/pcbg/ - PC Building General

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Want help?
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses; eg Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (eg photo editing, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)
>Don't use Speccy. Use HWinfo, SIV, etc.

>R3 2200G - Bare minimum gaming(dGPU optional)
>R5 2400G - Consider IF on sale
>R5 2600/X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs
>i7-8700K - Best for 1080p gaming, but most expensive when factoring in delid, cooling, etc.
>R7 2700/X - Best high-end gaming/mixed usage on a non-HEDT platform
>Threadripper/Used Xeon - HEDT

>For Intel, only Z300 series boards can utilize fast memory

>8GB - Enough for most gaming use
>16GB - Standard for heavy use
>32GB - If you have to ask, you don't need this
>CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 2933MHz+ is ideal

Graphics cards
>Avoid cheap models ie MSI Armor (Mk2 is ok), Gigabyte G1/Wf, ASUS duals, and others which have small heatsinks and low quality fans
>Only consider AMD GPU if you plan on getting an upcoming HDR monitor
>RX 570/580 /w Freesync or 1060 6GB are standard 1080p 60fps+ options
>1050Ti or RX560 for lower settings, or older games
>GTX 1070Ti/Vega 56 if seeking higher fps & you have a CPU+monitor to match
>Vega 56 /w Freesync, 1070Ti if you already have Gsync
>GTX 1080Ti if seeking higher fps & you have a CPU+monitor to match
>Titan V or upscale from 1440-1800p
OpenCL work
>Vega 64

>Backup before using StoreMi
>Consider getting a larger SSD (better GB/$) instead of small SSD & large HDD
>2TB HDDs are barely more $ than 1TB
>M.2 is a form factor, NOT a performance standard

>Consider 75hz minimum; 60hz are mostly old models.
>Always consider FreeSync with AMD cards
>___sync is important for slower response time monitors (IPS)


Attached: hot wheels.jpg (680x525, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Sapphire-11265-05-20G-Backplate-Graphics-Graphic/dp/B06ZZ6FMF8/ref=sr_1_14?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1534536442&sr=1-14&keywords=amd rx 580
amazon.com/Sapphire-11265-01-20G-Radeon-backplate-Graphics/dp/B071QX74F9/ref=sr_1_11?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1534536442&sr=1-11&keywords=amd rx 580

$650 for a card that's slower than the $750 1080Ti probably isn't going to drive prices down much except for retards who don't sell their 1080Ti while not realizing if they overclocked their 1080Ti it'd be faster.

As I predicted, the 2000 series GTX(well RTX) cards aren't going to significantly improve price:performance. Nvidia fixed the market by sitting on the GPUs while waiting for Pascal to mostly sell out so they could set these new cards at a high MSRP.
Stock for stock, it may appear to be an improvement, but the 1080Ti came really undervolted and have a ton of OC headroom.

Since most reviewers are manipulative shills, they'll surely compare these new triple fan RTX 2080 cards to the blower stock clocks 1080Ti. I doubt anyone except a few smaller youtubers, occlub, and Gamers Nexus are going to do OC vs OC tests while techradar and others are going to tow the Nvidia marketing line on how $650+ for this new card is some amazing deal when it's not.

>100W cooler
>190W CPU
Think about it for a moment.

What RAM do I need for a X399/1920X?

Is it worth getting fast RAM? How do I know it'll run well?

Attached: su.png (1400x1000, 986K)

Is it stupid to sell my atx motherboard/case then buy a matx equivalent?

I'm curious about this too. I want to get 32 gigs and the difference between fast cl14 and slow cl16 is like $200.

This article seems to say that it doesn't make much difference.

A new 1050ti and a used 970 are roughly the same price.

If you were building a new rig tomorrow, which would you grab?

Im upgrading from a 1600 to 2600x. Do i need to format?

How is this for a mid-range 3D build? I have a hardware budget of ~$1,000 USD. I plan on using it primarily for Maya, Unreal Engine 4, Substance Designer, and Substance Painter, Photoshop and Illustrator.

