/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Create a part list
>Learn how to build a PC
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Want help?
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses; eg Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (eg photo editing, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
>Don't use Speccy. Use HWinfo, SIV, etc.

>R3 2200G - Bare minimum gaming(dGPU optional)
>R5 2400G - Consider IF on sale
>R5 2600/X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs
>i7-8700K - Best for 1080p gaming, but most expensive when factoring in delid, cooling, etc.
>R7 2700/X - Best high-end gaming/mixed usage on a non-HEDT platform
>Threadripper/Used Xeon - HEDT

>For Intel, only Z300 series boards can utilize fast memory

>8GB - Enough for most gaming use
>16GB - Standard for heavy use
>32GB - If you have to ask, you don't need this
>CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 2933MHz+ is ideal

Graphics cards
>Avoid cheap models ie MSI Armor (Mk2 is ok), Gigabyte G1/Wf, ASUS duals, and others which have small heatsinks and low quality fans
>Only consider AMD GPU if you plan on getting an upcoming HDR monitor
>RX 570/580 /w Freesync or 1060 6GB are standard 1080p 60fps+ options
>1050Ti or RX560 for lower settings, or older games
>GTX 1070Ti/Vega 56 if seeking higher fps & you have a CPU+monitor to match
>Vega 56 /w Freesync, 1070Ti if you already have Gsync
>GTX 1080Ti if seeking higher fps & you have a CPU+monitor to match
>Titan V or upscale from 1440-1800p
OpenCL work
>Vega 64

>Backup before using StoreMi
>Consider getting a larger SSD (better GB/$) instead of small SSD & large HDD
>2TB HDDs are barely more $ than 1TB
>M.2 is a form factor, NOT a performance standard

>Consider 75hz minimum; 60hz are mostly old models.
>Always consider FreeSync with AMD cards
>___sync is important for slower response time monitors (IPS)


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Other urls found in this thread:


Something is wrong here

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How long does it usually take for GPU waterblocks to come out for reference GPUs? Want to liquid cool the 2080, but I don't want to buy a reference PCB and wait 6 months with a hot ass card.

ekwb is usually pretty quick, maybe within a month or two.

Asking again: how reliable is installing Win7 in a pc with a 2600x?

>how reliable is installing Win7 in a pc with a 2600x?
It's unofficial. It's going to be hit or miss. There's no support if you go that route.

Could I make money buying old dell optiplex's and slapping in a GPU and then reselling them on Ebay?

Attached: s-l300.jpg (300x298, 21K)

Is there cheaps G4560 out here?

Lowest PCPP has is Newegg for $57.75.


why would you gimp yourself so much with a dual core CPU in 2018?

Attached: optisex.jpg (450x360, 15K)

They could be building an HTPC or a home server.

Explain this, /pcbg/

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vega a shit

i build pc

pc turn on

i play game

magic time

I already have an HP Z400 but that bitch Xeon is eating too much electricity
Also is the best Price/Perfomance out here except Ryzen Line CPUs
If i want game i just need to buy a second hand GPU and plug into the HP but i want any more cheap on the long way
Anyone tried buy an processor on AliExpress?

> →
My parts list:
1. a Mac

on like my 5th revision now
PCPartPicker part list: pcpartpicker.com/list/H2CVmq
Price breakdown by merchant: pcpartpicker.com/list/H2CVmq/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 7 2700X 3.7GHz 8-Core Processor ($323.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: MSI - B450M MORTAR TITANIUM Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($99.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: Kingston - Predator 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($198.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: SanDisk - SSD PLUS 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($53.99 @ Adorama)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (Purchased For £0.00)
Storage: Seagate - Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (Purchased For £0.00)
Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1070 Ti 8GB SC GAMING ACX 3.0 Black Edition Video Card ($449.99 @ Amazon)
Case: NZXT - S340 Elite (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($94.94 @ B&H)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($89.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $1311.88
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-08-16 15:40 EDT-0400

Is it worth upgrading from an i5 2500k yet? Should I max my socket or change platform altogether? I don't use my rig for gayman, but for AE editing.

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gee idk

amd b450 vs b350?
Can't find differences inspec

I've made 2 builds, one with a vega56/freesync monitor and one with a 1070ti/gsync monitor that costs $212 more.

would the gsync monitor be a better investment for future upgrades, or can I trust AMD to put out decent graphics card when the vega needs to be replaced?

Get the Nvidia but drop the Gsync monitor, it's a meme. Amd will not make any new GPUs for gaymen until late 2019.

Just buy novideo and get it over with.
AMD is finished after the 20xx series comes out.

t. Vega 64 owner

is the /pcbg/'s official amd shill getting to you?

> mfw no local store with such juicy parts on a shelf at reasoned prices.
> mfw no micro-center
> mfw no frys

What about this for less than £600?

