Why do Yuropoors hate America so much and have such a fucking smug sense of superiority?

Why do Yuropoors hate America so much and have such a fucking smug sense of superiority?

>Americans are uneducated
And yet we gave you niggers telephones, electricity, cars, computers, etc.

>Americans are obese
I assume that's why you faggots have McDonald's in your country as well?

>Americans have no culture
And yet you fags watch American television, listen to American music, buy American clothes and products

>Americans have no history
We accomplished more in 200 years than you Yurpoors did in 1000 years

>Americans are imperialistic
Yuropoors have more imperialism in their history than Americans do

>We're superior to America
And yet you're America's vassal states




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Other urls found in this thread:


Bad bait. Boomers who think like this don't browse Jow Forums. Well other boards than Jow Forums at least.

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be american
get butthurt
get shot

Euros are just jealous of the fact that we can pretty much do whatever the fuck we want while they're trapped in a growing police state. Dunno why they're so surprised, ever since Germany took over economically transforming into some weird multicultural fourth Reich was always the plan so Germanic Aryans, Anatolian Turks, and Ashkenazi Jews can share some combined power over the continent along with a few rich oligarchs.

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You stole and raped more things in 200 years than the whole lot of europe in 1000 years that's right


thats not true

dubs checked

>We accomplished more in 200 years than you Yurpoors did in 1000 years

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I hate y*nkees so much that I can't stand it

that you can't shut the fuck up about it.

Yeah, because I got to use their/your stupid flag instead of my own.

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we live in the same country.

You think pol is pro America? You comment something vaguely pro America on there (unless it's something about making America more anti Jew or fixing current problems) you get swarmed with "lol Israel owns you" and other stuff

I don't share a country with y*nkees

I know it's b8 but

OP post wasn't a simple pro-America tier post. It was homeschool education pro-America tier post.

Kekked hard

>Do whatever you want
>Accidentally commit 3 felonies a day without knowing cause of fucked up laws
>Get shot
>Die because no free health care
>No.1 country in the world with the highest proportion of your own citizens in prison
>muh freedom
>Taxed on everything you do
>muh freedom again
>Die of heart attack because of high obesity rate

>taxed on everything you do
so every country in Europe?
>Accidentally commit 3 felonies a day without knowing cause of fucked up laws
Wtf are you even talking about? the laws in the US isn't any less strict than most European countries

>be american
>get shot

>Accidentally commit 3 felonies a day without knowing cause of fucked up laws
what the fuck are you talking about you retard?
>Taxed on everything you do>Taxed on everything you do
describes europea more than America but ok
>Die because no free health care
we have some of the best hospitals in the world asshole, they're just expensive because our health care is fucked. they dont let people die however
you fucking assholes think you know so much, you europeans are the height of human arrogance.



Facts don't care about you opinions

lmao religioncuck

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i didnt say health care system i said health care. American hospitals are some of the best in the world
most of the list has American hospitals as being the top
the article you posted had no sources said nothing important and the one link it showed led to nothing. I did do some researching for you because i know you're too smug to read beyond the headlines and here were some highlights on the list
>1. You flush your sister's marijuana down the toilet.
its illegal to possess marijuana and if your sister is being investiagated then youve destroyed evidence and obstructed justice. what the fuck do you mean thats unclear. the rest are bullshit cases that could happen in any place with too many laws. you clearly didnt read it closely beyond the headline.

americans are cringe

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you avatarfags are cringe

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t. mutt NPC

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Alabama or Virginia. It is also illegal to collect rain water in some states and the EPA does enforce that so I'll give you that.

>>Die because no free health care
I'm pretty sure it's illegal for ambulances and hospitals to deny service to people in life threatening situations lest they get sued.

>>Get shot
Most shootings are either domestic issues or gang violence and can be avoided by not entering shitty parts of town and we're allowed to defend ourselves with our own arms were as you need a license to buy bleach because people through acid at each other for the lolz in the UK.

>highest proportion of your own citizens in prison
Usually a bunch of junkies and gang members typical hood trash or trailer trash, nothing of value being lost to society.

