My boyfriend put together my desktop and put these in here...

my boyfriend put together my desktop and put these in here. They weren't with the pc case when we first opened the parts. Is he pranking me or is this important for the pc?

Attached: what is this.jpg (4032x2268, 2.26M)

Needs more coal

Take a better photo

A less blurry, more focused image would be more helpful.

Do you have Parkinsons or something?
Did you look at this picture before uploading it?

based cathode tube installing boyfriend

Attached: 1516065592060.gif (320x240, 2.46M)

I can tell that's an HP case, that's about it thanks to the image being taken with a potato.

> tits or gtfo
> do if fag; then gas; done

Why is tom so based?

I don't even know what those are but it seems to hold something in place, if the pc works you don't need to worry about it

post pics of boyfriends dick

Does he wear programming socks too?

plz be my gf

post boipucci

>femanon here

This, its an hp case and if you poke the green things then the pcie cards will fall out.

Wth am I looking at?

Alright time for a non meme response. He installed a rootkit and a keylogger to log every keystroke. Basically he thinks you're cheating probably and is spying on your every move.



I don't have his dick pic but here is a pic of him playing in the forest

Attached: 1456280297592.jpg (1424x1424, 1.05M)

see pls respond

Gay faggot gaylord gayfag

Were you running from him while taking this picture?

Fucking LOL

my girlfriend put together my desktop a few years back. I know for a fact she was pranking me.

Attached: my gf is missing a box.jpg (1600x1200, 523K)

No idea what it's called but its something used to clamp down the GPU so it doesnt fall out the pci slot