Only one decent 4k monitor you can afford

>only one decent 4k monitor you can afford
>has white plastic

Attached: Screenshot_20180815-091753.png (1080x1920, 315K)

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>using the reddit browser

what the fuck kind of shitty currency are you using?

t. amerilard with no knowledge of the outside world other than the usa

Pick a fucking color you autist.

Personally I recommend a fancy burl wood grain.

Attached: 51z2EKSMVfL._AC_SY400_.jpg (500x375, 33K)

looks like some kind of Slavic monopoly money

if its not the dollar, euro, or the yen then its shit tier money

t. amerilard who just googled "what other currencies except the dollar exist" and will forget about them by tomorrow

the putin penny
virtually worthless

It is a ruple. Russian money.

"Beggars can't be choosers, bitch this ain't chipotle" - our king Kanye Best

fuck off you poorfag russian

>$361 for 4k monitor
I'd rather just get a 4k TV for that price

Wtf is this?

that's why i buy business grade products. home buyer products are junk

kill yourself rusky

Why so butthurt? I did nothing wrong.

I swear learning cyrillic and nothing else allows you to read a good 50% of russian stuff
I can read a slav paper and I know 1% of the language

Have more than one joke?

B кoмпьюьepюнивepc зaкaжи, дoлбoeб.

Don't buy a 4k monitor today

Wait 1 or 2 years, or wait for MicroLED at least.

Vinyl sheet
I work with it everyday and it nice, but I have no idea where to buy small quantities. At work we buy 1,20m*25m minimum.

>business grade
that term is cringier than "military grade" lmao


>Commie shit
Fuck off, ivan.

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This, but unironically.

Дoлбoeб тyт тoлькo ты кoтopый нe мoжeт пoдcчиaть cтoимocть дocтaвки и кoнвepтaцию pyблeй в дoллapы

I would be a commie than an animethrash

>anime website
Go back to fuck bears in siberia, leftist shit!

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No need to know anything outside of the us

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Go back to your parasha, sosakas.


Sorry, can you stop farting with your mouth, animeshit, and say it the way so I can understand?

You're going to VESA mount it anyway, what's the problem?

24000 pokedollars?

that's so cheap i caл make that battling like 10 mid level trainers

Why would I?

Because you're not a retard, are you?
VESA mounting saves a lot of desk space.

> yen
t. weeaboo
nobody fucking uses it outside of japan

ignorance isn't joke, it's actually sad