/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: 1476890281553.png (600x600, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>larping as a nvidia shill


How the fuck do I fix networkmanager taking forever to find my wifi secrets under i3wm
it takes like three fucking minutes after boot before i can get online compared to KDE

did you try killing the systemd service, re-installing network manager, reconnecting to your network, enabling the service again and restarting?

>using optimized hardware to its fullest and not relying on random people on the internet to support you instead of the actual company that built the hardware

you know AMD contributes to it's free driver, right? unlike nvidia, who makes it difficult to develop nouveau

stop replying to it.

I reinstalled my whole system and set it up the way it was before, and it turned out the way it was before, which basically needed me to run systemctl restart NetworkManager every fourth reboot. Installing KDE made it work but slowly.
All signs point to it being a keyring issue, but I can't find documentatioin for this usecase for the life of me.

nouveau dosent need to exist.
You gain nothing from running it. And unless you're a gnutard political asperger the blob drivers are optimal for every situation

I should add, I do start gnome-keyring at login.

Is there a way to install Debian from the command line like Arch or Gentoo?

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available in most distros' repos.

just install arch then

Debian Netinstall

Thanks lads!
My server will not support xorg or Debian's TUI install and I want a stable distro.

>are optimal for every situation
except when you do other things apart from gayming
then you discover they don't support all X11 extensions, don't support GBM because they are speshul snowflakes, and God forbid you want to switch between iGPU and dGPU on a laptop
fuck Nvidia, I have significantly less problems on Linux since I switched to AMD graphics

as a beginner if I want to have a general and superficial view of gnu/linux is it enough to read the first 4 chapters of The Unix Programming Environment (I know gnu is not unix)?

No, get a Linux book. As Unix does not always translate 1:1 to linux.

I decided to build a new PC when the Nvidia drivers started progressively breaking my Debian system as I installed more things from backports.

could you recommend me one, user? it doesn't need to be a book, it could be a website or youtube channel. what I want is to be able to know

>what I want is to be able to know
I was supposed to delete this part, sorry

'GNU is not Unix' is a pun. It's actually pretty Unix-like. Back in the day when you made a program that was just like XY you called it FINX as in FINX is not XY.

How old exactly are "debian's old packages" ?

Linux is a kernel.

Packages arrive in unstable, get tested for some weeks and then go to testing, when everything is alright after some weeks they go to stable.

>some weeks
try months

>some weeks
try years

>when everything is alright after some weeks they go to stable
No, that's not true at all. Stable only gets patches backported in order to keep API and ABI intact. New upstream versions only ever reach Testing which gets frozen from time to time to build and stabilize the next major Stable release.

Software in Stable is noticeably stale, but not ancient enough to be totally useless.

t. Never used Debian

How do old packages translate to the end-user? Are they significantly behind, meaning that I will feel the difference, or not?

nigga if you fear """old"" packages just use testing or unstable

>having to choose between outdated or untested packages
when will Jow Forums realize debian isn't suited for personal computing

when people stop recommending it as a first distro

Arch is love, desu.

Dumb troll.

You fucking retard. Stop spreading your utter dumbness.

They're 2~3 years behind on average, and you probably will notice at some point. How much you care is really wrapped up in your own use case. Just use Ubuntu if you have to ask.

t. brainlet

>untested packages
where is your brain, senpai?

I dont game,nice logic that anyone that enjoys high performance in their graphics stack has to be a gamer.
>X11 extensions,
Name 5 that arent obscure ones that you only "use" so you can bitch about nvidia
You can easily switch.
Setup a sh script that changes between them

Stop lying already.


your sex life

arch isn't unstable

Most stuff you'd want to update like kernels, mesa, compilers, Flatpak, etc. gets backported to the -backports repo for a given release, so stretch-backports for current stable. Combine with flatpaks, appimages, etc. for newer applications not packaged in Debian and you get a very stable base with fresh stuff on top.

debian's main product is the stable version
testing and unstable aren't meant for daily use and go through less quality control because of that
chromium in testing used to be months behind but looks like they've gotten around to updating it

Debian has old packages is a meme as well as Arch breaks X every weekend, cancel my meetings.
Don't listen to the trolls.

Chromium is a special case since it got the botnet.

>Debian has old packages is a meme
But they do have old packages in their main repo
Not just one or two versions upwards of 10 full revision cycles

>implying it wasn't botnet from the start


Anyone got a picture of the comfy debian bday party with a cake from a few years back?

