>website design
Website design
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Wtf is going on? Did they finally catch up and killed with the old interface for good?
the ((())) from yt want to force their new design upon us by shitting up our classic design script
those damn fuckers... someone needs to shoot them up
this is happening to anyone who was using the old UI
i kinda dig it
>what, you dont like our square video format?
>ok, let me fuck up your alternative so you will be forced to like our new design :-)
Good goyim, now turn on the new design. OHHH Nooooo.... it works SLOW ON YOUR BROWSER? Here, date dis chrome...
>try the new layout because they broke the old one
>no option for a small player
fuck this shit
So does anyone know how to unfuck it?
Theater mode at least makes it usable, but shit's still broken.
fix the css
There is no option to go back to the old UI, I had to edit some cookies to turn it back. New one looks gay as fuck too. They somehow manage to fuck everything up.
@-moz-document url-prefix("youtube.com
#watch7-sidebar {
width: 500px;
#page.watch .content-alignment {
max-width: 2086px;
#watch7-container {
padding-left: 20px;
#placeholder-player .player-api {
margin-left: 20px;
try this, report back if it works
God fucking dammit, why won't they just give up trying to shovel their shit?
simple answer? jews
what do they have against small players?
Youtube changed something again? Still working fine for me.
Haven't got the plugin for it, I'll probably just use theater mode for today (or at least until I'm done eating).
If it's not fixed soon, I'll use it.
>Hooktube still dead.
Also, did anyone notice captcha reverted to the noscript version for a few hours earlier today?
this works better
// ==UserScript==
// @name Fix youtube layout
// @version 1
// @grant none
// @include youtube.com
// @include youtube.com
// @run-at document-start
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==
//for correcting on navigation to a new video
window.addEventListener("spfdone", function(e){
//for when you load a video directly
window.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
>using hard coded values
come on user
works on my machine
God bless you
It's the old layout that's fucked, not the shitty new one.
Is it really necessary to fuck with the layout? Like is this their fucking business plan
so use the new one? I don't really see the problem here
>ugly as fuck
>loads 4 times slower
>"not supported" on my main browser
I'll stick with the old one.
I wonder if youtube could ever be made into a web 1.0 site
like just a search box, then search result thumbs and short descriptions (hover text OK).
then click one and it takes you to the html5 video (with only additional thing, search box at top).
no "videos you may like"
no autoplay
no ads
no likes
no # of views
no subscribe
give them ONE reason to host a free video archive for people that has a search feature and 500 petabytes of content
But where do i put this in chrome
then stop bitching?
Install gentoo
as a public service because you already make enough money with your search engine?
>hamburger menu that looks clickable
Not flat enough, back to the drawing board.
Is youtube going to fix this? If they're doing it to migrate people to the new UI, then there must be a threshold that if they keep it fucked up they'll lose users. It'll also looks bad for the company if they continue to use a faulty product and people start complaining. How long has it been like this?
Nevermind they just fixed it while I made that post
I love you.
>they just fixed it
Based youtube listening to the Jow Forums audience
>someone needs to shoot them up
Yeah but this time actually do something other than kill themselves.
What a god damn failure, that lady. Can't even fucking shoot up a building correctly. Women are fucking worthless.
Are you the only rossposter on here or are there multiple.