/pcbg/ - PC Building General

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Want help?
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses; eg Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (eg photo editing, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
>Don't use Speccy. Use HWinfo, SIV, etc.

>R3 2200G - Bare minimum gaming(dGPU optional)
>R5 2400G - Consider IF on sale
>R5 2600/X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs
>i7-8700K - Best for 1080p gaming, but most expensive when factoring in delid, cooling, etc.
>R7 2700/X - Best high-end gaming/mixed usage on a non-HEDT platform
>Threadripper/Used Xeon - HEDT

>For Intel, only Z300 series boards can utilize fast memory

>8GB - Enough for most gaming use
>16GB - Standard for heavy use
>32GB - If you have to ask, you don't need this
>CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 2933MHz+ is ideal

Graphics cards
>Avoid cheap models ie MSI Armor (Mk2 is ok), Gigabyte G1/Wf, ASUS duals, and others which have small heatsinks and low quality fans
>Only consider AMD GPU if you plan on getting an upcoming HDR monitor
>RX 570/580 /w Freesync or 1060 6GB are standard 1080p 60fps+ options
>1050Ti or RX560 for lower settings, or older games
>GTX 1070Ti/Vega 56 if seeking higher fps & you have a CPU+monitor to match
>Vega 56 /w Freesync, 1070Ti if you already have Gsync
>GTX 1080Ti if seeking higher fps & you have a CPU+monitor to match
>Titan V or upscale from 1440-1800p
OpenCL work
>Vega 64

>Backup before using StoreMi
>Consider getting a larger SSD (better GB/$) instead of small SSD & large HDD
>2TB HDDs are barely more $ than 1TB
>M.2 is a form factor, NOT a performance standard

>Consider 75hz minimum; 60hz are mostly old models.
>Always consider FreeSync with AMD cards
>___sync is important for slower response time monitors (IPS)


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>Finally built a mid-tier pc
>Hyped to finally play all my steam games
>Realized that I only have 50 games on steam and only a few of them were actually worth downloading
Fuck me

Should i wait for 11x0 Graphic cards?


hows this
PCPartPicker part list: uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/XV9BGG
Price breakdown by merchant: uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/XV9BGG/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 7 2700X 3.7GHz 8-Core Processor (£275.94 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: MSI - B350M MORTAR Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard (£66.47 @ CCL Computers)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory (£70.79 @ Aria PC)
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1070 Ti 8GB SC GAMING ACX 3.0 Black Edition Video Card (£356.59 @ Amazon UK)
Case: NZXT - S340 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case (£62.10 @ Aria PC)
Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA G3 550W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (£88.79 @ Alza)
Total: £920.68

>got a 2tb hdd already
>have a monitor but will buy a 4k one soon
>will buy another stick of ram later
This decent? Need a good ssd recc and i'm sorted I think, also another user suggested getting an extra 4gb of ram which I might do

Anime is for faggots

anime is my best friend

You're overpaying for your PSU.
Not much different but you have an extra 100w headroom.

thanks, will get that instead
still not entirely sure I should get the 1070ti, part of me says I should get all the power I can because i'll be nicely future proofed but idk, the namefag last thread said a sapphire pulse rx 580 would do just fine for some light 1080p gaming (although 4k is def something i'll get to in the future)..

Why does everyone recommend staying away from Kingston A400 SSD?

y-yeah why... asking for a friend

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1. Ignore all namefags.
2. Get the 1080, buy a new one when the raytracing meme becomes more mature two generations later.

Why tho?

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you mean 1070ti?
im leaning towards it tbqh
namefag got in my head
what do you recc?

go be stupid somewhere else.
But i have to agree with raytracing

>I overclock my PC components

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>although 4k is def something i'll get to in the future
The 580 can't do 4k anything and even the 1080ti struggles with 4k/60fps at max settings (of course you can turn down settings). You gotta figure out which route you want to go. The 580 is a great card for 1080p and obviously less than the current best consumer card (1080ti). The 1070ti is 1440p/60fps.
>buying a 1080 for 1080p
That's a giant waste of money and it can't do 4k either.