PCPartPicker part list: pcpartpicker.com/list/wxwvdX
Price breakdown by merchant: pcpartpicker.com/list/wxwvdX/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 2600 3.4GHz 6-Core Processor (Purchased For $149.99)
Motherboard: Asus - PRIME B450-PLUS ATX AM4 Motherboard (Purchased For $69.99)
Memory: G.Skill - Aegis 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($77.88 @ OutletPC)
Memory: G.Skill - Aegis 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($77.88 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Samsung - 860 Evo 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($74.35 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($43.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Sapphire - Radeon RX 580 8GB PULSE Video Card ($239.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Cooler Master - MasterBox 5 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($67.53 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA G3 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($85.98 @ Newegg Business)
Operating System: Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($94.89 @ OutletPC)
Total: $982.37
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-08-17 13:35 EDT-0400

Attached: QA_115_01-thumbnail2.jpg (600x315, 27K)

For 32GB: 8GBx4 or 16GBx2 doesn't matter
For 64GB: 8GBx8 better than 16GBx4, but both workable
128GB compatibility is abysmal for X399.

Fast RAM doesn't help performance that much compared to normal Ryzens because Threadrippers don't have good RAM latency anyways.

wtf? Running 8 sticks fast is going to be much more difficult than 4 sticks.


970 for sure.

Are there still compatibility issues? Or can I more or less just get any RAM and be fine?

I plan to build this soon, am I going full retard on anything? pcpartpicker.com/list/kdsQcY

buying a 1080ti

I've had enough of "just wait" meme. I'm still sitting on a fucking 670.

looks pretty good, except that I don't like the case and you obviously shouldn't buy Windows at full price.
If you don't plan to game on it and your software benefits from certified drivers (can't make out a program that does that on your list rn though) you might want to think about getting a pro GPU aka Quadro or Radeon Pro.

Is the stock heatsink of the 2600X good enough for a 4.0 or higher overclock? Or should i get an aftermarket one?
Is there a list of suggested heatsinks? Im after air cooling, so no fancy water stuff.

Does gaming on win7 with a 2600X works? I seen it has fucked up usb drives but you can fix it with some patience.

Or are there bigger problems such as crahses and incompatibility? Because im sure as hell not going back to win10.

You can wait like 2 weeks and there will be retards selling their 1080Ti for $500 to buy the slower RTX 2080 because they think it's faster when it's not.

nice text colors.
I've heard of issues with that board. Dunno if they're resolved yet. Might want ot check forums.
You can get a 500 Gb MX500 for that SSD price. Actually, drop the HDD and get a 1Tb MX500.
You don't need 750W. 550-650 is good.
Get a legit windows key itself from ebay or kinguin, don't buy retail windows.
Get a good IPS monitor since you're doing visual work.
I'd get the XFX GTS over the Pulse.

I'd also say I don't like the case. You should really go mATX and get something like the Meshify C MicroATX or the CM Q300L, if not something extra comfy like the FT-03 (but that's expensive).

Fairly decent though.

Attached: 2017 FT03 build rev2.jpg (935x1080, 192K)

4.0GHz is a fucking underclock, m8.

Win7 is EoL in a little over a year. Just don't.
If you don't like Win10, your options are Linux or there is an enterprise version of Windows 8.1 which is more like Win7.

>4.0GHz is a fucking underclock, m8.
Eh, i was looking at the "base" clock of 3.6, not the turbo. Ignore that, but my question still stands

>2990wx is still not on pcpartpicker list

you need to go smaller, they make the FT03 mini for a reason.

Meh, i already have a win7 disc. Just want to know if i can install it and make it work.

It'll be my daily driver to replace my current laptop so I'll definitely be playing games on it.

>You don't need 750W. 550-650 is good.

I'm planning on adding a second card later down the road for CrossFireX. i wanted to get the 750W so I wouldn't have to replace the PSU when I do.

