Why are Apple products such poorly engineered fragile garbage?

Why are Apple products such poorly engineered fragile garbage?

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Why the fuck is every error called DISEASE with apple?

If Apple products are poorly engineered and fragile how come the iPhone 5S from 2013 runs the latest iOS version whereas even the Galaxy S7 from 2016 will not receive Android Pie and Google Pixel devices from last year are now laggy as shit?

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Because they're using it wrong by letting it catch a disease in the first place.

If Apple products are properly engineered, why does installing the latest iOS make any 1 year old iPhone run at 20% its original speed?

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Because you're using it wrong, goy. Stop making these threads.

Because it goes along with their users.

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Why do you care if you dont have any of those devices?

nice b8

to force its customers into buying a new one. every hardware tech company either does that or goes bankrupt eventually


lol, do you even know who's making iPhones now?

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Found your problem.

Really made me think.

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nice asspain


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>This is a natural process
The current state of iToddlers

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>Implying it was talking only about iPhones
The absolute state of Jow Forums's reading comprehension.

Came here to make fun of iPhags, but now I'm too disappointed with the rest of you to bother. Thanks for ruining it, morons.

>t. itodldler

Because Apple users have evolved beyond elementary concepts such as exceptions and hardware failure. If something's wrong, it's a disease or an illness. It's the same reason Macs don't get viruses or malware, instead they get breached or attacked.

>screen still functions
Oof at korean engineering that cant replicate this PEAK california design

>t. seething itoddler

And again you fall at reading comprehension. I don't own a single iDevice, and wouldn't give a penny to that cock toking pajeet lover running applel. You're just no good at mocking iDrones and took the fun out of it.

I know for a fact that a lot of bug chasers in my community use apple products. They get all hyped and happy when they hear their device caught one more disease.

my galaxy s4 only got one update to lollipop and no security updates after that lol

i'm done with android

If you buy apple today,
only buy iPhone SE, 6S or 6S Plus
or macbook Retina 2013/2014

I'm wondering how they made it so that people don't associate cracked screens with bad quality.
I mean iShits break left and right but somehow it still doesn't put a dent into their image.
Maybe it's the notion that "luxurious" products are somehow more delicate or something.
A bug is something that is obviously caused by bad programming. However high and mighty Apple of course can't be bad.
So they just call it a disease which implies an external cause and thus doesn't damage Apple's image. It's genius, really.

They are very well engineered. They last just enough to get through warranty. When they breaks they usually are old enough to make the user get a newer model instead of fixing the old one.
From a business standpoint that's great engineering.

>buy bendy fragile overheating throttling trash

On macbook and ipad notch won't hurt that much actually, if Apple decides to put 1080p camera tho.

>bug chasers

>if Apple decides to put 1080p camera tho.
Why would applel do that when it's much more profitable to use 25 cent 720p cameras and call it "retina" or some shit to sucker in gullible appletoddlers?

Well they might as well push the envelope, the way Apple pushed high resolution screens so we are not stuck at 1366 x 768p.

Yeah no, IBM pushed 1920x1200 while applel was stuck on their 1280x800 trash.

Apple pushed 2880×1800 and then everyone followed, no one cared and did anything about Z61p and IBM is a small fish compared to it's past glory now. One thing is making something, another is your product having an impact.

Yeah you can but it slows down your phone to a crawl and most of the newer features are disabled anyway.

Apple copying everyone else, and mactoddlers bragging about being willing sheep as usual.


read the article

That's too difficult for itoddlers.

Is this ‘lel apple wasn’t the first to come up with touchscreen’ argument? No one cares, Apple was the first to do it right and everyone started copying after. There is a reason every smartphone got touchscreen and most of multimedia notebooks look like macbooks so suck it up pal.

>implying it's a natural process
Off yourself immediately

>treat your stuff like an ape
>it breaks
>woooooooow.jpg WTF APPLE

>you're using it wrong

I work in phone repairs and bent 6/6+'s are not as common as you'd think. I see far, far, far more Samsung phones with smashed backs/fronts or hairline cracks on the AMOLED screens.

Most common issue I see customers have with iPhones is cracked glass but the LCD still works fine.

Ironically I have an iPhone 7 Plus I'm repairing at the moment where the chassis is bent about 40 degrees to the bottom and while the screen is gone everything else is working perfectly, even the battery.

Because normies will buy anything as long as it looks pretty.

>Implying that things do not degrade with use over time.
I want to live in whatever fantasy world you're a resident of, where nothing eventually breaks down through use. I would never have to buy new clothes, new shoes, new appliances, a new car, etc because everything would last forever!

Sadly my Note 8 was made in Vietnam, not Korea.

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IBM did it right first, Applel copied. Apple couldn't even come up with a design themselves. Stay seething appletoddler.

