Redpill me on Julia Jow Forums
Redpill me on Julia Jow Forums
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meme language
Same here, I'm interested but don't know if it'll be worth my time.
I stumbled upon it on github not so long ago, just thought it was another autistic shit and it looks like it apparently
Overhyped, but it's pretty cool, runs fast and very flexible. I expect it to fail and retreat into small usage based on my never failed hermaneutic:
>is good -> becomes obscure
>is good enough -> becomes standard
>is bad -> stays bad
>literally who?
Python has a boat load of functionality outside of scientific computing that allows literally anyone to rig up a fully functioning application with I/O that's also decently performant in under a day. Why switch?
It will die for the same reason VBA still lives.
Basically an edgy Python for failed (((data scientists)))
>When you're in class and the teacher starts talking about Julia and then you see this thread
It's not a replacement for Python, it's a replacement for R.
>Possible [well established, popular language] rival? Programming language [overrated meme shit used primarily by redditors and female coders] is winning over developers
Same shit every couple of months
As is the prophecy, eventually all programming will be done in lisp.
Julia is a step closer to it, again.
rule34 when?
>for machine learning
I want memesters off my internet
>Redpill me
Please kill yourself.
I'm actually disgusted by this. People that fall for the machine learning buzzword are no different from pajeets that fell for the java buzzword in the 90s.
>absolutely no one ITT has used Julia but feels the need to talk to random strangers instead of moving on to another thread
The absolute state of Jow Forums
What if the language was called Judy owo
What if the language was called Nick OwO
>Basically an edgy Python for failed (((data scientists)))
Anyone (((data scientists))) in this thread that use Python needs Anaconda to install all their babby fill-in-the-blanks data science libraries (pandas, sci-kit, numpy, tensorflow) as doing it manually with pip is a shitshow
Every single programming language on Jow Forums is a bunch of Luddites with Stockholm Syndrome clinging on to their legacy languages like C, C++, Python, PHP and anything new is a 'meme language'. I really dont have time to waste on idiots, keep using Python
How is Julia any better? Is it not also a full-in-the-blanks toolkit? FWIW I'm not a data-scientist, but I find using pip pretty easy. Compiling source and locally installing a package is also fine, and is something anyone on this board should be able to do.
Can you name some examples for
>is good -> becomes obscure
If Numpy were a language.
It's the latest meme C wrapper language marketed to the data science crowd hoping for some big company to pick it up and run with it.
There is nothing that R or Python can't do that it can. To it's merit, however, there are some neat new tricks that make computation faster.
>another programming language
I hate how modern apps need be fucking Frankenstein written in five or memed languages. Meanwhile serious programming in industry and banks still in C and Cobol
>FWIW I'm not a data-scientist, but I find using pip pretty easy
probably youve installed something like PyGame with pip which means youve never had to work with an actual Python project
>uses shitty OS package-manger, dependencies not there
>accidentally forget to use --user when pip installing, break system
>still have to manually tweak environment to use virtualenv correctly or use tools like pipenv.
> bullshit for packaging and distribution.
>dependencies are recorded in something that is as stupid as and something as completely useless as requirements.txt
>Meanwhile serious programming in industry and banks still in C and Cobol
>every programming thread
>Larping C fizzbuzzers in moms basement
It has the name of a woman so people like it
>probably youve installed something like PyGame with pip which means youve never had to work with an actual Python project
That's a bold assumption. I've actually dealt with everything you've listed with my projects, and it's really not that hard. Are you saying that's all Julia brings to the table? Not very convincing.
ok, then keep using Python, I have no time for anyone who can take package management seriously by creating a virtual environment
>it's a replacement for r
That would be Python. R is pretty much done at this stage.
>array indeces start at 1
>the best way to plot something is to call python libraries
Mate I have no idea what you're upset about. Do you hate Julia? Python? Jow Forums? First you said anaconda was baby-tier and you should use pip, but now apparently pip is also bad and you should use the OS's package manager, but that is also bad because it breaks dependencies.
So tell me, what isn't bad?
>So tell me, what isn't bad?
Im saying Julia isnt bad, it has an outstanding package manager and module system, not hard to figure that out
>language by Pajeet
>is named Julia
Ok, but what about it is better than Python? For example, how is its package manager better than pip? It can't compete on number of modules, so what else?
A language with a feminine name is getting shilled on Jow Forums to make us associate females with programming. Is there anything (((they))) won't try?
>Ok, but what about it is better than Python? For example, how is its package manager better than pip?
Im not even sure youre being serious, like if you cant tell the difference between a modern package/project management system compared to a joke like pip, then I dont even know where to start. Python is simply a hacky duck-taped-together langauge. The reason being Guido is an idiot and everyone let him make all the decisions on Python language and library design even though most of it was cheap unix hacks. pip is just in a long line of failed package management systems that each time try to repair something that is inherently broken.
