Hi Jow Forums, I'm waiting to be called in at the hospital, expecting a cancer diagnosis. I'm not even 30.
Post happy technology because I sure as fuck am not right now.
Hi Jow Forums, I'm waiting to be called in at the hospital, expecting a cancer diagnosis. I'm not even 30.
Post happy technology because I sure as fuck am not right now.
This is an acer aspire v5. It's the mesothelioma of laptops.
Kys faggot
That's life user. Life is privilege, never a right. It can be taken away from us at any moment and we are powerless to stop it. Best we can do is live the best lives we can and avoid things that can increase illness (being a fatass, druggie, drunk, pothead, ect ect). God speed, hope you get fixed up and back up on your feet in no time.
Anyway ray traced physics computer simulations are pretty amazing. Maybe one day we can simulate down to the molecular level so we can find a permanent cure for things like cancer and prion disease.
30 years is the best life span
so if you're close to 30 then you pretty much already went through your whole life
good for you user
>expecting a cancer diagnosis.
youre just expecting that because youre a morbid pessimistic faggot. Its Giods way of telling you, switch off the PC and Do Some Real.
The Big C actually takes you when you least expect it. No-body epexcts The Bog C. One cannot simply will it into existence.
tldr, stop being a faggot, faggot.
This is now a terminal thread.
Considering it so I have control over something
Not much else fits, I've already had multiple tests done but the thing keeps growing. Biopsy results today. Predicting hongkins lymphoma.
>tfw 30 and diabeetus, but no cancer
haha take that, OP
looks like I win again.
hodgkins isn't so bad as far as cancer goes, it probably won't kill you so cheer up m80
Read up on clinical trials where cancer treatment worked. Don't lose hope so quickly you pessimistic faggot.
Oh shit nigger you'll never find out what the one piece treasure is that's terrible
OP, the gentoomen are among the most bitter people on Jow Forums. I'm sorry about your situation. It really sucks. I have you in my thoughts OP, even if you may be a faggot. Faggots don't deserve actual cancer.
Here, have this cute picture.
Good luck.
You'll most likely be alright, you little crying faggot.
Better start living now
Man oxy is one BITCH of a drug. Now I'm not sure if "happiness" is a social construct or not to just a stupid sack of chemicals reacting.
I’ve known some people who had Hodgkin’s in their early 20’s and are doing fine now. You’re young so your odds of survival are better. Also consider a ketogenic diet, I’ve heard that it helps slow cancer growth.
>He actually wants to keep living
why do you resist sweet sweet death?
Technology is all just distractions and planned obsolescence.
None of us have much to look forward to.
I have one of those
you're very correct
Hey if you do have cancer you'll get the best opiates they make. But once you're on them you'll be so sick you won't enjoy them at all. I just disposed of a bunch of fentanyl that my grandma was taking before she passed.
Cancer sucks and I'm quite certain if I get past the age of 50 I'll get it. As I have many realitives on both sides that have died from it.
That's only true if you set your life up in a way where you can't live a better one constantly. If you're still young, set up passive income and a learning schedule. If you're an old wagecuck, might as well really just kys.
Or if fat, just fast for a while. Cancer cells are inefficient at living on ketones while people can do just fine (and even better than on carbs) on them.
tfw you bout to die of cancer and cancer posts in your thread
put me in the will
It sure as hell isn't you fuckass
what was this simulated/rendered with?
>Anyway ray traced physics computer simulations are pretty amazing. Maybe one day we can simulate down to the molecular level so we can find a permanent cure for things like cancer and prion disease.
we'll need 400Hz gay-sync 8k gaymen monitors to watch those simulations.
Here's a headbanging flip phone.
I got diagnosed with cancer at 25, now I'm 28 in perfect health and with a full head of thick hair. Shit happens. Just make sure you follow all of the medical directions you're given to the letter. People have tougher recoveries because they don't listen.
assmung made me laugh
oh, I fucked a girl that got cancer at 17 and she got well and happy with long, really long hair
don't lose your hopes, you fucking faggot
>hongkins lymphoma
Thats fucking nothing.
your size is likely punishment enough
>I fucked a girl and she got well
Correlation does not imply causation, user
>and happy with long, really long hair
fuck it, what you doing Sat?
Are you offering to fuck OP too?
I offering him to fuck me, but without being gay.
hahahahahaha R.I.P. loser!
>Hey Jow Forums, cancer is technology of the human genome, let's talk about cancer
sendin' happy little programs
int main(){
time_t t;
srand((unsigned int) t);
for(int i = 0; i < rand() % 100 ; i++){
printf("just happy little mistakes, user\n");
return 1;
t-the more the marrier, r-right?
Get well soon.
The kitties are going to ruin that perfectly good computer.