20x0* And yes

No. 1080.
Kill yourself.
The 1080 will do that guy good for the next few years at 1080p """Ultra""" settings at 144hz
>giant waste of money
It will be up to that guy do decide whether the $50-70 difference is a "giant amount" of money

alright hows this?
PCPartPicker part list: uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/g6jgFt
Price breakdown by merchant: uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/g6jgFt/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 7 2700X 3.7GHz 8-Core Processor (£275.94 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: MSI - X470 GAMING PRO ATX AM4 Motherboard (£110.93 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory (£70.79 @ Aria PC)
Storage: SanDisk - SSD PLUS 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£44.98 @ Amazon UK)
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1070 Ti 8GB SC GAMING ACX 3.0 Black Edition Video Card (£356.59 @ Amazon UK)
Case: Thermaltake - View 21 Tempered Glass Edition ATX Mid Tower Case (£58.74 @ CCL Computers)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (£90.46 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £1008.43
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-08-15 19:02 BST+0100

tbqh 4k really doesn't bother me as of now so lets take that out of the equation

1.Get the 2600
2.Get proper RAM (3200mhz and DUAL channel)

> 1.Get the 2600
> 2.Get proper RAM (3200mhz and DUAL channel)
why the 2600?

>The 1080 will do that guy good for the next few years at 1080p """Ultra""" settings at 144hz
>although 4k is def something i'll get to in the future
It sounds he like doesn't plan at being stuck at 1080p for awhile. So sure, he can pay for a 1080 when a 580 does just fine, upgrade to whatever he needs to play in 4k and have wasted the extra cash on the 1080 for no reason.

kek I keep flip flopping and it's confusing sorry
I do plan on getting to 4k at some point but as of now (2018) I don't care for it, that said I would like to be future proof so next year if I feel like its worth getting a 4k monitor I can just pick one up and go nuts without faffing about

Get a 580 or 1080/1070ti (depending on prices). If you plan to run at 1080p for anything longer than a year look at Nvidia. 580 will do current 1080p more than well enough, but I'd agree with the other guy if you plan using 1080p for awhile. Considering the current cost of monitors I'd personally find it hard to justify buying a decent 4k monitor just to downscale to 1080p for awhile. Just get a 'good' 1080p/144hz monitor and when you buy a 4k ready GPU get another monitor.

Also 4k/144hz monitors are stupid expensive (usually $1000+). 1080p/144hz is sub 300.

Should I grab a 1060 3GB to go with the 2200G build now or should I wait for the turing equivalent? New to PC-building and dont know how long the 50ti/60 usually come out after the 80/70 models.

3gb is already getting smacked by some titles, don't get it

>4K gaming
This meme needs to stop, not a single card handles 60 fps at max settings at 4K well, and even that would still be worse than 144fps at 1440p

swap the 2200g for an i3 8100 if you still have the chance

>Should I grab a 1060 3GB to go with the 2200G
I honestly don't see why you're grabbing an APU and buying a dGPU at the same time. But the better way to ask your question is to let us know what you're trying to do and what resolution/hz.

Because you don't need the 2700x.
>get a 580
He can get a 1080 and enjoy ebin grafx at 1080p/144hz
It's really stupid to gimp yourself out of 1080 performance if you can afford it.

Consider a mobo with dual bios chips, flashback+, or an equivalent failsafe.
You may have originally mixed up the b350m mortar with the currently unreleased b450m mortar. If you want it right now though, the titanium variant is currently released, but it's too gaudy for my tastes.

B450 chipset will work better with Ryzen 2000 series chips.

The reason is budget. Its for my brother he usually plays multiplayer games at 1080p 60fps so I think that combo should serve him well.

>B450 chipset will work better with Ryzen 2000 series chips.
It's a firmware update. It works exactly the same. PBO, XFR2 and the like are built into the CPU. Not the mobo.

Anyone knows what's the difference between these three MSI cards?
GTX 1060 6GT OC
GTX 1060 6GT OCV1
GTX 1060 6GT OCV2
Do I have to contact MSI or something to get the answer about what's improved between revisions?
Anyone actually have one of these cards? There's like two reviews I could find, one says it has heat issues with VRMs running close to 90 degrees while the other says it runs cool with VRMs being in the 60-70 range.

looks like the only thing OCV1/2 have is a slightly better heatsink then the OC version. still a crappy looking heatsink overall.

Attached: MSI-GeForce-GTX-1060-6G-TOC-11.jpg (2000x1125, 255K)

Why isnt it turning on? Nothing happens just a red light on the mobo

Attached: 20180815_211046.jpg (2560x1920, 1.65M)


are you sleeping on the floor?


r8 my build, also why the fuck is ram so fucking expensive.

