Why are UI designers doing away with 3D buttons and effects? I personally thought the old UI used in Mac OS X Tiger and Leopard was very aesthetic. Now they're trying to make everything 2D so your desktop computer looks more like an iPhone.
What's with the trend of using vexel art for all interfaces?
Design is like fashion, and flat and BOLD is in. Give it 10 years and we'll go back to 3D Skeumorphic shit.
Because the UI designers now are lazy and have no taste, and as a result everything looks like shit.
Design follows trends and it has to be altered periocally to keep up with competitors and consumer demands. Happens the same with cars, clothes, TVs, you name it.
old looks disgusting though
>let's just slap on gradients on top of gradients on top of gradients
>looks good boss!
That “3D” design looks really tacky.
Laziness has taken over. Now """artists""" can't even be assed to use more than one colour for something.
This shit has been going on since ios 7 got released.
Uglyness is "inclusive" and "diverse" nowadays.
Take a look around the industry. You'll know.
Exactly. Glad we’re past that
Fuck you, that is the most AESTHETIC design ever
They wanted to shift the focus on the actual content now instead of incorporating a lot of detail into the interface, which they think shouldn't drive away the attention of the user just because of what they can make aesthetically.
Reminder that glossyness does not have to be skeumorphism.
FUck me it looks ugly
I 100% think iOS 6 and pre Yosemite OSX looked fantastic. Everything now is just fucking flat, but I also don't know hsit about design.
This is what it seems like to me as well. IMO there's something very human and intuitive to skeuomorphism, now the icons have become so simple that it is not always intuitive what they represent. Compare old YouTube and Instagram application icons for an example of this
Even though I'm a nostalgic boomer, I fucking hated 3D icons in Windows. The first thing I did after installing XP and 7 was to download the tango icon patcher and a new theme. Regarding these 3D buttons and animations I always have a feeling of being forced. Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should. Technology is advancing too fast, and companies thought that people would be amused to see what a GPU is able to do now, so they implemented these unnecessary features. We have the capability to do unimaginable things with technology but humanity generally is not mature enough, it's hard to follow when everything is changing from day to day.
Vexel... art?
It's cheaper to do flat, no need to pay proper designer or artist to do gui. With flat pajeet that did the code can also cobble together gui despite having bad taste and not knowing shit about aesthetics.
It has to do with quality of software going down, and the fact minimalism is in since we have devices that use batteries a lot more.
What I dislike most is that the designs are so simple but the UI takes a massive amount of resources to run.
minimalism is in.
I don't think it'll be going away anytime soon either because minimalism is often associated with professionalism. It's easier to read. It's sleek. It's clean.
Skeuomorphic shit will never be popular again because ALL real-world devices are moving towards flat and minimalist designs.
Minimalism is the future and you're a fucking retard with no taste if you disagree.
Apple is supposedly working on next gen UI that will differentiate it from android. 3D elements with light shading based on eye position and ambient light sources also implying use of stereoscopic displays.
You can bet android will copy it soon afterwards.
I'm all for minimalism and modernism but in architecture and psychical world. Flat gui is horrible, lifeless thing.
> Minimalism is the future
When why doesn't everyone just use Arch Linux with no GUI?
>Apple is supposedly working on next gen UI that will differentiate it from android.
No source or images of how this looks?
>Flat gui is horrible, lifeless thing.
You can still have plenty of flavor, substance and in life in flat designs. It's all about the balance between negative/positive space and how much graphical information is needed for the user to understand something.
Flat UI is also better for animating dynamically via programming
could be that flat design scales better between large and small screens if you use vectors for ui elements. i'm probably wrong, though.
This ui was literally skeumorphic though. It was meant to mimic the reflective LCD screens of old devices.
This is also true. Flat UI will look sharp/beautiful on any resolution or screen.
because people dont use OS's for their ui and second, having no GUI at all is terrible.
Face it, it's perfection. It can't be beat.
More 3D like elements.
it being skeumorphic doesnt matter if its already flat/minimal.
the argument here is flat ui vs gradient colorful shiny 3d shit
hurt durr I hate change
post pics of you in your leaf loincloth user
> having no GUI at all is terrible.
Tell that to the millions of scientists and researchers who use command line apps for their research.
> Face it, it's perfection. It can't be beat.
I wouldn't call gigabytes of useless bloat "perfection" but to each their own.
>Tell that to the millions of scientists and researchers who use command line apps for their research
That's an entirely different use case. They're not consumers using their equipment for entertainment or casual purposes.
> gigabytes of useless bloat
This makes absolutely no sense. There's no correlation with how something is programmed and the UI it has. Flat UI can use 0kb if it's all generated in real-time. What a dumb comment.
If any of you were born before 2005, you'd remember that XTREME gradients were a 2000's thing. Look at this abomination, it was their official logo
GOD UI designers are so LAZY with no taste.
I'm a sophisticated adult and I need my big ol' buttons!
Ahh, Windows Vista. Now that was a good UI.
>minimalism is often associated with professionalism.
Uh, no, sweaty, minimalism is pretentious faggotry.
Look how real professionalism looks like.
3D effects like this look really tacky and dated. Like this interior.
The flat stuff looks fresh and sporty in comparison. That being said textures and effects are making a comeback gradually e.g. Windows10 fuzzy glass and button effects.
not really.
consumers dont care
they are sheep with no taste of their own. you can feed them whatever you like and they will adapt to it.
hopefully text-based designs will be in fashion again some day.
