
Any pi-hole users here ? Ipv6 is not ad blocked

Attached: pihole.jpg (1024x768, 156K)

no idea. just set one up and its doing a fine job for my mobile needs

what advantages does using a pi-hole have over blocking on a router?

None, pfBlockerNG is actually better.

None. Most people just have shit routers and don't flash them with decent firmware.

isn;t it?

lists are updated regularly, more filtering options than your router, and most importantly put the pi in your drawer to some use to alleviate that buyers remorse.

Attached: 1510062700893.png (951x467, 23K)

Pihole user.
I dont use ipv6 cause im not a tard.


My internet service provider (burger) does not use ipv6

>lists are updated regularly
Same goes for the Adblock package on OpenWRT. Pretty sure they use basically the same lists but even if not you can add lists yourself to Adblock.

>more filtering options than your router
Such as?

Youre seriously going to poz the shit out of your DNS lookup latency with that garbage?

if you've got tomato or DDWRT running then it's not that different as you can get all this shit on there, I was comparing it against a dumb isp router

Did you just wake up from a time capsule or something? OpenWrt is what people use nowadays. OpenWrt is also less botnet since it's fully free software whereas the two others are a mix of open source and proprietary.

Thanks for the info, and I don't use either, never have.

How do you put pihole-like applications on an openwrt router?

I run Pi-Hole in a Ubuntu VM. Under Ubuntu 16 it didn't properly block ipv6, even though it said it was enabled.

In Ubuntu 18, this problem no longer exists for me, and Pi-Hole properly filters both ipv6 and ipv4 traffic.

Attached: file.png (481x256, 13K)

What advantage does using this thing have say ver using U-Block Origin?


Attached: Windows_XP_Pirated_Edition.jpg (1024x768, 159K)

you block ads on all your devices connected to your router

i just use linux on my routers

Isp controls most routers remotely. Firmware updates over write user settings all the time. My isp has even disabled bridged mode

It's worse.

just because there isn't bridge mode doesn't mean you can't put another router behind that one, there's still usually the ability to assign the router you provide as dmz

it's not like you control the hop that goes from the isp to your gateway device
the gateway is just another hop

No shit but it's an extra box that I constantly have to fight with. Imagine all your port forwarding is home because ISP update. Wake on lan over WAN only works for about ten minutes then it's mysteriously disabled by their router. And it's theirs because that's what's in the SLA

Broke not home

How so?

OpenWRT IS a distribution of GNU/Linux

where can I get a decent filter

You set DHCP ?

How do you use a second router with an isp router ?

What do you use


Pies and holes are two things that usually get fucked.