Windows doesn't have an option to boot into safe mode anymore

>Windows doesn't have an option to boot into safe mode anymore
>You either need to boot Windows and reboot from that or use a USB drive
Do people still defend Microsoft unironically?

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Why try and repair it yourself when you can contact a certified microsoft tech to fix it for you, goy? You'll probably just break it even more!

You can force it by interrupting the boot at logo screen ( cut power ) 3 times in a row, its a shit method, but it just werks

Microsoft windows has no safe mode. Ironically.

If you need a Windows safe mode you just suck. Windows didn't fuck you. You fucked you.

Everything we know is rapidly being dismantled. Nobody cares, so all is lost. Windows is on fast track to become a service, where you and your data is the product.

The only way out is to adapt. There will be an alternative, but it will take a very long time and first we have endure this long transition period. I've begun the switch to Linux already, you hate it less the more you use it I promise.

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nigga, seriously. When is the last time you needed safe mode?. (i.e when is the last time you fucked your own shit up and blamed Microsoft?).

It's been years, but I have used it multiple times in the past.

The removal of safe mode is just another drop in the bucket though.

>it will take a very long time
What the fuck are you talking about? Linux can be installed within an hour.
Windows is becoming a service, which isn't surprising since that's the economic platform that appeals most to shithead know-nothings while raking in most money per man-hour for the congloms, like car leases. If you want to own your bits, you have to use open source, as has been the case (to a lesser extent but still) since the 70's. Same thing happened to Photoshop.

>What the fuck are you talking about? Linux can be installed within an hour.

Yeah, but Linux is shit.

First Microsoft have to cuck everyone and fuck up their OS so much that a critical mass of people gets pent up with their shit. Then Microsoft will either be forced to fix their shit (Fire the CEO, new OS, apologies) or companies like Steam and others will fork Linux and fix it and make a distro that people actually want to use. Or we will see the birth of a forth massively adopted OS.

OSX likely won't be the savior, unless Apple makes major changes to their model.

It's gonna happen, wait and see.

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>Same thing happened to Photoshop.

Tell me about it. The absolute tragedy is that Adobe has never made more money than after they started cucking us with CC.

I don't get mad about much in this world, but Windows and Adobe turning into shit really gets to me.

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>Linux can be installed within an hour

You talking about like from the second you start to download the install media until the second it's done booting up after OOBE?. Because Windows can be done in the same amount of time.

If you mean everything after that then you're full of shit because just like Windows every bit of customization takes a shitload of time.

>inb4 Linux offers a package downloader for simple selection of downloading of software.

Windows has stuff like available also (just not included with Windows) but someone could use Ninite to do the same thing. And that still doesn't include any type of individual configuration and tweaking of each individual piece of software.

As far as Linux total software install time it will be less because of the fact that Linux has less shit available. Windows has twenty times as much software available to choose from to install so you can't argue that's a drawback.

I don't know about Adobe, but Microsoft was always shit. If someone suggests otherwise they're probably not knowledgeable about the company's early history or prolonged interactions with Unix.

I was talking about alternatives to Windows. Windows is not an alternative to Windows. The hypothetical alternative forwarded by the user I replied to is what I'm comparing to, and one hour is a fuckton better than "it'll happen, wait and see"

>Linux can be installed within an hour.

Yeah, but installing the printer takes 10 hours to figure out over two days.

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No, I use windows at work and I opened up task manager the other day to kill something at which point I realised that I had candy crush saga running in the background which I had never installed, a quick google revealed that the windows store auto installs this shit for you and the only way to stop it doing it is a regedit.


Literally the absolute fucking state of windows, glad I only use linux for personal use.

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lol. stability by obscurity. If Linux was worth half a fuck it would be running at your job and they would have fucked that up too then you'd come back here bitchin'...