>>Taxed on everything you do
Individual states regulate what does and doesn't get taxed, California and Delaware are radically different states for example so people have choices as for the style of government they want. Also I'm not currently being taxed to fund state propaganda named after Big Black Cock.

>because of high obesity rate
I can agree that the health style of some individual Americans is abysmal but to portray all of us as brain dead consumerists who go to McDonald's three times a day is a bit exaggerated. Besides Mexico, Canada, and even Kuwait have the same problem to different extents. The moral of the story is anyone who consumes fast food is a degenerate and subhuman regardless of nationality and given half of your population is either a limp wristed faggot or '''man''' with tits and a beer gut I'd say your people have some issues to be resolved too.

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thats alot to take from someone whos incapable of posting beyond his waifu

Calling me cringe is also a lot to take from someone that is irrelevant

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UK has like 5% lower obesity rate than the US. its honestly Scandinavian countries that have the lowest rates (even then they are usually at least 20% obese) so its more of a problem of the Western Society having a surplus of food. The US has it worse off of course but bragging about having 10% lower is nothing to be proud of.
are you implying that you're relevant?


mega cringe

>Having to make up excuses for living in a shit tier country is kek


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The fact that you noticed immediately who I was ye I would say that is relevant and definitely more televant than your NPC ass lole
mega based and hella redpilled

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>agreeing with avatarfag
>i-i-it was just b8 guys

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Sit down and be humble wyte boi. Maybe once you get on my level people will actually respect you as a human and not as an NPC mutt lmao

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blow it out your ass

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The quintessential NPC response

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Also this post is the reason people hate America. Screaming about being number 1 whilst at the same time not figuring out how free healthcare works.

America is a great country.

>Western Society having a surplus of food
Lack of scarcity of food isn't the problem, shitty additives such as corn syrup, S*Y, and a fuck ton of unnecessary sugar and salt is the problem. If we got our shit together and didn't eat like a bunch of retards with no self control we could all be professional athletics and body builders an sheit but current culture dictates that living up to stereotypes and destroying ones self out of nihilism is cool, hence why Rick and Morty is popular. I personally blame Hollywood and the sheer amount of adds on Tv.

Shouldn't you be busy larping as red coats and Ulsters while sipping your shitty overly taxed GMO tea you crooked tooth Anglo Kike? Northern Ireland and Scotland should become US states once they leave your shitty kingdom just to make you faggots buttmad.

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success breeds jealousy

i like the burgers

Americans only purpose on Jow Forums is to add traffic. You're basically filler.

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Only americans that aren’t unique in any aspect

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Dude you muritards don't know shit about geography so stop pretending to know shit about laws in European countries.

imagine being american

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is it a good continent?

>Accidentally commit 3 felonies a day without knowing cause of fucked up laws
Says the Brit who can get imprisoned and/or fined for jokes
>Get shot
There are 12,000 homicides by guns a year (30,000 if you count suicide), but there are about 250,000 to sometimes 500,000 gun deaths/injuries are used in self defense in Burgerland annually
>Die because no free health care
How stupid are you Brits? If you want better healthcare, pay for it. Why get the same treatment as commoners? Also, doctors will still operate on you if you don't have insurance.
>No.1 country in the world with the highest proportion of your own citizens in prison
Just niggers and spics. That's a good thing.
>muh freedom
More freedom than you.
>Taxed on everything you do
We have lower taxes than you, though
>muh freedom again
Still more than you.
>Die of heart attack because of high obesity rate
Whose country is cutting down on pizza toppings and portion sizes again?

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murcia is just the western version of china.

Of ye olde 5-continent model? No, not really.

There's a lot of misunderstanding about your country. Europeans just don't get it. For example, put a Bostonian, New Yorker, Californian, Texan and Brit in the same room and the Brit will not only claim they all have an "American" accent but that those accents are all indistinguishable from one another.

The USA is the best country in the world overall. Everyone knows that. Canada is our sexy wife and Mexico is our kid who can beat up your kid.

tldr this entire thread but be american get shot

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you dont understand shit about american law either faggot

>sense of

come on i refuse to let this thread die without europeans replying. come on

@every user not on my continent

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Mexico is just the Southern version of Latvia.

literally this