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2GHz 6-Core Processor (£131.94 @ Aria PC)
Motherboard: MSI - B350 PC MATE ATX AM4 Motherboard (£71.99 @ Box Limited)
Memory: *Team - Vulcan 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3000 Memory (£78.27 @ CCL Computers)
Storage: Kingston - A400 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£23.99 @ Novatech)
Video Card: Zotac - GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB Mini Video Card (£148.96 @ Ebuyer)
Case: Corsair - Carbide SPEC-04 (Black/Red) ATX Mid Tower Case (£41.94 @ Aria PC)
Power Supply: be quiet! - Pure Power 10 CM 400W 80+ Silver Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£45.48 @ Amazon UK)
Wireless Network Adapter: TP-Link - TL-WDN4800 PCI-Express x1 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi Adapter (£32.99 @ Overclockers.co.uk)
Total: £575.56

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Is a 550w psu enough for an overclocked 2600x and a 1080 or 1170?

I don't understand why you're posting this image. I am asking for people's actual real world power usage because I've always been weary of this "Nvidia is much more power efficient" meme.

Because no one cares enough to mess around with their cards for minimal improvements just to show that their card is better than the competitive one.

£200 RX 580 8GB or wait for 2000 series?

For good Photoshop performance, I'm thinking
>Ryzen 2600
>B450 motherboard
>16gb 3000mhz ram cl15
And do I need a good gpu? I have an r7 260x already. Is that enough?

any difference ?

don't fall for the ryzen meme. just buy an Intel i9 like anyone else.

How's 570 vs 580? nvidia is not an option because it's pain on linux, anything more is outside my budget, anything less is probably not big enough upgrade over 2400G to make it worth it.

Yes goy, spend that thousand dollar price tag on an i9, unrivaled performance!

you dont, but why AMD?
i honestly appreciate ryzen because retarded shills buy it which forces intel to come up with even better processors.

i guess this argument can go both ways but honestly i dont feel good buying AMD so i'll take their "improvements" in the field that pushes intel to be better and buy that lol

>in the field that pushes intel to be better and buy that lol
Isn't Intel's response to AMD to put out the 9700k which has less threads than the 2600 and even less than the 8700k? Until they fix their 10nm issue Intel has no actual response to AMD and they haven't reduced prices on their 8th gen CPUs either.

looks good

Should I just buy a workstation off of eBay and put a GPU in it for a cheap new computer for college and some gaming or build my own on a budget of ~900? I'm completely new to pc building and have no idea what to get



First build; using it for Gaming, Streaming, Content Creation, and Web Design. Wondering if I should buy another SSD (500GB) and another 1TB HDD.

Eye’ing on two MSI GX’s atm going for $425 New on EBay

im thinkin about going on this build in a month or so, Jow Forums is telling me its too expensive how do you actually feel about this build, is there any place i should go cheaper?

Attached: ye.png (1920x1080, 85K)

also this is mostly for gaming and school, i just quit smoking so my PC is a big part of my life right now.

>new intel processor due out any minute now
>new nvidia gpu due out any minute now
yes good goy buy now.

i got so much dust! any good mid/full cases with build in dust filters?


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>Jow Forums is telling me its too expensive
Where do you think you are?
>$160 AIO
>black HDD
>meme RGB fans

The only thing good about your build is the ram and motherboard

Reminder to always check local retailers for great deals!
I found some very good deal on SSDs and RAM at local retailers instead of buying from Amazon and Newegg.

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hey guys whats a good usb wifi adaptor with 802.11ac.

my current model dies on me constantly on top of a real slow internet conection that also dies a lot.

so I want something thats really fucking reliable and can withstand the 90+ degree temps I have to deal with in my shitty old house too.

delid this image

Building one from scratch is much more rewarding. You don't even have to meticulously autistic, just make sure that you get the components that you need, leave room for upgrades in case you get the components that you want, and don't listen to every little shit in here pushing whatever products they regret paying for.
It's your money and you do what you want with it. Most importantly, enjoy yourself with whatever you choose to do in regards to building a pc.
Good luck and have fun, user.

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calm down man
>rgb fans are on the parts list until i purchase and choose no lights
>Jow Forums told me to go with the black hdd
>1080ti because i figured i would wait for the next gen of gpu's also recommended by Jow Forums
obviously i know im on/g/ but instead of being miserable sarcasm clowns i hoped i could get some actual information for once

>Jow Forums told me to go with the black hdd
I haven't seen Jow Forums recommend that in awhile considering the prices of SSDs, but ok. Do you know why they recommended that or why you'd need it vs a regular hdd?
>1080ti because i figured i would wait for the next gen of gpu's also recommended by Jow Forums
Next gen is two weeks from now. Even if you planned on getting the 1080ti it would be better to wait for the eventual price drop.

