>he uses more than 512mb of ram
He uses more than 512mb of ram
Other urls found in this thread:
Launch a video in youtube and show us your top plz.
nobody ever needs more than 640kb of RAM
OP will never deliver because he ran out of memory.
Why are there so many people on Jow Forums bragging about being poor?
I'm not poor, I'm efficient. You should look up that word, zoomer.
>tfw my chink phone I got for free is more powerful than user's shitposting machine.
Nobody's poor enough to need to use a powerPC based mac laptop from 2002 or whenever. You could probably go down to any garbage dump and pull out a more modern computer in working condition
Seems more efficient to buy a computer with plenty of RAM than one with 384MB and constantly having to limit what you can do to avoid running out of free memory
My router has 512 MB of ram
op will never deliver because his shitty cpu caught fire and pajeets stole his ssn through shellshock.
>drowning more polar bears per instruction
>dock always on
>dat wasted space
nigga I'm triggered.
pffft watch this, kid
why no Leopard?
also you should consider a non-dinosaur OS like something linux based that's PPC compatible (lubuntu is comfy af on old macs)
2 tabs.....meanwhile:me - around 40 right now
Install TenFourFox
Mac OS X >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Loonix
And Tiger is the best PPC OS.
kys wintard.
>haha but i bet u can't watch lets plays!!!!!!!
OP is literally shaking right now. How's he gonna recover?
>running some ugly, poorly supported Linux distribution on a late era PPC Mac when TenFourFox and Tigerbrew exist to allow you the best of both worlds
Who would actually do this to themselves?
clock frequency means fuck all
Get on this level, bitches...
What kind of tweaks I need to get at that level?
show taskmgr
Windows 10 with chrome with three tabs open currently taking 3.3gb
> lubuntu
> poorly supported compared to some homebrew hack based on an old OSX version
I know you probably hate Linux by default, but come on...
mane those are comfy as fuck, you should get more ram tho
The image is not from him, the source:
>1.2GHz G4
>Clicks on Safari
>Enter 4 in search
Sadly I'm not the mad genius behind this.
You can read more here: winhistory.de
how do you make my win7 ultra low RAM usage like some user in here?
Unused RAM is wasted RAM.
> efficient
> eats 250W of electricity to power up his 20yo piece of shit computer
will summer ever end
Clock frequency > RAM an objective fact
T. Faggot that never worked on Video editing
>tfw fell for the 1 GB RAM meme.
Yeah, I'd reckon the support isn't as good as you think. You're sure as fuck not going to maximize the use of your system with binaries built for ancient G3 or older systems with no useful enhancements like AltiVec, neither are you going to have a good time with all of the bloated crap modern software built for far more powerful systems. Hell, I'd be surprised if the actual maintainers even regularly used PPC systems themselves, or even owned any at all. It's a dead architecture with far lower priority to a project like that.
Compare that with Tiger, where the software was actually built for the hardware it's running on and the small but active development community is mostly composed of people who fucking daily drive their systems and actually use their own software, usually optimizing it for multiple architectures rather than just distributing one-size-fits-all binaries.
So yeah, I'm pretty comfortable saying Cameron Kaiser's "homebrew hacks" beat the shit out of some crappy 604e Firefox autobuild any day of the week.
>so financially destitute he worries about a few dollars a month
sounds like an inefficient person to me, when are you going back to middle school yourself by the way?
t. poorfag whose family's financial control is inconsistent
>needing more than 1 bit of ram
Yes. I like modern software, thank you very much.
Not him, but here you go. 1.42GHz iBook G4. Videos won't play in the browser.
no-one watches your minecraft videos
>some crappy 604e Firefox autobuild any day of the week
>Implying you can't just build it yourself
I'm posting this ()
from a 7447 and AltiVec optimized build of 52esr I built myself. It works as fast as TenFourFox on just about everything but media playback and javascript. That said, I only use GNU/Linux on this laptop because I need flexibility. I use Leopard on my desktop (Dual 1.33 G4 MDD) and it beats the shit out of GNU/Linux in terms of performance.
4GiB is all you need.
>He uses ancient hardware
It would probably shutter as fuck. I remember when my father told me proudly he upgraded his singlecore Celeron from 2002 to 1 GB, it was so slow, he said "its not shuttering as heavy as before".
>>Implying you can't just build it yourself
You could, but building large projects like that is probably gonna be painful, and like you already mentioned it's still not going to be quite as good because TFF isn't just rebranded FF 52 ESR with a crappy logo anymore.
Cool if it works well for you, I can completely understand the flexibility angle and I'm considering throwing GNU/Linux or OpenBSD on a couple secondaries for that kind of stuff. It's certainly easier to build things on Linux to begin with since that's what everyone targets their software for nowadays.
But I really just don't like it when people dismiss Tiger/Leopard out of ignorance. PowerPC is just a sticker, Mac OS and its massive base of abandonware is what really sets these systems apart the most in the end.
>he uses more than 256mb of ram
What year is it
youre useless if you need more than 1GB
nvidia announced 10GHz and 14GHz GPUs this week
I'm not even kidding, one slide claimed that
Think I can post to Jow Forums on one of my attiny85? They got 512 bytes of ram
if you have a mac laptop from 2002 in decent condition you can probably sell it to some retard and buy a big stack of actually decent used laptops
>he uses macshit
>he uses a non 64-bit processor
until like 2009, I thought needing more than 512MB RAM was ridiculous
honestly, I still kinda do, but more on principle now than anything else