What is your favourite programming language and why is it Kotlin? >

What is your favourite programming language and why is it Kotlin? >

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>Scala for brainlets

Scala is fucking awful, if you want FP then just use FP.

Why is scala awful?
It has really nice libraries for supporting parallelism, big data, actor model and FP. (Akka/Spark/Scalaz/Shapeless...)
Scala gives you a huge toolset, you can do basically everything with it, it depends on how you use it.
I've been working in scala for 2 yrs now and I havent seen yet a fag using "var" deliberately and imperative programming style.

do you use kotlin outside of android dev?

> kotlin
The best is elixir

I'm using it for Android dev as well as backend dev.

probably c#, but I wish they did .net core earlier



Attached: kurd.png (1082x668, 1.03M)

How to into Haskell?


I learned it in uni so I don't have any good resources for self-teaching on hand. The main things you need to understand in order to write haskell are the functional programming paradigm, parametrically polymorphous type system, pattern matching and data structures. Maybe start by looking for a "Introduction to Haskell" or "Introduction to functional programming" scriptum on uni websites.

What framework do you use for backend?

LOL anything you do with Java, you can use Kotlin as well
It's better to use it than Java
That includes backend development with Spring and Jetty and even software development

my ass is HUUUUUUGE

The main designer of Kotlin is Andrey Breslav. He is literally a kike.

So you like Swift?

Reactive Spring Boot. I'm also playing around with Verte.x



My favorite language was C++ until I discovered Rust.

You can't use it at work.