>Get a good IPS monitor since you're doing visual work.

Already got one on my current setup right now.

What do you guys think of my build? I already have the peripherals, GPU, and storage from the PC I'm replacing (motherboard died a few days ago.)
Budget: Roughly $1,000 USD.
Uses: The most strenuous thing I plan on doing is 1440p gaming.

Some explanation for questions I feel will be asked (please correct me if my answers are wrong, this is my first build since 2012):
>Why 750 watts instead of 650?
Hilariously, the 750 is currently cheaper than the 650.
>Why 2700X instead of 2600X?
I hardly ever spend money and my last build lasted me six years (I was planning to upgrade when Zen 2 released but oh well) so I figured I might as well spring for the extra cores/threads just in case. In addition, from the benchmarks I've seen the 2700X seems to have slightly-better single-threaded performance.
However I was considering getting a Crosshair VII instead of the Strix because I read the Strix can randomly crash when there are multiple things reading the hardware simultaneously. Also the Strix is currently sold out on Amazon and I heard Newegg sucks ass now, is that true?
>Why the expensive RAM?
I heard some shit about how Ryzen is the first processor arch to take serious advantage of RAM speeds and timings, something about how Samsung B-die RAM works really well with Zen+, and also HOLY FUCK RAM GOT EXPENSIVE OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?
>Why all the LEDs?
For the memes honestly.

Attached: chrome_2018-08-17_07-48-38.png (1149x716, 88K)

don't get a multi GPU setup please

Do you need your case to be Xboxhueg?

Crossfire is fucking garbage, as is SLI. DON'T. It's losing support heavily.

You can get Vega56 and it'll use the same ~170-215 watts of power and get 60-70% better performance than the RX580 if you undervolt and overclock it.
Larger GPUs are simply more performance for the power consumption. You're not doubling up all sorts of aux, and in the case of Vega the memory uses a lot less power.

You need a GPU.
And that RAM isn't B-die. Buying RGB yet not B-die is the definition of rice. It's like a rear wing on a civic.
>Hilariously, the 750 is currently cheaper than the 650.
Bullshit. That PSU is $92. I'm sure there are 650W or so for around $70 or less.
You get fucking platinum rated PSUs on sale for less than that regularly. The Seasonic Prime Platinum was $85 the other day.

I can almost guarantee you'll quickly regret getting such a huge case that's 80% empty space, as well. I'd advise 40l max.


>Crossfire is fucking garbage, as is SLI. DON'T. It's losing support heavily.

Really? That's a darn shame. :(

>You need a GPU
He said he already have gpu and storage.

where the FUCK IS THE PASTEBIN OP why did you fuck up????????????????

Will I notice a performance difference between a 2.5" SATA and an M.2 SATA?

>$850 GPU

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1140x640, 78K)

>Will I notice a performance difference between a 2.5" SATA and an M.2 SATA?
no. you absolutely won't
Not unless you're scrubbing a video timeline, even then you'd be better served with a ramdisk or something similar like a radeon ssg.

for what? win7? It's almost EoL so it was removed.

Dude, if you're going to spend around $1,000 on the GPU alone, why not wait for the RTX 2080 Ti coming out soon?

Attached: MSI-GeForce-RTX-2080-Ti-GAMING-X-TRIO.jpg (1200x900, 111K)

fucking shill

Anybody familiar with the code 62? Asrock x370 mobo for reference

ty user

Attached: 1437776204987.jpg (742x720, 52K)

>w7 EOL
Fuck you shill.
w7 will last longer than those russians making new drivers for windows xp. Shit's not going away anytime soon.
You're welcome.

it looks like it's a hardware error. Reset your CMOS, update your bios, try one ramstick at a time, try different PCI slots for your videocard. In that order. If that shit doesn't work idk.

Personally I'm just gonna wait for the 1050Ti equivalent of the 2000 series and buy that.