>bought a meme Asus Sabertooth Z77 years ago and have been using it since with no problems
>cmos battery has died
>the only way to replace it is to undo 8 screws behind the motherboard to take the Thermal Armour™ off to get at the battery
>I will basically need to disassemble and reassemble the whole PC
That's what I get for being a moron 5 years ago I suppose

Attached: IMG_5909.jpg (700x492, 69K)

replug all the wires. And why the fuck is your PSU popping out from behind your case?

Remove the graphics card and unplug all non essential connections to the motherboard. See if it will turn on then

Reseat the RAM. Also you know that you need to plug it to a monitor for it to boot I hope?

So I recently upgraded my cpu and motherboard. I bought an i7 8700k and a z370 motherboard. It was all fun and games until my c: drive started to max out when I was doing intensive stuff. It'll freeze up almost everything and I can see that the ssd is being used all 100%. It stops after 3-5 seconds but is annoying as fuck. My ram usage is usually sitting at 95%used during this and yeah I get that my ram needs upgrading. This should stop after I buy a 970 pro and 16gbs DDR4 at 3200mhz on my next pay, right?

Attached: Screenshot_5.png (919x738, 54K)

I'm looking for a way to mount full size pcie cards in low profile expansion slots. Mounting them horizontal looks like the best idea, but nothing like that seems to exist on the market. I know I need at least 4 open slots to fit a full card. Any ideas would be nice


How does look? I'm trying to keep this build under $1500.

pretty much a reference 1200€ build, just make sure the ram is nicely compatible with the motherboard. Monitor seems a bit low on resolution but you're not gonna push high frames with higher resolutions (in fact the CPU is already struggling with 144hz on 1080p)

With B450 and Ryzen 2 do I still have to scroll through QVL to get the RAM that just works?

actually hand on a second, it's a freesync monitor so you better do what ouor resident AMD reseller says and get a Vega 56 for the same price as that 1070ti so you can offset the (possibly) less then ideal framerate.

Isn't the monitor 1080p? So would there not be much of a difference in FPS?

no one cares

No but with a Radeon card you'll be able to make use of Freesync which can compensate for not hitting the 144hz your monitor can offer or genereally oneven framerates.

This namefag marketeer again now removed his name. Dont listen to him Pooga is garbage and so is 90% of Poosync monitors. Adaptive sync is really useless if your framerate is higher than 100fps. Not to mention majority of freesync implementation sucks.

>This namefag marketeer again now removed his name.
1. Fuck tripfags;
2. That certain tripfag responds to every post but really doesn't give much useful information
3. Be brand agnostic. Get the one best for your needs and budget. With that said, buying intel is pretty stupid right now.

Not from what I've heard. Ryzen 2000 series also officially supports up to 2933 MHz now, so you SHOULD get to at least that speed if the RAM can do it.

>he bought intlel
Endless spectre patches will massively fuck your I/O performance up.

Get a better power supply

how does mobo compatibility work?
I've had an msi z97 gaming 5 for the last couple years, and I want to upgrade my geforce 750ti and i5 4460 to play monster hunter world, but the compatibility list doesn't go up to 1050ti or 1060ti. Do I need to save up for a new mobo as well or do they just not update their shit?

I had one of those, the little fans died and it was overheating without them so I pulled the armor off years ago. Good to know it's time for a cmos soon though.

you can replace your GPU without replacing the mobo but the CPU would require a new one

Alright, anything else?

ah bummer. thanks tho

Maybe choose the 650W version of that PSU? Vega is a bit worse in every way than its Nvidia Pascal equivalent, including heat and power draw.

That's a shitty heatsink.
But probably fine for a 1060. At least it's not the Zotac single fan with the intel stock cooler slapped on.

1. I don't tripfag, retard
2. You're delusional if you think I'm not highly informative.

am i right to assume an MSI mobo and GPU performs better then and MSI mobo and let's say a different GPU?

I wan't to punch the onions out of this fag

When you say "performs better" what do you mean? What metric?

>X is shit
>No matter what you do buy AMD anyway because of this unrelated benchmark
Highly informative

The only difference between, say, an EVGA-built GPU and an MSI-built one is the construction and extra bells/whistles like RGB or coolers, the actual card is almost exactly the same between all manufacturers. I'm pretty sure that it'd be illegal for MSI to gimp the performance of cards built by brands other than themselves.