>Like this interior.
how is this exactly tacky
apple needs to go away
every other brand feels obligated to copy them and it just destroys anything unique and (genuinely) innovative
the problem isnt apple.
its everyone buying apple products
Honestly, I prefer flat design.
tasteless troglodytes
It looks a lot cleaner.
Faggots like you should be purged
Some things I think look better with the flat design, particularly the Maps, Compass, and Game Center icon, but Camera, Photos, and Reminders were much better the old way.
bottom looks much better
>look at me, I'm a fucking retard who doesn't understand abstractions
>if the ui doesn't look exactly like the real object it represents it's ugly
>now let me waste half my screen for space between ugly buttons
Look at it
>Preferring fake buttons on a flat screen
Oh sweetie...
honestly theres a market for that, which being the teens that listen to lo fi hip hop.
>skeumorphic, those were the times!
boomers pls go
>UI's everywhere adapting to a flat design
>Everything is everywhere
>Can't make sense of where to go or what to click
>Everything looks the same
>Everything is a cluttered mess
I feel like I'm getting old, I just can't seem to comprehend what's going on on the screen anymore
>It's easier to read.
This is very true, in the same way as a picture book is easier to read than a novel. Modern UIs tend to have way less functionality and present less information on a screen. So either some info is unobtainable, or it requires many clicks to get get all of it.
True professional interfaces present all relevant info in one place so someone who knows the interface can see all of it at a glance.
I also like skeumorph, not over the top shit like leather with stitching but I love depth, shadows and gradients.
Ironically in real world I prefer super clean architecture without any ornaments, streamlined aerodynamic cars and so on.
Guess that's actually the same since in real world we have lightning with adds dimension that is missing in flat gui design. That new apple stuff will probably be just that, clean modern and minimalist but with complex lighting - gradients and depth.
Hope I'm not turning into frog but I'm starting to blame it on strong feminism in big IT companies. Let's make everything white and with as little user accessible options as possible. Everything else scares female consumers.
Every girl if confronted with gui as in pic would interpret that as personal attack - "they're trying to make me feel stupid" etc...
La creatura
Gradient and 3d on a 2d plane looks like shit: see iOS emojis/new Google emojis
Minimal UI's where every job turns into a game of "where the fuck did the devs hide this feature" makes me feel stupid
More programs like this?
Old design is like what a 12 year old would do in a powerpoint presentation. Slap shitty gradients and reflections on everything.
I think that the current flat implementation is much more aesthetically pleasing. The old one looks tacky now
Windows are 2D, why try to make it look otherwise?
That UI is overdoing it. There's such a thing as too much, and that one has crossed that line.
>t. boomer
I think you're retarded
I think I found your home screen, user.
Reminds me of old Atari ST programs.
That GUI is awful.
A macOS implementation could put 3/4 of those buttons into the status bar. That's how macOS works, minimal GUI with easily accessible functions
>Calendar, camera, passbook, reminder, clock, notes, news, game center, settings
Perfect. Looks more real without excess effects.
Fucking disgusting. Looks like fake glass.
Why can't there be something in the middle?
>vector is an artstyle
>vexel is a thing
lmaoing at your life
*everything else
In case there was any doubt.
at least it's better than early 2000s/win xp style design
Skeumorphism is way better than the soulless flat meme
Why only audio softwares do skeuomorphism?
I like the more vibrant colors but a fair few if the app icons have an awful design
>comparing designs made for desktop/phone interfaces vs stickers
you're a retard
>because minimalism is often associated with professionalism. It's easier to read
Jow Forums raid to make people associate minimalism to white supremacy when?
because sjw webshits havent invaded and taken over design
The other dipshits that responded to you are confusing aesthetics and functionality. You are right it looks better but it sucks to use
Have you seen professional recording studios? It needs skeuomorphism because there's a billion knobs and buttons.
making a VST plugin look like an "app" will make it look uninteresting and unprofessional
though there are companies like Fabfilter that are definitely going towards the flat design
personally i love the oldschool look of some Waves plugins the most
>knobs as a gui element
thanks, i hate it
Knobs with circular drag are cancer, buy knobs with linear drag are actually ok
If it were up to me, all gui's will be in the form of fully clickable 3d aircraft cockpits like in DCS A-10 Warthog
No u
I really miss physical buttons on most things.
touchscreen are nice, but I preferred to have a touch feedback (and no vibration bullshit, since they aren't really touch feedback and only happene after the action), especially in cars.
most touch screens suck because there's always an input delay and you have to touch it at the right angle or it wont register.
screen also gets dirty more easily
I was mostly thinking about how you have to look at them to use them.
You should not look at your car radio while driving to use it. Most equipment is also more confy when you can use them without looking
New looks way better
says the dude who wants designers to shove gradients fucking everywhere without thought
I think now that designers are adding depth back (PROPER depth, not mindless glossy gradients - not really pictured in ios7 and ios12 isn't getting new icons), things look fucking amazing. Skeuomorphism is going to come back but in a much better way.
A man with a neck that thick can't be wrong. Vista did have an amazing UI btw
>Why are UI designers doing away with 3D buttons and effects?
Because they look like ass, and you have bad taste
Judging by the responses in this thread I blame "women in tech".
>trend chasing
>change for the sake of change
>low effort (because women are lazy)
Prove me wrong.
Even all the arguments in support of it in this thread have been catty as fuck.
"classic" UI designs as seen in Windows XP and Lotus Notes give people seizures because they associate it with the surge of garbage software and drivers of the time.
UI does more than just communicate functionality, it invokes memories and experiences.
A departure from an old UI is the same as a departure from an old and unwanted experience.