Official Jow Forums opinion tier list

Official Jow Forums opinion tier list

S tier - Avatarbros
A tier - Signature bros
A- tier - Namefriends*
B tier - Tripfriends
C tier - most name + tripfriends*
D tier - Unique flagfriends
E tier - Apu/Touhoufags
F tier - Daily thread faggots

———-POWER GAP————
Y tier - Anonymous faggots
Z tier - *Gayposters

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hyper super duper based

shut the fuck up retarded incel

what about me

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horrendous thread

Unique flagfriend

avatar fags have big gay

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you literally called yourself a faggot and Y-tier

cringed & saged
gei id

my mom always called me unique too
it stopped sounding positive after a while

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anyone's got all the image hashes of ashleyfag for everyone to filter out?

I meant completely anonymous posters lmao
We are all unique and special on the inside :)
I’m behind 1k images on pc good luck bro

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You just posted something really gay

Where, I’m sorry that you are an anonymous NPC and can’t recognize the greatness that is my thread

ultra based and hyper redpilled

The most based poster here ama

Why aren’t you me

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SSS Deluxe final tier-the one who gets out of Bant and leaves forever.

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god I wish that was me

I'm based and you're not, simple

It looks like you'd really enjoy d*scord, fag. You treat Jow Forums like one anyway.

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Namefrens r S-tier except 4 fags

prove it
>posts s*t*n**
>calling anyone else a fag
lmaoing my ass off
you don't make the rules around here

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Based, gg wp


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