>tfw fell for the 8700k meme in 2017
>now all these AYYMD guys have better cpu's and paid only half the price
AMD cpus are too cheap, they need to be more expensive.
>tfw fell for the 8700k meme in 2017
>now all these AYYMD guys have better cpu's and paid only half the price
AMD cpus are too cheap, they need to be more expensive.
Other urls found in this thread:
I still got my i7 2600k. It's getting up there in age. Looking at 2700x, that's the one that OC's well or am I thinking of a different one.
>muh cores
still behind in frames poorfag
Is that with or without all the security patches applied to both systems?
you are still a frame stuttering poorfag with all the patches
People use computers for more than just gaymes. /v/ might be more your style.
please do tell what you do with all the cores im listening
Actual work and hobby shit. CAD, video rendering and software compiling. Besides, the difference in single-thread performance is so minor that it doesn't warrant being a corelet. On top of that with DX12 and Vulkan multi-threaded gaymen is made easier.
Software development
scientific modeling software
4K video encoding and playback
and yes, a little bit of light gaming
But I can do all of that at once.
I got a 2500k and I think I can probably squeeze it till 7nm comes out. Hopefully ram prices aren't insane in a year.
>now all these AYYMD guys have better cpu's and paid only half the price
Not for long, user, all these Intel fuck ups will definitely increase demand for AMD and manufacturers are already price gouging, soon people will be paying more for Ryzen despite equal to lower performance.
loving these
no one uses amd profesonally for CAD or VMs
no one ENCODES 4k video unless they areprofessional filmmakers with red cameras
you are TOO POOR to encode 4k videos
vulkan has nothing to do with CPU you fucking poor nigger
didnt know that you need 200cores to switch your anime wallpaper in arch
Shiiiet nigga. r u me? I'm in the exact same situation. But I'll probably wait until 7nm is released or if it just stops working. I've never put together an AMD build but (((intel))) has really fucked up and can no longer trust that shit company.
This post is fractally wrong.
also, love these magnificent programmers that frequent this board
all these important geniuses that compile these huge projects on an hourly bases at home in their basement
if compile times are a concern for you and your project then you are a professional who works at a company that will never buy amd cpu as a workstation/server
Still completely wrong.
>no one uses amd profesonally for CAD or VMs
The argument is core-count faggot not whether they use Intel or AMD. High cores are objectively better for these applications.
>4k video
>muh poorfags
And? Same goes.
>vulkan has nothing to do with CPU you fucking poor nigger
VK and DX12 make it way easier to have GPU work controlled from multiple threads which does improve performance.
Not sure how the other user got this one. so I'll give that to you.
>also, love these magnificent programmers that frequent this board
Way to avoid the other uses people have.
>reddit spacing.
You really don't belong here.
I mentioned Linux because it literally gets twice the performance of Win10 on a 2990WX.
That's fair enough.
certainly i dont belong here where all these terrific computer scientists are so terribly underpaid that they have to buy cpu made for poor niggers living in their parents' basement top kek
>they have to buy cpu made for poor niggers living in their parents' basement
>he thinks price is an absolute measure of quality.
I have a Quadro to sell you, goy.
8700k is still the best gaming cpu on the market
Hi, I'm Gajodhar, I'm an architect and heavy cad user, climate analyst and aero engineer, in my free time I compile full linux kernels and encode 4k videos from my trips to europe shot on my arri camera. I also love unpacking hundreds of 7zip files on a daily basis, in Linux.
My choice of CPU? AMD of course .
windows 10 is the best operating system too
Based and redpilled
>all this projection
>Implying you can't shoot 4k with fucking cell phones in 2018
I actually have a 2600k in my main desktop (mostly used for gaymen) running at 4.5ghz, I just picked up a laptop with a Ryzen mobile chip in it, a 2500u and the actual performance if the two chips is pretty similar, the 2600k is still faster due to the clock speed advantage but it's not really noticeable in general use.
I can imagine a higher clocked Ryzen chip with double then number of physical cores would be a real boost over the 2600k, i just haven't yet found that one application or game that makes the upgrade to a 2700x worth while for me.
>being this delusional and injury prone.
weren't they liquidating stock on 1920x 12core threadripper chips for about the MSRP of the 8700k like, a week ago?
>Implying there aren't Linux distributions where software is installed entirely by compiling the source code
You don't need to be a programmer with some super important project to give a shit about compile times, dipshit. Way to show your ignorance yet again, and prove that you're either a /v/irgin, or far more likely by the spacing of your post, a faggot plebbit user
Me name Ug, me smart. Ug buy Eeentel because Ug have many more rocks den Gaajodarrr who make stoopid things wile Ug play many game. Ug better at game den stoopid brown guy. Ug smart.
>being able to do more things better for less money is bad
do you happen to use apple products too ?
t. dual xeon v4 owner that should have bought a threadripper
>he fell for the new CPUs meme
>be AMDrone
>falseflag as an 8700k owner
(lol nice try shill
>More recent advanced technology comes at a cheaper price to displace older tech
who would've thought
this is the entire tech industry cycle for the last half century
>I can really notice those 15 extra frames at 144 FPS on my 8700K
my i5 2500 is perfectly fine for vidya and everyday purposes. It's 3D modeling stuff that is fucking my asshole
I read someplace that it was a pricing error. None of the peopp;le who purchased them have recieved them yet AFAIK. They may even cancel the orders. But what is more likely is that they have to wait ages for them if nobody kicks up a fuss so they cancel them instead.
>look how loonix totally btfos wangblows on this ancient 2 year old verion of 7zip!
>who cares that the current verison of 7zip is 2x faster on windows?!?!?!
AMD charges cheap because they need to disrupt the market after being absent for so long
Intel cannot charge cheap because it would tear apart their margins and their shareholders would have any CEO's head on a spike
Intel cannot overcharge and once they hit the $400-$450+ plateau this will be the point where they'll start to think long and hard because not a lot of people will buy mainstream CPUs at this price point
AMD doesn't have better CPUs than delided 8700K. And I'm saying this as an AMD user
*gaming CPUs
No they charge so cheap because their yields are so fucking high using chiplets they can afford to.
i5-4690K reporting in. Not changing my cpu even after three-plus years. I have no need.
No, the 8700k is not 250$.