Debian has three versions to choose from. Stable is for servers that need stability, unstable is for daily use and as up to date as Arch. In fact, unlike Arch, Debian provides tools to tun that inform you about possible breakage.

debian is unusable old, install arch

Arch is unusable bloated, install Debian.

anyone else use debian here?

Attached: 2018-08-16 21:33:34.png (624x390, 58K)

C-can we have peace?

Debian is unusable old and bloated, install Gentoo

>as up to date as Arch
try again sweaty


>or you do want everything between the two "string" too ?

Turns out the problem is that there is a unicode character in the way (the degree character) which is impeding greps ability to read the file. Is there any way to outright ignore unicode characters and scan past them?

I've done all that I can think of, my xorg.conf stuff definitely has the tapbutton2=0 line in it, and yet whenever my Synpatics touchpad detects me pressing two figures to it at once, it right-clicks. How can I stop this?

tried to install debian last night to replace Ubuntu on my crap-top. I didn't set up a partition beforehand so I ended up just breaking everything. now I have no bootable OS or kernel, and i can only get as far as the Grub2 screen.
Can I wipe all the partitions from here and start from scratch with an install iso on a usb? should I try installing a different distro? I tried and re-tried with debian but its not working even though the installer says everything goes successfully. the only option that works in the installer is to try and overwrite the entire drive. if I try and select from usable free space it says there's not enough despite there supposedly being 500gb free

LC_ALL=C grep

Cool side effect is that it makes certain utilities like grep a lot faster.

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Formatting can be done from the installer.

Choose GPT partition table or it'll be MBR.
Next either choose the single partition with everything setup for you or click manual partition and setup a /root /home partition in ext4 (you don't need a swap)
/boot /tmp /var /opt /usr are all optional partitions.


Attached: thesparkStrong.jpg (480x360, 17K)

GNU/Freerange eggs are the best.

Use pure OS on my laptop.
It's alright, but Gnome is fucking atrocious. I'm trying to get used to it. But nearly design decision is so fucking inconvenient for the sake of "muh style".

When will I be able to set my preferred file manager (ranger) as a file picker?

is ext4 the usb?

I need a minimal distro(because of hard drive space) that just works, and Debian seems better than Ubuntu for that matter

>minimal distro that just works

I'm building a webcrawler, how do i go to URL's i have NOT visited before?

Just bing them.

bing is not google

No I meant the installation destination could be ext4.

The installation source USB doesn't need to be partitioned or formatted jsut copy the .iso to a flashdrive and boot it up.

What will happen
dd if=/dev/mem | shuf | dd of=/dev/mem

USB is a port

you'll make a wormhole
delet this

what's a flashdrive?

How do I fix screen tearing when scrolling in xfce?
Neither xfwm or compton work.
Using intel iGPU.

Friends, this thread is very friendly. Thank you.

i mean, do i echo the URL's i find into a file, and then use a "if grep = 1; do (the rest)"? How do i do that?

if only there was some kind of way to add links you've visited to a stack and skip urls if they are already in that stack

compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc

Arch is really nice for a PC.
Just don't run it on a server.

i wish i knew how to do this, still a brainlet tho

>live iso doesn't come with cryptsetup, nano or networkmanager (have to painstakingly use wpa_supplicant for wireless)
>root defaults to plain sh instead of bash
doesn't value your time / 10

>inform you about possible breakage.
So does the arch front page anytime manual intervention is required.
Users are responsible for maintaining their config files, and when programs are updated, it is expected that you follow up on what changes have have happen so you can change your config.
Any new config files are installed as ".pacnew" meaning you need to diff your config an the new config to see any relevant changes. Since you have never used arch(its obvious) any further posts will be instantly discarded

Why are arch users so toxic?

Arch users are not toxic.
People that talk about Arch users are toxic

>live iso doesn't come with cryptsetup, nano or networkmanager
False. Use any with DE and Networkmanager is there. Probably with a full-time blown text editor.
Default in Void is "nvi" though.
>root defaults to plain sh instead of bash
It defaults to dash.
You do know that it's the slowest one out there, right?

Because they couldn't install Gentoo, leaving them half proud, half angry.

seeing what you did there

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more like the brainlets who shitpost about arch because they can't read and follow directions.

>install gentoo
>oh wait cant cause uefi

>install gentoo
>iso dosent have the software required to install gentoo

Gentoo is utter shit

>nouveau dosent need to exist.
>You gain nothing from running it.

Nvidia does not support Optimus on GNU/Linux. This alone is reason enough for nouveau and bumblebee to exist.

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So minimal the maintainer vanished