India hate thread


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Not today. Indians are Indo-European. Panjabis are border whites so enough with the divide and conquer!

Last thread

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>d & c thread
Watcha sliding today, Rabbi?

Whats worse?

Africans, Indians, Arabs or SE Asians?

India is based as fuck. Fuck you

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What about spics?


ok now I've seen everything


Indians are the worst - DELETE THE H1-B!

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They're petty rare in Australia so i dunno.

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that's what they get for being idol worshipers

I know being compared to other shitty races is the one thing pajeets hate more than anything. Don't know exactly what it is but you have some delusional sense of superioroty

All brown and black races are monsters. Just look at what happened to Kasharoggi. We should keep all of them out of the west.

There are no winners in the nonwhite community.

Worst to least worst:

1.) Niggers
2.) Arab
3.) Indian
4.) East Asian

This isn't to imply that I like east Asian. Chinks are animals. They're robotic, non assimilating, cheating, stupid assholes.

Indians are cheaters and clueless always. The rich Indians are generally okay and assimilate well.

Arabs and niggers speak for themselves.

Kek infidels think eating this is okay

Into the oven you go
We don't appreciate our Pakistani rape gangs as much as you might do Juden

Paolo what do you think about the Moslems

Monsters who should be genocided ASAP.

I hope they going to war with China.

*with Pakistan

>stand on train tracks
>get run over by train
>push tall cart at electric line
>get electrified
>blame electric company

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Paolo you are a Pakistani ISI Spy... I remember the thread you made.

>blame train company

Faking a personality doesn't change the fact I'm ethnically italian. Btw, have you seen any paki guy who's name was Paolo or surname Dorati?

Lol why does the drone pilot back away

Still more okay than dismembering Kasharoggi alive.

Keep being obsessed with India and you'll grow fond of them.


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Whatever happened to that black demon that raped and butchered that Italian girl from rehab?

I don't know. I usually don't follow news.

>t. Paki


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You are.

don't feel bad India, we know you're nice.
Thank you for all the nice food and discount stores, Amen.

how did they get the poo so green for St. Patricks Day?

>tfw you never expirience the thrill from storming borders with your bros world war z style

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