>No matter what you do buy AMD anyway because of this unrelated benchmark
There's very little reason to buy Intel at this point to be fair.

No it's only better if you wanna sync the RGB on them. In that case Asus has better RGB sync.

Neither is buying AMD GPU. Also for the same price range intel still better on singlecore performance if your games/softwares are heavy it.

Was that before or after this week's additional 5-10% haircut from more security patches?

No, that would be horrible.

im not spending 40 bucks on a nvida gaymer power supply.

Get a seasonic PSU, they're not that expensive

>rx 560
Might as well get APU

It's not about gaming shit but reliability. A cheap PSU puts your whole system at risk. It's the one thing you don't want to cheap out on.


Thinking about investing in some upgrades but I don't know what to start with

RX560 is twice as powerful as the 2400G.
But that price for it is too much.
Yeah, you'd be better off getting a 2400G and adding a GPU on when 7nm ones come next year.

Why'd you spend $500 on a CPU+motherboard and only $15 on an SSD?
Do you not see how that really makes no sense?
It's like getting a $150k car and putting stale old 87 octane in it. Why would you skimp on such an important component?

You also have fucking single channel 2133MHz RAM. You really fucked up. The question is how?

3000 CL15 should run at 2933 CL15 fine.
3200 CL14 fine.
3200 CL15 and CL16 you should check the QVL.

Better RAM, obviously.

Attached: firefox_2018-08-15_00-12-57.png (1198x281, 878K)

why the fuck is RAM still $200?

Just Wait for Arctic Sound

I'm going to Japan and I'm wondering how much money one could make reselling stuff I find on sale in Akihabara on ebay. Anyone ever do anything like that?

I have an i5-2500k OC'd to 4.3GHz, an MSI 8GB R9 390, and 8GB of DDR3-1333MHz memory.

I want to keep my GPU but upgrade to a Ryzen 5 2600 with 16GB of DDR4-3000MHz.

I play games and do 3D modeling and drafting.

Is this upgrade worth it?

Should I go Fractal define C TG or Fractal meshify C TG?

Definitely, and get a 2600x instead.

Price fixing. Samsung, SK Hynix and Micron still haven't been found guilty (again).

i got a custom prebuilt with a gtx 1080, but its the model by gigabyte that has the one blower style fan instead of 3 fans

is this something i should worry about?

I have done some reading and it seems that I can get comparable results to a 2600X on the 2600 if I overclock it. I already have an aftermarket cooler so I would just use that for the new CPU. Why is the 2600X worth it over the 2600?

>Why is the 2600X worth it over the 2600?
In your situation it isn't.

There really should be a passage about PSUs in the OP.

>>Consider 75hz minimum; 60hz are mostly old models.
Aren't 75hz monitors just overclocked 60hz monitors? Just like 165hz monitors are overclocked 144hz monitors.

Isn't computer stuff massively overpriced in Japan because of tariffs?

I'm excited about it, actually.

Intel's drivers and software are pretty good. Much better than Nvidia's.
Not sure I'd buy it, but graphics needs more competition, especially since Intel needs better iGPUs to compete with AMD iGPUs.

Yes, that's well worth upgrading and to that.

It's at the 2000 character limit. I was working on a FAQ, but it needs work.
rentry.co/pcbg-FAQ Feel free to improve it.

Sure, but they're guaranteed at that clock. When you overclock a 60hz panel, you have no guarantees if the overclock damages it and/or doesn't work stable at that frequency.
60->75 is a much larger OC than 144->165.

its 60 bucks for a seasonic 450 psu, im sorry im just gonna jew this one out.

2600 vs 2700x for 1440p gaming, is it a huge difference?

I do software (web) development and gaming at 1440p. Is investing in a 2700x worth it for me?

Thanks :)

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Bumping this

>is it a huge difference?
literally no difference since you're gonna be bottlenecked anyway, especially if you have any gpu below 1080ti.
>Is investing in a 2700x worth it for me?
if you don't know if you need more cores then you probably don't

Webdev isn't that demanding, even when you're profiling. A 2600 is perfectly sufficient for both purposes.

Just save the money now and upgrade to the 3000 or 4000 series later if you feel the need/desire to.

Meshify if you are going to use quiet fans. Better airflow and easier to clean.