How can we get more women in IT and close the gender gap?
Women in Tech
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You don't. Woman just don't find tech interesting
>>>/leftypol/ if you are serious
if you are being ironic
stop inciting shitstorms
Then it should become our goal to make it interesting for them, shouldn't it?
Get more bois to transition uwu
It depends more on them than on us.
I study at a college that teaches Computer Science and most of the courses are about writing essays. When I complained they said that they were being inclusive as not all people learned the same way.
Well first you have to take care of all the sexism in the industry and academia.
How do we close the gap and get more women in the shitty trade jobs
Get more women to work in construction and be drafted by the army.
They just want to be included in tech tech jobs because of the money. This kind of jobs need passion, they shouldn't get into something they don't like.
Encourage men to identify as female for survey purposes.
The vast majority of XX women don't have the brain for it, they just can't think like men. No amount of help will get them in.
either this is bait or you're retarded
But Jow Forums always gets angry when women want to join the infantry. There's no consistency here.
first get more women plumbers and garbage collection technicians
The few things I've seen this issue brought up on Jow Forums, most agreed that ancillary roles are okay, not front line.
>and close the gender gap?
>Muh everything *needs* to be equal
>A non-uniform distribution about whatever arbitrary parameters you can pick is bad
When will this meme finally die
next time someone brings this shit up, shoot them down by asking about the gender gap in manual labor jobs
people get mad when public services reduce requirements in order to get more women in, which is both dangerous and an insult to the current workforce
>and close the gender gap?
There is no gender gap in IT.
this thread is so binary. when y'all gonna start worrying bout the transgender gap?
The only gender gap that matters is the thigh gap.
Great idea!!!
The solution to the gender gap is getting more men to identify as female.
eh, they can't be any worse than the pakis
Not trying to be a memer, but why is more women in tech a good thing? Right now if you're a woman and even halfway decent you can work anywhere you want because you're a commodity to these people. More women in tech would literally just cut out the advantage current women in tech have.
Plus my understanding is that it's not like a bunch of women are wanting to get into tech but are being discriminated against, but that it's literally just not many women choose that career path, is there really a "moral/ethical" mandate to try and spark interest in a group that in general doesn't care about something?
I guess one argument is that women get turned off by tech stuff because they don't want to be the only girl in there job, but it almost seems more sexist to imply a woman won't take a job just because she doesn't have another girl in the office to gab with. Besides, just because a company doesn't have many female developers doesn't mean they don't have tons of other women in other roles like accountants or marketing or other stuff.
I'm starting to think the push for "More Women in Tech" is not a sincere goal anyone wants accomplished, I think women just want that to be a known program so they continue to have an advantage in getting hired, but I'd bet they don't actually want the pool of females to get too big.
how do we get more women into coal mining, crab fishing and waste disposal?
Women already seem to love coal burning, getting crabs, and wasting their lives. Should be easy.
I hate the way leftists draw.
t. incel
i'll remember this
Sorry roastie, my boyfriend fucks me every day.
Right? We don't make art like we used to.
We peaked at greek statues to be perfectly honest with you, fellow proud gentleman of European descent.
Hopefully we can eliminate them in this field
I'm sure we'll find a use for them
I don't want to be fucking touched when I'm working, this only serves to hinder performance.
left and right are feeling themselves in the moment, but middle is the one that realized that these girls would be nowhere near them had they not been payed, you can see the look of emptiness on his face, "not this shit again".
Fuck this would just make me nervous.
>oh god she so smells nice
>boner no
>boner stop
>just slip it into my beltline
>ok I don't think she noticed
>shit I made a typo
>casually hit backspace
>oh god she noticed I made a mistake
>can't stop fidgeting
>oh fuck now my dick is pointing straight up
If you didn't specifically set this up/reply to yourself, well played.
>I'm gay
I got it.
>Muh every male who doesn't want to be touched in any given situation is gay
Neck yourself.