>hurr durr, Linux a shiat m8s, muh linux box at work is all fucked up and shitty. da absolute st8 of Linux. Luckily I only fuck with blackberries.

i doubt linux distros would install candy crush without your permission or have cretinous TOS.
lets say by some miracle some linux distro does that, people would YEET that (ubuntu amazon shinanigans) until it were changed.
the 'worst' thing thats stuck is the hardware survey in the new ubuntu (which you can say no to and it wont re-enable itself)

Stopped reading there

why would you need to boot into safe mode unless you intentionally fucked something up, jamal?

dumb whoreposter

no im pretty sure the OS is still the product

The ubuntu outcry was literally just a hyperlink to amazon's website in the startbar.
It wen't nuclear.

By these standards it looks absolutely spotless of spyware.

Unless you use a shit printer all you need to do is point to the printer and it will find the drivers and configure everything.

>power outage
>NTFS keeled over because it's a steaming pile of shit
>now Windows won't boot properly
>can't get into safe mode to run a file system repair because Windows a shit

>Windows users will never know the feel of a fully encrypted root ZFS install, including /boot, using legacy BIOS

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>power outage
You mean your electronics are so cheap you don't even bother with an UPS?

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What exactly does safe mode do anyways?
I've never used it.

Battery power only lasts so long, even a high VA UPS will only give you 30-45 minutes if your computer is idling, and while power outages that long are rare, they're not unheard of.

This is a dumb argument. The point is there is absolutely no reason for Microsoft to have removed the ability to enter safe mode while booting.

Boots just the core OS, does not load third party drivers or run startup applications

ZFS is practically filesystem cocaine. I setup a pool on my NAS and immediately fell in love. Being able to `zfs send | receive` is a godsend for managing incremental backups to external storage. Then I realized - if I install ZFS on all my servers, I can send/recv their backups as well. It's serialized snapshots all the way down.

I'm loving every minute of my addiction; patiently waiting for ZFSonLinux to land the TRIM support so I can install it on a laptop as an all flash pool.

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Just install it anyway but partition a portion of the SSD as blank for TRIM then as soon as it mainlines fill it.
Make sure to blkdiscard the dev before use.

And get one of those DVD to sata adapters for a mirror on the go.

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My setup:
1 BTRFS dup data USB /boot small form factor with a keyfile onboard
2x HDD (seagate and an HGST) 750GB
LUKS disks
ZFS mirror

This is power

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Not for me. It's for when retards pay me $60 to run Malwarebytes and a virus scan in safe mode for them.

>windows updates fucked up your monitor EDID and will only give you a black screen because it's trying to send too many pixels that your broken monitor refuses to show
>guess you just suck lmao

>Yeah, but Linux is shit.
this is false

They're hiring pajeets, right?

Cuz i'm not a brainlet, also fixing Windows issues are too easy.

Windows users are never going to feel how sense a brain.

To be fair, this happens on windows too, printers are just shit to deal with anywhere

>companies like Steam and others will fork Linux and fix it and make a distro that people actually want to use
This would require companies like Steam and others to actually work and not collect passive income.

Brother DCP-T510W with Linux mint.
Works without troubles, i did had to install something for the scanner though.

>Works without troubles

Usually this is how Linux users describe something with a nice clean and quick two hour install time. In Windows that's unacceptable.

>certified microsoft tech
you mean the call center scammer pajeet

>feel how sense a brain

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I dunno about you but i can get most distros running updated and riced under half an hour. Windows while quickish still has really damn SLOW updates. Feels like its downloading from the psn with how slow the progress is.

Well, I mentioned earlier (you probably weren't around) but that if you mean from the moment you start downloading the Linux distro iso -> first bootup after install then yeah, install can be quick and smooth and under an hour (if you didn't hit the lottery with incompatible hardware and are fucked for a while).

That being said I can get Windows installed in the same amount of time. Media creation kit gets you a (pretty much) up to date image and puts it onto your device of choice without much work. Bootup and installation only takes like ten-twenty minutes and then you're booting up and OOBE only takes like another three minutes.

After that updates will only take like another ten minutes. I did all this yesterday so I know what I'm talking about.

