A thread died for this

>Been keeping all of my backups on one hard drive while I wait to build my new pc
>Finally get a sata to usb adapter to get my anime and music onto my Stinkpads
>Trip over power cable and the drive falls to the ground
>Cryptsetup still decrypts the drive so I think everything is fine
>All partitions bork, fsck telling me im fucked
>Try to replace superblocks and fuck everything even more

Now I only have ReLife, Berserk and a couple Death albums.

I only had ~3TB of media and I can get a bunch of shit from my frens but fuck it feels bad

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That's why I have a backup for my backup.

i wanna fug nico

Yup, that's what I was going to do today.. rip to my jap panty porn collection

we all do

Send to DriveSavers

lole, if only it were that easy user

brb getting laid tonight

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Keep local backup of backup.
Keep encrypted cloud backup of backup.
Keep .txt file of where I downloaded everything.
Keep encrypted cloud backup of .txt file of where I downloaded everything.

>Mfw some faggot tells me they lost a drive.

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>Keep encrypted cloud backup of backup.
I've been considering setting up a Mega for this purpose, their cli tools seem handy too.
Do you archive your shit into a tarball and encrypt that, do you compress it?

Give me advice, I never want to fuck up like this again

i wanna fug that smug

Afraid they'll find you pizza?

I just don't download anything :), if any porn site ever goes offline i can count on some Jow Forums neck eards to upload their backups so they can get a head pat. i don't need to do anything.

>watch ReLife
>understand it doesn't apply to you and your life will remain shit
on the point, don't hoard on one drive
better yet don't hoard at all

No, don't wanna give up muh keys and sensitive information

I guess you could call it hoarding, but why would I want to stream media as opposed to just having it?

>No, don't wanna give up muh keys and sensitive information
Would you have to? Can't they just clone it? You should change your keys anyway.

Simple 7zip archive encrypt.
On Mega I have a grandfathered total of 300GB to play with, because I setup six accounts before Kim lost the site. I believe all new free accounts start with 15GB and anything earned is lost after a year. Sorry senpai.

I only use these accounts to backup rare weeb shows, JAV, and a few games. Mostly things I know would be nearly impossible to find again should I lose them.
All personal files I backup to a small portable drive.

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Hmmm.. Good point, it's just I have copies of my passport, birth cert, etc that I fell weird about handing over to a random company.

And why would I not have to give my keys for them to decrypt the drive..?

>not handling your backups with as much care as you would handle a volatile explosive which could flatten your entire neighborhood
Also just go read the ReLife manga, it's better than the anime.

>anything earned is lost after a year.
Not sure what you mean by this..

I do have a couple old Mega accounts, I just have to remember what emails they're signed up with.

Anyway thanks for advice (^^)7

>>not handling your backups with as much care as you would handle a volatile explosive
You're correct, I'm retarded

>it's better than the anime
Will take your word for it, I'll go check it out. Didn't think a highschool anime would make me rethink how shit being a NEET is

It's not a backup if you only have one copy...

Should have been more clear in the OP
It was my backup but I had to wipe my other drives as I'm selling the old desktop.

But you're right, it's not a backup, and OP is a faggot

>A thread died for this
Based, very nice.

>Will take your word for it, I'll go check it out
They adapted like half of the manga in 4 episodes, needless to say the story was largely butchered.

>clumsy retard
Checks out

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OP can't inb4

How large is the manga?

I can't argue with this

>How large is the manga?
222 chapters, though it's a long page/scrolling web manga, not a regular print format. Anime episodes 1-13 cover the first half, 14-17 are supposed to cover the 2nd half, though they can't really do that with so little screen time.

>Been keeping all of my backups on one hard drive while I wait to build my new pc

One drive is not backup. Also HAHAHAHAHAHA! You knew better than that.

I was transferring the files onto my stinkpads like I said in the OP, I had to wipe hard drives because I'm selling them in a pc.

>You knew better than that
I did indeed lmao