire of a distro
2) using a distro specifically build for maximum manual customization, just to turn it into automatized pre-configured clone
you choose a distro according to your needs, if you choose one and turn it into a different purpose, the result will always be inferior
Why do you use windows, then?
he meant arch obviously
enjoy malware
What malware?
the user repository, where anyone can add anything
>using the lukenet
fucking nigger
Not him, and generally I hate the idea he espouses (lmao no time) but Arch has other great features such as the package manager (and personally the AUR, although that's my specific case, I know it tends to be a dumpster fire)
Granted, that's not reason enough to bother with it altogether, but it's not just a lmao just diy 100% distro (thats LFS)
More like LARPs
>I like Arch, that's why.
>I don't want to configure it myself
The absolute state of Jow Forums, jesus fucking christ
i dunno this conf why would i? ill instead create my own confs and script
Because Sway is far superior
because I'm using bspwm with gentoo and I can actually configure things myself. you should learn how to do things yourself too OP
What kind of maniac would use someone else's defaults
>shills """minimalist""" software, uses st, mutt, no DE, only WM
>uses systemd, his OS takes up ~1GiB idle
As based as Luyan Smunduke is, he's your typical ricefag.
But how can I install this on systemd/linux Ubuntu GNU?
Because I'm not a brainlet. I have my own post install script.
I use void, dwm, nnn (ranger?! Hahaha)
Arch not only has malware user repositories, it also uses systemd, a known NSA rootkit.
>shills minimalist software
>spends thousands or hours adding bloat to them.
well what should you use instead of systemd
redpill me on this
Every arch package has everything enabled. So you're not making sure you don't add shit you don't need.
install Gentoo, but unironically.
dont take seriously about his statement.
Is he our YouTube guy?
I don't understand the point of it, to be perfectly honest. What's wrong with installing and configuring an wm myself? Why do I need a script for it?
Because you like pacman and AUR, that everything is in /usr/bin, and that packages minimally deviate from upstream?
cause by the time i've read through how this dude sets up my system i might as well have done it myself
it's a cool project i guess but there's manjaro or antergos if you want a pre-baked arch install desu
>a distro specifically build for maximum manual customization
No, that will be Gentoo. Arch is about simplicity.
Frische Fische fressen Fischer Fritz
i3-gaps isn't rice, it's bloat.
Using i3-gaps is like buying a fast car and then using it solely for city traffic.
That's called manjaro and it sucks dick.
The only way for pacman to fuck up your xorg.conf is for you to be quite literally brain damaged and incapable of reading warnings and documentation.
Do you have a brain?
Thread mostly full of retards who don't understand arch and don't understand why it's shit.
It's shit because of systemd not because of the AUR being a user-maintained repository which is open to having malware uploaded and installed by retards who don't understand what the AUR is.
>bash scripts instead config files
>no binary thus no verifiable logs
Why make my life harder?
When's the last time you had sex?
>i3-gaps isn't rice, it's bloat.
Irrelevant comparison.
It makes some desktop look better, thus rice.
>Using i3-gaps is like buying a fast car and then using it solely for city traffic.
It is like putting a cheap free-flow exhaust in a good car.
Does nothing but some people will like its sound.
Usability remains the same if not worst. (Because gaps makes you have less display estate.)
>bash scripts instead config files
OpenRC is backwards but shell scripts make life easier.
This declarative meme needs to end, you can compress information better with scripts. Use runit for a week (and do your own run scripts, don't use void's except maybe as a template).
Systemd's "declarative" approach to services just means they have to have hundreds of options just to cover all the thousands of configurations people want. And even though 99% of services do the same thing with a few small deviations, every service file is still at least 8 lines long (mainly because systemd loves doing brain damaged things by default).
If I was on my machine right now I would just send you an example but trust me, runit means you get oneliners for 99% of your service files. And linux programs provide the configurability for the 1% of weird shit which needs quirky modifications. Learning systemd's ever expanding service config syntax is a lot more work than just learning the underlying tools which it ends up using.
Arch got me laid in the first place. Don't underestimate the power of simplicity.
>if not worst
This is precisely my point. It's rice if it's an aesthetic improvement, but it stops being rice when it makes things less useful for their target purpose.
If i3 is rice then i3-gaps is NOT rice by definition.
But whatever, waste your precious screen space for all the fucks I give. All so you can stare at thin strips of your ecchi wallpaper.