Still don't understand the $160 AIO considering they all use the same pump/block outside of Swiftech/EKWB. A 280mm EVGA cooler or NHD15 would be a better use of money.

i had selected a seagate barracuda and i was told theyre know to fail, then like 2-3 different anons suggested the black hdd

i was thinking about getting a 1070Ti and just sitting on that for the time being but once again Jow Forums said to get a 1080Ti and just being happy until the next gen comes out (not the one being released in a few weeks)

The $160 AIO was due to my room being pretty hot in the summer (and seeing a couple of builds similar to mine on pcpartpicker)


Would this build be good for gaming? I.e., no incompatibilities, run well? I am planning on using newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147690 as a hard drive (Samsung 970 EVO 500 gb SSD) which is not on pcpartpicker.

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Hello senpai.
I had my PC part list revised from yesterday's mess I apparently had and need a good couple of second opinions before I commit.
My budget was $1400 and I've only gone over that just a little bit. Computer is for a starting PC of Game Animation, some small rendering, and some pleasure.

>go to frys
>graphics cards completely gone

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repostan from some other thread. Monitors are parts of PC builds.
Is HDMI good for 1440p at 75hz? I guess because it supports 4k @ 60 it shouldn't have any issues with 2k at 75.
I'm browsing some monitors at the moment and it worries me that some really good panels only have hdmi ports. Hdmi is fine for media consumption, but wil it be good enuff for vidya?
I'd much rather use DisplayPort if it's more hassle-free.

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7700k is eol and superseded by the 8700k which offers 6 cores and 12 threads over the 4 cores and 8 threads in the 7700k
water cooling is shit. get a noctua which is more capable, quieter and takes up much less room in a case
you don't need to spend $150 on a power supply. seasonic are the most reliable brand of power supply and any of their product selection will last years upon years
the 1070 is superseded by the 1070 ti now and prices are so similar there is no reason to get a 1070 over the 1070 ti


>7th gen Intel for $320
Isn't the 8700k which has 50% more cores only $20 more?
>970 EVO
You'd be paying $100 for literally .1 second of a difference during a loading screen. Get a 860 or MX500 from Crucial.


fuck yeah!

never post my wife again


only blacks find this shit attractive

I specifically need to know if that CPU is going to work with the case I got.
The CPU has a fan and the part does not have listed dimensions so I don't know if it will fit in the case or not.


i mean you literally bought 90% of the pc already there's nothing else to check there. i'd get noctua nh d15, which has about the same performance as that meme aio but isn't load as fuck.

new serious is out next monday probs. wait till black friday for stock clearences

new series*

Thank you for the advice. I will definitely take it all.

haha I would love to grab the 1070 strix and bolt out of the shop lol


>EVGA has a huge sale on 1080s last week ($299-$329)
>Wasn't able to buy anything since I had already purchased other parts for my PC and was waiting for my next paycheck to process before buying any more
>Sales end the day before it finishes processing
>Hold out for EVGA's next sale this week
>Their site shits itself as soon as the sale beings, making it so that a precached version of the site showed without any change in price
>The sale began and ended with no fucking change in price at all
>Have to wait another fucking week for the possibility of getting a cheap 1080
>Unless the site shits the bed again and EVGA is too fucking lazy to fix it AGAIN
I'm so fucking close to having every part too. Please god kill me.

Attached: 3425426543256.jpg (600x516, 62K)

those are miner cards with 1yr warranty and other nonsense, good thing you missed out.

No difference, but b450 is guaranteed to have a bios compatible with ryzen 2xxx processors

One more question - what would be an ideal primary monitor for this build? Preferably curved.

Thanks, m8. It will fit.

samsung chg70 27 inch or 32 inch

I'm thinking about jumping on the new Threadripper once it comes out, how much of an upgrade am I looking at single core wise when jumping from 5820k @ 4.2Ghz to the 2950x?
According to Cinebench it would be a +30% upgrade which is pretty nice, but according to cpu-z it would be only 7% or something.
Going by the 2700x numbers with that cpu-z score. After all these should be very similar when you slap the TR into game mode.
What's the actual performance increase I'm looking at here?

just buy an i9 9900k nigger

I have an older 240GB SSD and I kind of want to upgrade to 1TB or 2TB to have room to actually install some stuff on it instead of using it mostly just for Windows. It looks like 2.5" SATA drives are still a lot cheaper than m.2 PCI-E ones, so should I stick with SATA? Would I really see any real world difference if I got NVME?

mATX board and $40 mATX case would save you $50.

Also are you sure you even need a HDD right now? Just add one when you actually need it.

And why the hell is 2x4Gb of memory $140?

It's probably a 460Ti, 550, or something like that. A scam.

>212 evo
Why'd you expect anything different?

Given your budget, why would you buy a HDD at all?
You could save $100 on a cooler and that minus the HDD cost would allow you to afford a 1Tb-2Tb SSD instead. Does that not make it more clear how nonsensical that is?