>It can't compete on number of modules, so what else?
number of libraries means absolutely nothing, every shit language lets people upload their libraries to whatever repo that language has. Julia's libraries are top-flight, a lot of people are moving to Julia just for libraries alone
>>array indeces start at 1
as do array indices in R, Matlab, Mathematica, Fortran
>>the best way to plot something is to call python libraries
most Python data science libraries are not written in Python
It would be very hard to make a package manager worse than pip
The Haskell people pulled it off though
>when you're calling Python which is calling C while you insist your language is the new hotness
>Python is simply a hacky duck-taped-together langauge
Fair criticism.
>Julia's libraries are top-flight, a lot of people are moving to Julia just for libraries alone
When a language grows beyond the core dev team the quality of packages begins to vary, it happens in every language.
No one takes Julia seriously and no one is moving to it. The next big data science language is Scala.
Ah I see, bitter you wasted time learning the language of the month from 6 months ago
But honestly, how can you give up the python infrastructure.
>python infrastructure.
>need to use a package framework like Anaconda because the library module system in the language is too shitty to use directly
>Forget Python, use Rust!
>Forget Python, use Lua!
>Forget Python, use Javascript!
>Forget Python, use x!
Just another year of languages with little usage in reality, save for lua in World of Warcraft and Garrysmod
It's named after a girl and it's competing with Python, an obscure shit language for building calculators and fizzbuzz. So it fucking sucks.
Modern Fortran
I never had a problem with pip.
>is good -> becomes obscure.
Women make the best statisticians, you shitlord.
Basically any Lisp dialect.
Go is an example of is bad -> stays bad.
>>I hate how modern apps need be fucking Frankenstein written in five or memed languages.
Not even close to remotely true.
You replied to the wrong post but thank you for the (you).
yeah I know, it actually makes more sense when doing math because matrices start at a_11 and not a_00. I have known about Julia for a while and use it when I can.
I want to start using it more. I was thinking of trying out the Genie.jl as I an looking for a web framework for a hobby project I want to start.
What exactly is wrong with this? She made the program safer by reducing the chance of side-effects.
More that this thread combined.
This. Nobody who says "wrapper around C" has in this bread has used Julia, and you can ignore their opinion.
At least she read the code and understood it enough to know where to add const, you fag.
Most college students can't even read large codebases, let alone codebases written In C, one of the worst languages invented by mankind.
>>At least she read the code and understood it enough to know where to add const, you fag.
>implying she didn't just use grep to find variables that were never assigned to.
at least she can use grep
incredible, truly. for a woman and not even a white one.
would anyone notice or care if the name was pajeet?
julia can do the same and runns faster.
and it has automatically more libraries because you can use all of python + other languages seamlessly if you really wanted.
yes, it is truly impressive. she was able to do something the average /v/ winlet could not.
>C, one of the worst languages invented by mankind.
okay brainlet
Thread closed
>not faster than C
>not more convenient than C++
>not easier than Go
>not less bloated than bc
>not more popular than Java
Julia has exactly zero quality.
I'll never understand this, and I'll never use a programming language that insist on doing stupid shit like this. It's the sole purpose of starting arrays at 1 to mess with people?
What a dumb name.
The answer is Matlab.
Unfortunately a lot of scientists have been chained to Matlab for too long and now have Stockholm syndrome, so new languages that want to free these people from the shackles of evil need to use 1 based indexing to cater for them.
>tfw I just wrote a LinkedIn article about Julia for easy (You)s and meme points
>not using mit-scheme with edwin
>in Cobol
the only reason they are hiring Cobol programmers now is to migrate Cobol code to Java and forever forget that shit language.
t. I work in finance as a programmer.
It's a language for academia, and therefore is very specialized and does one sort of thing well.
Thats not the kind of language Jow Forums likes, but it's a neat enough little language. I played around with it a bit when 1.0 launched.
Post a sample piece of code. Like fizzbuzz or something
that's awful, why would anyone ever do that?
found the CS brainlet.
Anyone working in:
likes matrices to start at 1. You autists can keep C and write it starting at 0.
all i know about julia is that i like her body of work.
>python rule34 when?
It's legit.
Mathematicians care about the ordinal size of something, CS people care about offset from beginning.
Julia, R, Matlab, etc have no pointer arithmetic or any situation where offset/0-indexed is preferable.
Fight me CS niggers.
*what's this?*
>it's X but faster/better
When will people realize that this doesn't matter when it comes to mass adoption?
Yuliya is clearly better
I've used it in place of matlab for signal processing work. the syntax differences are minor enough but the cost difference is nice. Especially once you start needing a lot of the matlab addons.
it's... fine? If you run into a need for software like that it's more professional than python but cheaper than matlab
>every language that isn't already well-established is a maymay
>save for lua in World of Warcraft and Garrysmod
I honestly would have preferred Blizzard embedding python desu
far better than python honestly.
julia uses like all the python ports. also what you said sounds like you're defining javascript.
Fortran, Matlab, Mathematica, and R all do that too. So given the academic / scientific computing focus of so much of the Julia community, it's really not surprising.
It also doesn't actually matter. It's a convention that you'll get used to.
>not less bloated than bc
got a chuckle from me
>The answer is Matlab.
Also fortran and R, which also have a ton of traction in this domain.
but does julia run faster than python's c and fortran libraries?