I've been searching the internet for a while trying to find out how this is possible. My friend was programming in C++ and somehow messed with pointers or something like that.
Some of the stuff that happened after she ran her program (it was a programming project)
All her keys were randomized, some spouted the ABCs, some spouted out the less often used characters
Her computer immediately started overheating. Her computer literally started smoking within 5 minutes i believe.
My question is, how is it possible for a program to physically destroy a computer. Aren't the controls for the cooling fan, etc. protected or just plain simply built right into the motherboard or BIOS?
P.S. I never managed to get a copy of the program from my friend seeing as how they're computer got destroyed.
C++ Program physically destroys computer
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This was only possible on old ass DOS systems.
>My question is, how is it possible for a program to physically destroy a computer.
In modern operating systems with virtual memory, it simply isn't.
>t. how do i make cool ass viruses Jow Forums
>look i know some words like pointer
>In modern operating systems with virtual memory, it simply isn't.
retard alert
>My question is, how is it possible for a program to physically destroy a computer.
If you have root/SYSTEM you can destroy the OS by overwriting 512b to root vol, overwriting kernel, etc.
>Her computer literally started smoking within 5 minutes i believe.
Fake as fuck.
>If you have root/SYSTEM you can destroy the OS by overwriting 512b to root vol, overwriting kernel, etc.
Literally none of those things even come remotely close to physically destroying the computer.
>programming in C++ and somehow messed with pointers
that's all anyone does with that language, thats the whole POINT
i'll see myself out
By doing this
True, doesn't physically destroy the computer. I guess, virtually? Only way I can think of by destroying the system physically is somehow bypassing sensors and then running whatever it is until it catches on fire.
OP literally said that their computer was smoking.
it was possible yes
not sure anymore with modern systems
Actually, wait. You can do this on linux. Not "smoking fire broken keyboard" but you can physically destroy a system. Delete the efivars. Boom, literally nothing can boot from that motherboard ever again. Linux this is extremely simple once you get root.
>MSi Laptops UEFI
>Systemd mounts variables used by Unified Extensible Firmware Interface on Linux system's sysfs as writable by the root user of a system. As a result, it is possible for the root user of a system to completely brick a system with a non-conforming UEFI implementation (specifically some MSi laptops) by using the rm command to delete the /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ directory, or recursively delete the root directory.[8]
Yeah, this. And it's actually somewhat common, the wiki article is misleading.
Virtual memory has literally nothing to do with this. Memory mapped I/O can still be corrupted but only if there's a major OS malfunction that allows a shitty user program to escape userland and fuck the kernel up. Stop lying on the internet.
kernelspace memory is still virtualized you nimrod
what do you think meltdown was even about
meltdown was about branch prediction you absolute mong
It was using branch prediction to escape from virtualized kernelspace memory. That was the whole point.
The virus is called 'Windows'.
That's fucking stupid. Why wouldn't you just dedicate real main memory to kernel level processes and leave paging/swapping for userland shit that doesnt matter?
int main() {
new uint64_t(0xBAADA555); //do hacker stuff
Because of significant security concerns.
Virtual memory has nothing to do with swap space.
virtual memory tells you whether or not you have to grab a swapped out piece of memory from secondary storage. you wut m8?
>Includes iostream
>Doesn't even use it
Now that is what I call hacking!
please do
that joke was fucking lame
it's lungs must have been already in a really bad state then
it was going to die sooner or later
Just stay out of hardware user. You're bad at it.
I love this board
If you send the hard disk a command to spin the motor continuously, it'll probably burn up.
I think DOS used the real mode flat model addressing where you can mess with any part of the memory and thus break your system. On mordern OS, the protected mode flat model addressing cannot access the memory and your OS throws SIGSEGV. So, unless OP's sister was using DOS, the story is bunk.
This can happen with smart pointers too if the code is run on smartphones
You could hack a laptop battery's firmware to keep charging past safe limits until it catches fire. Theoretically. Especially if it's a cheapo battery that has less safety features than a genuine one.
Figure out a way to turn the fans off, then start an endless loop to max the processor.
>what is thermal throttling
>what is emergency halt
>My friend was programming in C++ and somehow messed with pointers or something like that.
>All her keys were randomized, some spouted the ABCs, some spouted out the less often used characters
>Her computer immediately started overheating. Her computer literally started smoking within 5 minutes i believe.
It's not possible unless running program as root and even then you will be lucky if you find any way to burn computer like that having only programmatic access to it. All hardware has own safety measures.
>he still doesn't know the cpu will just shut off
is this real life?
He might be lying
It's possible to remount UEFI in r/w mode and erase some stuff so the PC won't boot but this requires above admin privileges. Also on laptops it's possible to write to embedded controller and stop fans for example, but it still won't kill it as the hardware has failsafes for overheating. Nowadays it's impossible really.
>Her computer literally started smoking within 5 minutes i believe.
That's what happens when you buy Leroyvo Ganjapads.
>above admin privileges
hurr durr
It's just a coincidence, this sounds like a motherboard failure that just happened at the same time.