>guy gets a boner when touched by a woman
>he's gay
>They can if they want to.
>They're just not very interested.
What exactly is the problem here?
Why dont they start by closing the gender gap on construction and other industrial work?
Women just think they want equality. They do not. They actually want to be given half of everything successful men have without having to work for it, but also don't want to have to marry successful men so they can keep fucking niggers. They want to have their cake, eat it too, and not get fat or have to carry the cake around. Basically we need to produce gynoids with artificial wombs as soon as possible.
But artificial wombs are not enough user, you also need eggs
>doesn’t have to be pink to be for girls
>nearly half the content of the image is pink
make 50% of men in IT have a sex change
>With artificial wombs
Why? What's the point?
There's no gender gap in IT. Women by default have better positions than average men.
Let's state what gender gap really is: "we want more women in top positions".
That's because Jow Forums is retarded.
There's nothing wrong with having women squads, but integrated units have lower performance just because of human social dynamics.
>tfw no girl(male) to make fun of my code while offering tips to make it better
We can already make eggs from sperm and mitochondria, it's just the (((FDA))) won't let us.
So we can exterminate the women.
No one can undo the millions of years of evolution that made them uninterested. Also friendly reminder that evolution happened, despite the fact that the left says it's a racist and sexist conspiracy theory created by Putin.
Making this when you see a feminist charity in Humble Bundle.
I think it would be interesting to see the social dynamic once women aren't needed for reproduction.
Maybe true equality when they don't hold some special "value".
I didn't touch two of the recent book bundles because I saw the feminist books being thrown in. Even if they don't get any money from me I don't want to support or associate with them in any way.
Trade jobber here. We don't want them either. They are weak, cant lift more than 30lbs, complain and slow down production. Other men get distracted by them And fuck up their productivity.
No, you retarded incel. That wasn't my question. What's the point of reproducing at that point? I'd very much rather spend what's left of my life literally doing nothing along with everyone else, using up all of what resources remain living a comfortable peaceful lives, where machines doo all the work. And then we all simply die. Since we were talking about mentally-retarded fantasies.
Lmao incel bad xD
As someone who is currently in, I can say that I've met no one who didn't want them not to be in any specific role. The problem comes from the blatant double standard that is somehow simultaneously acknowledged and ignored.
The standard exists as the absolute minimum requirement to successfully perform your job. Having two sets of minimum standards based strictly on gender for the sake of inclusion is so backwards and ludicrous that I can't even begin to understand it.
Rewrite how we judge the gender gap. If someone is married, they and their spouse are benefitting from the field, so it's a gender neutral interaction. Only single people count.
Because men do a better job juggling very difficult work and marriage, suddenly all the most demanding, high paying fields are reading as being female forward (since there will be fewer incels than tigerwomen).
Build out positions that play more to empathy. Make UX design less of a meme and more of a real career path.
If they need handicap and charity, they won't be as good as men that can do it with no help.
The best thing they can do is adapt or else become good at something they really like. Then be creative enough to make it a business.
More women in tech for the sake of "more women in tech" is stupid.
What you'd want to study is why girls choose the career paths that they do. Why aren't women going into trades, engineering, tech, etc. That would be actually revealing about psychology or our society.
Unrelated, I think you see technology being targeted by radfems because it is a non-physical high paying job. You don't seem them calling for more women welders or electricians, even though many trades are undermanned.
>Dear corporation,
>Waste money.
>Dear engineer,
>Try to build something that your average person wants to use
It will never happen. Every company needs people on design teams that understands human nature. Women are better at that.
Ah, but sex and gender are constructs etc etc etc
Why is our society this way, the spetsnaz inversion of our culture is too stronk
Are YOU male, pale and stale? " Under the project, white men in senior academic posts will be assigned a junior female colleague from an ethnic minority as a mentor."
That's true, but selling to stockholders "we need to create Masters degree positions for UX design, it will total roughly $15 million against our annual budget" is going to be tremendously difficult.
