What do you think about this frontend dev?

What do you think about this frontend dev?

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I think he wasted his time making his own OS and kernel and yapping about his skills.
I get it, you worked on systems when you were younger and learned a lot, I trust you on that. Now write a book or something.

God said tackle a horse

people here make fun of Terry while being so inferior to the nutty guy in the realm of... well most things tech related

Well, but Jow Forums is more inclusive than terry. That's a point for Jow Forums, I guess

He basically turned C into a runtime shell language which is fucking crazy

His OS is self documenting, it IS the book

Temple OS confirmed as the new good book.
Terry isn't schizophrenic, he's literally channeling the divine will.

what if i still can't get to work because it's too easy to get distracted and difficult to get rid of them

>God said sports are homo tackle a horse
What did terry mean by that?

homer dropped a wrench

cringe and niggerlicious

based and divine intellect

Guys a fucking brainlet. NodeOS is better than his shitty """""operating system"""""

>What do you think about this frontend dev?
I think he spent too much time being a 'rearend' dev with his brother

sports are like an imitation of a real struggle, so instead of sports go out and get into a real struggle instead. and maybe this is one of those non literal things where it's not necessarily about sports but rather means like push yourself in a way that isn't trivial i.e isn't for its own benefit like sports are. idk

i find him really funny but at the same time sad

The verse 15:87 is actually "God said tackle a police horse"

This fuck should take over hurd development.

Why is that crazy?

This so goddamn fucking much. GNU/HURD would be finished in a year if Terry developed it

I think he became homeless because he adopted systemd without further inspection of what it actually is and does. doesn't approve of the word "nigger" being said. Google simply said "Not on my watch! Don't believe me? Just watch.". CIA niggers of the deep state then acted upon that, leading to his current situation.

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Speaking of, has anyone ported HolyC to Linux/GNU

Just run TempleOS in a VM and enable drag and dropping of files
HolyC is so deeply ingrained into TempleOS that it'd be quite an undertaking to port it

> (You)
>cringe and niggerlicious
> (You)
>based and divine intellect
troled you lol ;-)

His parents kick him out or what?

Because you didn't do it but Terry.

No he still lives with them

Terry is 110% homeless. He doesn't even have a car now

He reminds me of Col. Kurtz. A military individual gone rogue.

His parents couldnt take it anymore?

Hid parents are assholes.

How? Hes insane

do mongolians count as horses?

Attached: 1200px-Hakuho_2012_January.jpg (1200x2077, 263K)

Awhile ago he got into a physical altercation with his father, and he was arrested. That's why he isn't there anymore.

Fuck off retard gorilla nigger.

Do not listen to these fake news. Terry is not homeless. He is perfectly fine living with his parents. Currenty working on RS232 Internet connection for templeos

fuck off CIA, god said no networking