So i found this iphone and want to be able to set to factory settings, i dont know the password and its not connected to the internet. Its an iphone 7. Please let me know how i could unlock or put this thing in factory settings.
Give it back, Jamal
Give it back Paco
Give it back, Vladislav
Give it back, Tyrone
Return it to the rightful owner, Jerry
You just "found it"?
Give it a google, check if its stolen (IMEI checker)
Give it back, LaQueesha
Give it back D'Quan.
Give it back, Jaekwon.
Give it back, Latrell.
رجع التلفون يا جعفر
Higly consider to return the stolen item to the rightful owner, Pedro
Very unoriginal
Unique but not funny
Same. Unique, but not funny.
Extremely dull and unoriginal.
Original, funny. Good job user.
Somewhat original but not funny
Terrible. Worst in the thread.
Boring garbage.
Best one out of these generic black names.
Absolute trash
Who the fuck are you like? Have you just won the Perier Award at the Edinburgh Fringe? No? Then shut up you daft cunt.
Anyway, back on message...
Give it back, Roachford.
If you don't know the passcode you can't erase all content and settings from the device without iTunes.
Plug into iTunes and restore.
It'll be activation locked to the original owner's iCloud account if you stole it, so you won't be able to set it up.
>connect iPhone to computer with iTunes (preferrably offline, spoofed MAC address)
>shut the phone down
>hold sleep/wake and volume down for 10 seconds
>release volume down put keep holding
>"Update" in DFU mode
>hold Sleep + VolDwn again to reboot
>resell on Craigslist
It's an iPhone so if you "found" it there's a 65% chance it's been up a gay mans bottom and you now have AIDS.
Bad luck.
It'll still be activation locked to the original owner's iCloud account, so expect an angry message from buyer.
>the only funny one is with a white guy
How is the weather in Tel-Aviv, Moishe?
Indeed, this one shall endup into my personal collection of embarassment and regrets
A nigger with white skin
That's new
> Please let me know how i could unlock
give it back to its rightful owner and ask them to unlock it for you
Actual answer:
Apple can restore both the email and pass for the appleid if you have proof of purchase, imei, personal identification and phone number the phone is currently connected to. I can't find this process officially stated anywhere but it's used by companies to re-use iphones left by former employees which they are unable to get to unlock the phone they had.
Not that it helps anyone that found it after it "fell out of a truck". Just keep it charged, on and near open sky so find my iphone can kick in.
Bepни тeлeфoн, Maгoмeд.