If you challenge some dumbass who doesn't know how to install Windows then yeah, you're going to paint a really nice image for Linux and a bad one for Windows.

Have updates improved that much? I remember installing 7 sp1 for my laptop and it took about 40 minutes to download 1.8gb(usually takes 3 minutes) and another one and a half hours and two reboots to install. The laptop aint a potato either. I7 on an ssd.

>Have updates improved that much?

YES. Like I said the media creation tool fetches a pretty much up to date image. Shit that's one of the reasons I just re-installed. I got memed by Jow Forums and tested that LSTB shit and was using an old ISO because you don't use the media creation tool for that. Wasn't worth it so I went back to Windows 10 pro.

Windows 7 is a different story. I know those updates used to take a shitload of time. That's why when I was heavy into Windows 7 I used to slipstream my updates into the iso so that after the install I was already up to date.

I'm sure if you use an outdated win 10 image you can be left with a shitload of downloads but as long as you fetch a current image when you want to install you shouldn't end up like that.

Personally i have no interest in windows 10. I just injected the drivers for ryzen into the 7 iso. I do like the sound of putting the updates into it though so ill look into that. Thanks.

If you want to put updates into it I suggest Win toolkit. I used to run windows 7 into a vmware image and check what updates were needed. I would go to the microsoft catalogue and download them individually one by one. Then from there Win toolkit can take those and slipstream them into the iso as well as tweak services and other shit.

Only literal cuckolds use anything other than Postscript/PCL drivers with laser printers.

BtrFS is pretty great like that too, as long as you don't use raid5/6. I hope bcachefs gets mainlined soon.

>Postscript/PCL drivers with laser printers

yeah, this sounds like something that won't confuse the shit out of someone who never fucked with Linux before. And broke ass Linux developers still mad nobody wants to fuck with it.

I needed safe mode when I recently removed admin privileges from my account, so it's there.

That's a good thing. No more need to support a shitty old version for 30 years.

>Linux can be installed within an hour.
Maybe if you're legitimately retarded.
Ubuntu can be installed WITH EVERY UPDATE AVAILABLE within 15 minutes.

OP is a mouth breathing retard, btw.

>Ubuntu can be installed WITH EVERY UPDATE AVAILABLE within 15 minutes.
Maybe if you're legitimately retarded.
Linux live can be installed WITH EVERY UPDATE AVAILABLE within 15 seconds.

OP is a mouth breathing retard, btw.

But it does tho

Look at this cock rogering knob jockey that doesn't understand that you use safe mode to remove programs like "legit" anti virus to take control back over the system

Ups with software shutdown is like 80 bucks user. Either that or buy a laptop

Software shutdown via usb from UPS. Your knowledge of UPS is way put of date

The fuck are you smoking? Windows 10 is shit but don't lie.

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And no, you don't have to boot the system to access that menu.

openbsd is the real alternative, linux is being eaten up by redhat, systemd, and spaghetti code

Remember Windows Phone?
yeah me neither

Won't be long until the google botnet will become a viable alternative to wangblows server for most businesses

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mfw I legit had to do that once because the shitty operating system wouldn't boot

This has to be trolling.

Why would you need safe mode? Are you dumb enough to get a virus or something?

>no one replies to it

OP BTFO SEETHING IRL his troll thread got exposed.

>freetards lying/not having a fucking clue what they're talking about
Imagine my surprise.

But seriously, I've never gotten Ctrl-F8 to work for me. So I chimp out and go:
bcdedit /set {current} bootmenupolicy legacy
to bring back minimalist boot manager. Also reenables F8 that we've been using since fucking DOS 6.

Just have aslow computer and fix virus before it loads

the first time i tried linux back in 2004, i was surprised to see my printer worked out of the box, and i hadn't even installed it yet

After systemd has integrated all vital parts what company do you think Microsoft is going to purchase?
>Microsoft Linux
You can't escape, hardware vendors are already working on it.

Microsoft was selling a unix distro back in 1983, just so you know.

It's Stockholm Syndrome caused by the fact they don't get the same software support anywhere else