Why would you wait a year for a shit card?

do you mean you're buying the 2050 ti or the equivalent in performance which will be a pos 2030 which will be overpriced

Guys, Is it good to get a 580 right now or should I wait for Nvidia to release their gpus? I don't plan to go beyond 1080p

buy gpu now and maybe waste money because of the sure price drop or do i prolong my agony and buy it then

Prices wont drop. Maybe the 1080/ti's but not immediately

Wait. Think of it this way, if prices drop an average of $.50 a day (which is the current rate), and you're in the market for a $650 1080ti, then you can expect that same 1080ti to be free in 3.561644 years.

If you're buying stuff now, then you're just spending money.

alright thank you

I dont understand how Ryzen 2*00X overclock is meant to work
Lets pick a 2600x for example.
It starts with 3.6ghz but has the turbo mode that makes it a 4.2ghz cpu when under load (which effectively makes it a 4.2 cpu)
So i should overclock the boost frequency to above 4.2? O i seen some people reaching 4.3, but not higher. Is it worth it to overclock it a single multiplier?
Are the 2*00X series already on their limit clock speed by default?

4.2 on ryzen is lottery. It's highely unlikely you hit that with stock cooler. Expect 4ghz@stock and maybe a little bit more if any, with some tweaking.

Is there a recommendation for coolers?

That unironically must have been pretty expensive to produce considering it definitely was not mass produced.

Which one?

amazon.com/Sapphire-11265-05-20G-Backplate-Graphics-Graphic/dp/B06ZZ6FMF8/ref=sr_1_14?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1534536442&sr=1-14&keywords=amd rx 580

amazon.com/Sapphire-11265-01-20G-Radeon-backplate-Graphics/dp/B071QX74F9/ref=sr_1_11?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1534536442&sr=1-11&keywords=amd rx 580

Any $30-40 one is fine.

Reccomended psu wattage for a r7 and a 1070?

Redpill me on Ryzen instead of Intel's stuff

anything above 450w is gonna be fine, ideally 550w-650w.

Any point waiting another month to build a zen+ system?
Tell me before everything I want goes out of stock/up in price/Prime Exclusive

If you're gayman performance will be pretty much the same, however, Ryzen will be about 50% utilized during a game due to moar coars while intel will usually be pegged out 100%. Ryzen will leave you with power to do other tasks in the background, also performs better in multicore applications

new gpus come out, second-hand prices will plummet
ssd prices are still falling so there's no rush
amd might lower prices before intel new cpus

Is the coolermaster 212 a meme? Its one of the most popular aftermarket cooler.

I have a GPU and a multiple drives already, I'm only talking processor and mainboard.
When do you expect the AMD price drops to be? I don't want to be stuck on a thinkpad as my main machine until 2019 because I want to do some rendering.

Is there any 4k monitor with support for nearest neighbor upscaling from integer-divisible resolutions? So, for example, I could play muh games at 1080p without the bilinear blur, or read my 720p VNs without blur either.

no, it's great for how much it costs
id get the 212x though

GTX 1150 fucking when?
>passively cooled
>faster than than 960

Intel for gaming
Ryzen for anything else

Dont i need to do gay shit like delidding for the intel cpus not blow up at maximum load / overclock?

if you already have a gpu then just grab ryzen. im kicking myself for missing a deal on 2600 yesterday, dont make same mistakes as me. we still don't know when intel releases new gen.

cryorig h7, be quiet! pure rock, fsp windale 4 are better picks if you can get them at the same price as 212.
212 is only good if you can get it for like $20.

No unless you want meme frequencies


>Intel for gaming
an FPS difference of 5 or 10 isn't enticing to settle for lower cores, lower threads, hotter chip, and zero upgrade path. No thanks.

Yeah, 2600 was rather cheap on amazon the other day and went up 30 pounds, I can still get it for around 150 to 160 euro on mindfactory, though.

most likely october or november

second one

won't hurt to wait for another week.