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I imagine this is actually very true. When I bought my s8 I also bought one of those cases that have a flip cover because I wanted the front and back of my phone protected since the whole fucking thing is glass and I know damn well it would only take bumping into something too hard or forgetting which pocket it's in since it's really thin and light and put my car keys in the same pocket for it to get cracked or scratched. So far, almost a year later, it's still in perfect condition but if I were like all the normies I saw buying them without any accessories at all, it wouldn't be

Why do Apple products bend so easily?

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Found your problem.

Underrated post.

>exert force on an object
>act surprised when it bends
Wish that was me

A poor child in Africa could have eaten that

Because Apple Devices aren't just phones, they are an extension of the self. When an iToddler's iPhone isn't working properly, the iToddler's life gets all out of whack. I know several people whom in circumstances where there phone ceased to work at all, they didn't show up to work or school, they could not function as a person.

Why would you bring a bend phone in for repair?
It's an obvious write-off.

S o u r g r a p e s

Reddit star once again proves that he's a fucking retard. Like why don't you just stop posting? Literally, read your own fucking image.

He wanted it fixed. The motherboard, charging flex and other small bits are still working fine so all that needs to be done is replacement of the chassis/LCD/battery. These parts don't cost that much so it's worth to do, gonna cost him like $180 to fix in total.

>t. seething mactoddler

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I meant the lack of iBend 6 customers.
It's not because they don't bend, it's because most people just buy a new iPhone.


Probably? Unless you fuck the Touch IC then a bend isn't going to stop the phone from functioning. Most people only buy a new phone or get their old one fixed when it fucks out completely or they feel like spending money.

From my experience people are more likely to get their iPhones fixed than look at buying new ones, I still repair 4/4S's every now and then too. Whereas with Samsung very few people actually own flagships, most Samsung's I (don't) repair are the shitty prime/galaxy A/J/G series where replacement parts are half the cost of a new one. Very few people in my region buy high-end Android phones but they're certainly buying iPhones. I'm also sick of hearing "my $200 pos android phone I bought last week is running slow can you make it faster?"

Your pic literally shows 2006 macbook pro which unibody and retina macbook's evolved from design wise. Bad pajeet, no rupees for you.

Either you're lying, or you're a complete moron. Aplel doesn't have high market share and aplel fags either happily bend over at the aplel store or just buy a new one like the compliant goyim they are.

Gee it's almost like they've been garage since jobs died
>b-but its a 1 trillion dollar company
LOL still can't make good shit even with the world's eyes on them cheap fashion accessory tier crap which is basically just tech white goods at this point.

>since jobs died
umm... sweaty

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I still kek every time I read that
So glad Apple ditched Intel for their 202x line-up reckon they will go with arm?

ARM based chip of their own design.

Rip x86 those first couple of years gonna be rough for macfags and probably no windows/boot camp support.
Needed to be done tho we've reached the limit of x86 with Zen

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Loool irl fuck hahahahahahaha

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In terms of flagships? No. I see way more android devices than I do iPhones. But I rarely see high end android phones at all, people would rather spend their money on Apple if they're going to spend that much on a phone from what I've seen. Also there are no Apple stores in my country, if you want it repaired through Apple you have to send it overseas which from what I've heard takes up to two-three weeks turn around time.

b-b-b-but apple is overpriced!

You get what you pay for. Samsung has push notifications that advertise their note 9 on an s8+. Apple acts less sleazy, and you get updates for a very long time.

>tfw apple products were always as hot as irons throughout the history

>mfw I'm a bug chaser and encounter a new disease

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Found your problem.

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Imagine being an iCuck.

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I don't carry a phone at all and my life's pretty great.


Found your problem.

Appletoddlers don't understand technology, so the technical terms had to be dumbed down to something they can understand and also relate to.

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Implying arm will ever come close to proper cpus

I bought a htc one m8 which was more expensive then an iphone
I plan on to replace it when i find a good one
I don't even know why people spend nearly the same amount of money on a inferior iphone

>making an implication without meme arrows


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Had one of those for 2 years it was a turd shit battery life and gpu died

Found your problem.


I’d be willing to bet good money that people seeing this are the same people that disabled the feature that there was a big outcry over the other year whereby if your battery was unable to cope with peak demand the phone would auto throttle. Booting a phone typically will hit peak so if your battery isn’t up to the task and you’ve deliberately turned off the feature designed to mitigate this, your phone won’t boot and will be stuck in a loop. Perhaps they could implement a feature that if the phone detects 2 failed boot cycles it will force it to throttle for the 3rd and then unthrottle when the boot succeeds.

My coworker's iphone died mid-call with a customer and started bootlooping just the other day. Just out of the fucking blue. I don't understand what could have happened to cause such a thing to happen, other than poor engineering.

>the state of iShit

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it probably happened because magnets