Rule Britannia...
I weep.
There's no need for a degree in UX and hiring not competent people specialized in hot air. Defining conventions would be more than enough.
We can worry about it after the gap is closed for boilermakers.
why? why? why?
this is the only question cultural marxists do not want to answer
Make mini skirt and high stockings obligatory work gear for cutest young boys.
The point is to continue the species without needing the horrible things known as women.
Fuck off with your apocolyptic communist utopia, I'm here to fix the world, not destroy it.
Same thing with affirmative action, etc.
They're focused on equal outcome instead of equal opportunity.
If some groups fail more often than others, given the same opportunity, that would imply there are differences between sexes/races and their whole worldview falls apart.
Not sure why they're so assblasted and focused on group equality. For example, if women are found to be generally worse at math than men, it doesn't preclude any specific woman from being very good at math herself.
Honestly the biggest difference we're probably going to find is the strength difference between men and women, mental stuff seems to be loosely based on gender at best.
>getting turned on by superficial interactions
99% of women are OK with things how they are now.
That 1% are professional victims who seek dominance based on their gonads, because they heard that in history women were often dominated by men.
>Not sure why they're so assblasted and focused on group equality.
Their worldview is heavily dependent on collectivism as well. Individuals, especially individualists, are very bad news for them. Everyone must line up into their neat little rows and columns to receive their equal portion of everything. Admitting that individuals can hold great power would be as bad as, if not worse than, admitting pavement apes have room temperature IQ.
Friendly reminder than women used to average about 20 points lower than men on IQ tests before certain sections were removed or made easier to avoid "bias" (read as: redpilling everyone).
I wasn't able to find the specific thing you're referencing.
Generally speaking, women do better at placement and men better at 3D space/spacial reasoning. This is probably caused by different levels of testosterone during development. Women are most concentrated towards the center of the bell curve, while men are overrepresented at each end, so that's why you see a lot of the genuis/top dog scientists and engineers being men.
There's nothing else we can do, all that's left is for women to actually want to get into tech, but they don't.
This is not my kind of flat at all.
This. The most skilled systems engineer I've ever met is MtF.
Google gender paradox stem and you will find an answer
Redpill me on transition. I'm very AGP and wish to be the little girl but I'm never going to be a 45 kilogram gothic lolita. How cute does one have to be to get away with it?
The more pertinent question is that at what cost are we willing to do this?
Is it going to be bar-lowering that has been done to get more women into physically demanding jobs? Then it's obvious this doesn't actually serve anyone, men or women.
Trying to change what it's about? Well the ultimate purpose of IT is to provide the best possible tools for non-IT things and thus changing it will only make it worse at this, which again serves nobody.
Ultimately I don't see any reason to change anything except remove any genuinely wrong barriers like sexist hiring practices, but in the current day that's more or less a solved problem. These days sexist hiring polices are almost exclusively in favor of women so we've just turned the problems of the past the other way around, which obviously needs to be addressed even if it may reverse some "progress" that has been made.
Literally all of the female programmers I've known were either trans (MtF) or lesbian
>MtF trans
>A woman
No... Those "trans" women were all men on hormones.
Pretty much impossible. The ones you see that can actually pass started before puberty and even then they still need to have a feminine frame to begin with. You're just going to look like a horrifying chimera full of mind altering hormones with brittle bones.
Fuck that, I can't stand it when someone is looking over my shoulder and watching what I'm doing.
imo rather than trying to chase an idea of something you arent/cant become it would be better to try and attract what you want to you
transitioning has too many risks and is unlikely to get you what you want
>I'm very AGP and wish to be the little girl
I'm really curious if VR will provide new kinds of treatment for AGP.
it'll probably make it worse
people with AGP will get bits of what they want in VR, leave and have to face the realisation that they arent what they were in VR
just when you think they can't do any worse
Thank you for the unexpected keks.