>The Australian government wants to force companies to help it get at suspected criminals' data.
>If they can't, it would jail people for up to a decade if they refuse to unlock their phones.
Australians who won't unlock their phones could face 10 years in jail
What if you just don't put any criminal stuff on our phone?
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
That works until things like porn, Jow Forums, and "hate speech" become illegal
too bad faggot, frogs are now illegal hate speech
enjoy sharing a cell with DeShawn
>little temporary
>le sloppery slipe
>le fallacy fallacy
check and mate, fag
>le le
What the fuck kind of crazy fascist shithole is Australia?
I forgot my pass code.
Friendly reminder that body armor is illegal in Straya.
Hate speech is already illegal.
One that copies UK laws
It’s the Anglos desire to ban everything.
We’re as bad as Britain and I can’t wait to leave here
Now all they have to do is ban shitposting.
Problem is, the authorities don't have to believe you.
You don't get to decide what's legal
Where you gonna go though?
The only place with actual freedom is the US, and even here it's getting clamped down, hard.
>retards who think they checkmate people's arugments by calling it some sort of fallacy.
Guess we should just stop thinking about consequences hurr durr
It's also not a real thing
Funny how that works
>things never progress
"Slippery slope" isn't an formal logical fallacy, anyway - it's meaningless.
It's like saying "correlation is not causation" and taking it to mean "correlation has no meaning".
It's just wrongthink, is all.
How can the Australian population oppose it?
If you live there, it's time to voice yourself against it.
Anti-establishment speech should be just be openly illegal.
>They that can give up
>They that can
Based ESLfag
>"Unlock" phone
>Wipes data
If you fags are that worried
>"Unlock" phone
>Opens safe partition
>Commit felony crime
>Don't unlock phone filled with evidence
>Get good lawyer
>Spend year in jail
Nice loophole, faggots.
Just destroy it and then say it's broken. They can't nail you for destroying evidence if they can't have known there was evidence.
Define "criminal stuff" or gtfo.
Except they won't obtain any safety at all, period.
It's all a security theater.
Australia's fascist government just wants to be able to intercept communications and eliminate those who won't agree with their bullshit.
Doesn't matter compared to the risk of free speech and privacy being put in jeopardy.
Also 90% of "crimes" are bullshit anyway. They be jailing people for selling/smoking a plant, or saying things the government doesn't like.
>Also 90% of "crimes" are bullshit anyway. They be jailing people for breaking the law.
>Hate speech is already illegal.
Doublenigger (You)
Guess a panic wipe function would be useful then. Is there anything existing that can achieve that? Could involve holding down the power button for like 10 seconds, or failing the password a bunch of times.
A deadman's switch would also be useful, and may be easier to setup.
Eh, I think the best option would be a specific password that wipes the phone or opens a safe partition, with the real data in a hidden encrypted volume.
And make it so you have to enter the password twice if you put in the "wipe the phone" partition, just to be sure it only happens if you absolutely 100% intended it to.
>oi m8 unlock ya fone or we'll throw ya to the kangaroos
>aight fine, ya cunt
>enter wipe/safe partition password
>hand them the phone
>drat our jackbooted thugs were foiled again by a very basic level of understanding of computer security and programming
Fuck bootlickers and fuck totalitarian cunts like these
The reason behind making general warrants illegal in the States was because even back then, evidence planting was commonplace.
remind me again how America isn't the most free nation in the world.
>remind me again how America isn't the most free nation in the world.
Speed limits on highway, LMAO
>speed limits
>data caps
your phone won't have enough time before they just throw it on the ground, break it, and stop the deletion/rewrite process. Then all they need is the flash chip
I can't.
>Jow Forums is mad that muslims and other untermenschen cucks have to fork over their iphones
Zero effort.
Not fair. It was only a matter of time before they copy-pasted their invasion of cars, pockets, paper files and homes into the digital realm. Fuck this gay statist authoritarian police state world.
Get one of those, you untermenschen. And yes, they still work!
Dumb geezer. Get a feature phone. Costs some US$ 20 but at least yr on the safe side.
Who the fuck needs a smartphone? Cannot wipe yr ass with an iPhone, can you?
highest % of imprisoned people (vs total population) in the world
2 party political system
indirect election
You forgot, full of fat cunts
i think the high court will strike this down.
>Costs some US$ 20 but at least yr on the safe side.
2G can be easily eavesdropped/interferred
And 2G has been turned off in most places on the planet
>2G can be easily eavesdropped/interferred
I see.
Most of Australians are froffing at the mouth to open the flood gates for open immigration. Not surprising they're fucking themselves on this front too.
>2G has been turned off in most places on the planet
Well, that's correct. I hope, the dumbphone manufacturers will catch up. Nokia at least did with the 3310.