>5-10 fps
More like 10-20
>lower cores, lower threads
No one cares about that
>hotter chip
Implying you don't need cooler for poozen
>zero upgrade path
Implying anyone upgrades their pc every 2 years

Also intel is faster for photoshopping and shit. Only thing ryzen is good is for 7zip or some programs 10% of the population care about.

i refuse to buy anything for price that isn't historical low, especially when something was €30 cheaper 1-2 days ago. i am retarded enough to wait months.

Fabs building more RAM for mobile phones than for desktop and your typical repeated price fixing between hynix and samsung and micron.

>More like 10-20
even if we assume this is true, it is still barely noticeable (if at all) on high fps and free/g-sync.

>No one cares about that
why would anyone need more than 4 cores amirite ;)

>Implying anyone upgrades their pc every 2 years
again, no one needs to upgrade :), 4 cores is everything you need goy.

Attached: 1534068275788.jpg (853x875, 208K)

From all of the videos I've seen and benchmarks I've read, there is literally no point in spending $350 bucks for an 8700k over a 2600x if you're gaming at anything above 1080p. If you're a luddite who still games on 1080p then I can understand going with Intel, but anything else? Forget it. And that's just with gayming, content creation and other shit Ryzen BTFOs i7 anyday.

>it is still barely noticeable
You are right no one cares about more fps for his GAMING pc
>implying coffee lake has 4 cores
>implying you need more than 6 cores
>content creation
Intel is better for video editing

>MSI GTX 1060 Gaming 6GB $280
>Bought in Feb, used for gaming on living room TV but decided to change our setup. With adequate case airflow I've run this card with a 100Mhz core and ram OC with no issues. I kept a 74 degree temp limit on the card since installing it and never had any throttling issues.
Do I want this?

>>implying you need more than 6 cores
memes are turning into reality

Attached: 1518656273150.jpg (484x484, 20K)

It was actually pretty cheap for the time at $599.99 when it was new.

>Intel is better for video editing

Attached: 1529604493569.gif (540x540, 577K)

Holy shit I almost feel bad for our resident AMD shill at this point.

Suppose that sets us apart.
I don't mind the extra 30 euro, but I understand money saved over the long term and everything.
Sometimes I'll feel bad spending 10 euro more than necessary at the supermarket, so I feel you there.

if we see 60fps or 144fps on a computer screen, how many fps do we see real life in?


>what is x265

Visible light (which our eyes and brains can process) is in the range of 10^14 Hz.
There is a point when something moving so fast becomes a blur, but i dont think there is a limit frequency for our eyes.

i don't get dual channeling all that much.
i want to upgrade my RAM, and i already got
two sticks of 4gb DDR4 set up for dual channeling.
if i add a single 8gb stick to another empty slot,
will my shit perform A-OK?

For best performance match total size per channel, so move 4GB sticks to one and put 8GB in the other.

I'm getting $1600 to build a pc, but I need to factor in the price of a monitor, OS, and keyboard as well. Where's the cheapest place to buy a legit Windows 10 Home key? I'll probably get an RX580 8GB gpu, but I need to determine the rest of my build around that gpu. Looking at logicalincrements isn't helping too much either. What should I keep in mind while pricing out that PC build?

Attached: 1510100463173.jpg (581x872, 348K)

after monitor and all the other stuff you probably have 1200 left so you could go higher than the RX580. What are you trying to do with it?

>tfw can't justify spending this much on a hobby build
it hurts so much

NCase M1 $225
Corsair SF500 $115
Asus ROG Strix x470 $210
Ryzen 7 2700x $270
Samsung 970 m.2 500gb $190
Corsair Vengeance LPX 2*8GB $160
Asus radeon rx580 O/C 8gb $290
corsair hydro h110i v2 $110

>buying overpriced garbage

Just pirate windows you retard.

Name one item from the list that's overpriced garbage besides the meme case