How long is your password?

Attached: National_Security_Agency_headquarters,_Fort_Meade,_Maryland.jpg (2904x2265, 1.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:

very long like snek

Idk like 30 characters

I don't use passwords. Mine rely on quantum entanglement, so if your key isn't created in the same quantum event as mine, you can't unlock it. Sorry.

Long enough to hang yourself with, glowinthedark.

As long as it's allowed, I made a tool to generate and save a long string.

that's a secret but better than your pic's

Attached: The Snowden Digital Surveillance Archive.png (1261x891, 231K)

Attached: file.png (617x305, 34K)

In an encrypted key manager, I hope?

Long enough

What software is that?


My server password is:



Attached: Screenshot_20180817_180110.png (1181x679, 71K)

Kek, my sudo pw is: itslinuxnotgnu/linux

That's some good shit, brah.
I like the fact is calculates entropy, and not "password strength".

Usually between 6 and 265 characters, alphanumeric, with or without spaces and special characters. Does that help?

ITT: Nice try at obscurity, department of homeland security

who wrote that crap? it's autism!

Attached: btfo.png (1894x935, 179K)

1488 characters

Attached: oh_you.jpg (680x240, 33K)

7 inches


Attached: Screenshot_20180817_181105.png (1181x679, 60K)

gay porn is good? wtf user

Attached: PasswordExpired.jpg (360x1024, 69K)

The fuck does extended ASCII mean?

As long as the website allows and KeePass handles.

My every password is just some nonsensical story.
Like: opisgayfaggotwholikesdicksupinhisass.


Attached: cape-fear-.jpg (1600x900, 180K)


127 ASCII characters + 127 custom characters that depend on the particular extension.
Many European languages have their own extended ASCII to deal with letters not in the English alphabet.

stupidly easy to break with a dictionary attack.

umm no

I generate 20 character passwords for most stuff. 120-130 bit entropy is plenty and some applications and websites won't even let me use that long of a password, which is sad.

Nice try NSA.

White spaces.
Because I'm white.

anywhere between 8 and 25 characters

Usually around 35 characters
I just use the password generator on KeePassXC

>looking at the cars
This must be a pretty old pic.

>OP A CUNT desu
nice one

It's really not

for stuff I don't care about usually around 8-12 characters
for important stuff anywhere from 25-40 characters
I don't use a generator or anything, I just remember them. I have around 30 passwords total if I don't count the deprecated/compromised ones.

What is the objectively best way to create a password that is both strong and memorable?

Nice try kgb nigger

>What is the objectively best way to create a password that is both strong and memorable?
Just use that.

fucking top fef

That wokrs two.

longest one is 26

correct horse battery staple

>longest one is 26
>correct horse battery staple
Fuck off faggot is a better password.

correct horse battery staple

connect the horse to a battery with a staple
You're welcome.

You connected the wrong horse.

16 characters always, no fewer.

20 characters randomly generated with special characters. You?

22 characters with capital letters and numbers.

good luck cracking it during your lifetime.


7.5" :^)


I write stories with words mispelled and random subsitutions.

This is my password

Here's mine:
VerySecure password;) 123

Spaces are intentional

I use Keepass too. But the original, not X or XC.

100 length with special characters generated password by KeePass2

Attached: 1533607738893.jpg (1440x1080, 133K)


based and cryptopilled

This, but with U2F keys or app based 2FA if it's supported.

Attached: security_key.jpg (1280x533, 115K)