>implying it's incorrect english
read a book baka desu
We are engineers, designers, enrepreneurs, and artists. We know the challenges of going from idea to reality, and all the important details in between. We built Crowd Supply from the ground up to be the platform we'd want to use for our own projects and we strive to make it a great place to work, play, and grow.
>have pics of my girlfriend naked
>dont want some perverted cunts seeing them
yeah, nah, fuck you, ur a cunt
not when it's sold as motorcycle gear
>The only place with actual freedom is the US
not when they want a peek at your phone
Deleting the headers of your encrypted filesystem takes a fraction of a second
Random asset seizures, cops killing innocent people, Constitution free zone within 400km of border, companies suing municipalities that dare provide local fiber, etc
>rrrggghh grug want fone
>give grug fone
>hurrr grug smash
Australians are stupid but surely their police force isn't that retarded.
I dunno, I'd give it a 2/5. At least he used a picture of an anime girl. Not a smug one, but at least it's there.
> So you thought you could escape?
>module that modifies the Android decryption prompt
>also creates a separate hidden container with a fully usable system
>stores the key to the normal system (it's not like that one is meant to be secure)
>if you mistype a key it counts as a failure
>in panic mode, typing in the key to the normal system also counts as a failure
>after a configurable amount of failures, it does the following in order:
>>delete the hidden container headers, making it irrecoverable
>>rewrite the partition table, or filesystem index depending on how the container was implemented, to remove all trace of it
>>start the decryption and booting of the "normal" container (so to the user it looks like after a couple of attempts they finally managed to enter the right key and got in)
>>delete itself completely from the system
The only evidence would be a bunch of random data sitting in a random unused place in the filesystem. Likely barely distinguishable from the noise of the surrounding unused space.
Do you not know what ESL means?
Elaborate idea but they just have to image the system and analyze it offline to uncover your scheme
Sending positive vibes
Sure America has our problems, but at least we don't have this.
We don't have Emus either.
>image the system
pro criminal tip
>buy phone with removable battery
>epoxy the charging port
>remove battery epoxy EVERYTHING especially the internal memory and its relevant controller
>buy the same phone and use it as a charging station for the batteries
any attempt to disassemble the device will now physically destroy the memory module(s)
Don't go to Ontario then, you might get fined for not using a transgender's made up pronouns.
Well, stop storing anything on your phone.
Yeah then they're not asking for your password anymore and it's probably too late. They're not gonna image it for every single thug.
>give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
Definition of ANY government, even the smallest theoretical one. And that faggot is the "funding father" of one. Fucking hypocrite.
Those signs in the background look suspiciously like German highway road signs.
To be honest, speed limits make nothing but sense. People are way too retarded to consistently drive safe at >150kph and at those speeds it is more about keeping everyone else safe from you.
save 100 bucks and move to mexico, you can live like a king there with that kind of money
>To be honest, speed limits make nothing but sense. People are way too retarded to consistently drive safe at >150kph and at those speeds it is more about keeping everyone else safe from you.
Misleading chart, since it's deaths per 100,000 people, not deaths per so many miles driven. It makes sense that the US would have a larger death rate per capita because the average American drives a lot more miles than the average European.
Not to mention those high-pop Euro countries have their big highways cordoned off, with onramps and whatnot being the only access. Compare and contrast this to US, Canada and NZ - big, long drives across open terrain that you can just drive off of, or anyone else can wander onto.
Road fatalities per 1 billion vehicle-km
USA: 7.1
Germany: 4.9
What now?
KYS you disgusting pedos
> I trust the government more than my mother
> I allow government to look at my wife and child pictures
> Here, read all my notes and project plans, public servant
The ultimate cuckold.
So road deaths in the US are ~45% higher than in Germany. As opposed to the chart in that implies that they're ~157% higher. That's my whole point.
This. Add to that the fact that it doesn't account for speeds. Germany has lots of no speed limit zones in the Autobahn and that is where almost all accidents end in fatalities.
Driving slower not only mitigates the probability of getting into an accident but also lowers the risk of an accident being fatal.
That already exists on Android, you idiot. Both the password fail count that leads to a factory reset and the ability to hold down some buttons to enter recovery mode and flash something that fully bricks the phone. Root users can go even further and make passwords that delete stuff.
>le a therefore b
Probably obstruction of justice? You don't /need/ a reason to wipe your own data, but it wouldn't look too good with the timing.
Now if say there was a dead man's switch of it wiping itself if you haven't unlocked in a couple days and they seized it, then yeah you could probably slide that one on them.
Had my iphone seized at Sydney airport once because a friend decided it was a good idea to go about importing the coca.
Refused to unlock on principle they seize the phone for 28 days to access it, they couldn't break the iphones encryption and I remote wiped the phone as soon as I stood away from the desk with another friends phone regardless. kek.
I thought they were Kiwis, or is that NZ
>not nanny state
Based Franklin. Although he was talking about taxes for military there.
>to enter recovery mode and flash something that fully bricks the phone.
Yeah not likely if you're in the process of being busted