WD Black HDDs have jumped in price because no one is buying them anymore.

>HDMI for 1440p 75hz
Depends on HDMI version, afaik.

Not even 0.1s of difference, actually. It's more like 0.001s, and sometimes 0.01s slower even.
>le gamer
with a 960 or 970 should have their PC taken away from them. They don't deserve it for their stupidity.

That's Haswell, so the IPC is only slightly higher.
4GHz Ryzen 2000 series should be similar to 4.2GHz Haswell.
That is synthetic and was updated to be Intel biased after Ryzen was crushing in their previous "test".

For Cinebench, I can only imagine you mean single threaded being a 30% improvement..?
Because in multithreaded, it should be more like 3x faster, not 30%.

If you want a multithreaded increase without sacrificing single threaded compared to what you have, 2950X is a fine choice. But you could really just wait for the 3700X next year if you don't need more than 8 cores.

I don't have an answer to your question but why not go with a 1950x for $599 right now? I think thats what I'm going to do since there is such a small performance gain with the 2950x.

I posted this pic for attention only, not for fetish material. And yes, they are pretty disgusting.

he needs more paste and better airflow in his case
my 8700k works great with my 212 kys namefag 30c idle load never goes above 55c

Yes it was single core I was talking about.
Multicore is out of this world in comparison so it doesn't really need any deeper thought.
If I get a ~30% increase in single core performance then it's good enough for me. Just as long as it's not a total sidegrade in that regard.
My system is about 90% productivity and 10% games, so it's mainly those extra cores I'm looking for along with an ok single core improvement.

The cheapest I can get that here in Finland is about 850€. 750€ if I get it from Germany. Ordering from the US and I'm raped with taxes.
I'll just get the newest option that has all of the newest bells and whistles when it hits the market.

Hey I'm getting a new motherboard to use with the upcoming 2080. I got a Ryzen 2600x should I go with the ASUS Prime X470-Pro or the ASRock X470 Taichi? Any real difference?

Best modern (or close as possible) motherboard with a floppy controller?

Taichi has better VRMs. Past $200 (MSRP) the Taichi competes with the Gaming 7 and Crosshair VII.

Just got back from Micro Center. Totally worth the hour drive down there, can't believe how much better than Fry's it was. How'd I do?

I'll be reusing the case, 1080, and storage drives (500gb SSD and a 1TB HDD) from my current PC, btw. Oh, and that's a 2700x and 16GB of 3200, if it's not obvious from the picture.

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am think about build first desk top
is this good PC for playing video game

>meme.2 NVMeme

frys is kinda shitty around here too. I only go there to scout out cases and get some odds and ends.

Is there a huge enough noticeable difference between i3-8100 and 8300 to pay more for it?

Sales in both cases. The SSD was $90 and the 850 was $100, so $20 cheaper than the 750 from the same line and only $10 more than the semi-modular 750.

>970 evo
Almost surely a waste of money. You don't sound like a video editor to me.

Your parts aren't using remotely near 850w either, so you're just spending more money for less efficiency. Only thing you need 850w with is like... a titan V with a 2990WX.

Don't know why anyone would get the Gaming 7 over the Taichi or Crosshair.
The X470 Gaming 7 is especially shitty compared to the Z370 one which is actually good (uses active doubler instead of passive, among other things)

I think your stock single core compared to your OC'd 5820k would be more like a 10-15% increase.

Why are you paying $20 more for the 8100 over the 2200G to begin with?
Or spend a little more than the 8100 for a 2400G and get an actual large performance increase with double the threads.

>Almost surely a waste of money. You don't sound like a video editor to me.
>Your parts aren't using remotely near 850w either, so you're just spending more money for less efficiency. Only thing you need 850w with is like... a titan V with a 2990WX.

As I said in the last post, the 970 was on a really good sale, it was cheaper than pretty much any other m.2 SSD of any speed or model. Same goes for the PSU, I would've gone 750 but the 850 was less.

Gaming 7 is a good board with one of the better VRMs and you can increase the bclk in .01 increments so you can get up 103.99 and not disable XFR. No to mention ASRock's PBO implementation is janky as fuck.

>Don't know why anyone would get the Gaming 7 over the Taichi or Crosshair.
Crosshair is $40-50 more and the Taichi's UEFI is just as bad as Gigabyte's, but it also has less i/o ports and less fan headers. At the level of VRMs those 3 boards have and the power Ryzen 2000 requires having an active double vs passive won't make a difference to the end user. It also has a much better heatsink than the Z370 version or even the other X470 boards.

How good is the Wraith Prism cooler that comes with the 2700x? I was initially think of grabbing a Noctua but turns out it won't fit in the case I have so I might be stuck with the stock cooler for a while. Should I buy an AIO or is the stock good enough?