What's the biggest lie ever told?

What's the biggest lie ever told?

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the moon landing is the greatest achievement of the anglo saxon race. don't be jealous g*rman

the holocaust

Not a lie dumbass

That the holocaust never happened

That OP was not a faggot

you think it be like it is but it don't

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>I'm proud of you son.


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I told my grandma I liked her nasty fuckn ketchup flavored meatloaf trying to be polite and now she makes it everytime I visit.

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Everyone agrees.

muh 6 gorillions

>What's the biggest lie ever told?
That niggers are people.

The guy is a huge faggot, how would the landing be fake

that is why accepting the lie is the final redpill

climate change

Don’t look at people by their race dude but I do agree with you

based and red pilled

>imagine my shock

My girlfriend's "I love you".


Science. All "inventions" are working on demonic power (Maxwell's demons) not on the laws created by god. All that is to make people proud and smug, falling under the Eternal Damnation.

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"they are just like you"

>Only Auschwitz = the holocaust
>They werent killed on the spot in occupied territory

that life on earth, originated on earth.

don't you dare

NPCs are people.

Hurts but its true. The one girl I thought was different.

Holocaust never happened.
Muh 6 gorillian didn't die in "death camps"
Those that did die were victims of typhus
and starvation.
It should have fucking happened, though.

Well, left your computer, flathead


If we never went to the moon, then how come Russia, who would be monitoring signals and would know if we were full of shit, never said "HEY GUYS THESE AMERICANS AREN'T ON THE MOON!?"

Russia would have called us out.

Jow Forums is different from every other political site

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It happened but some of the films/photos were manipulated or faked in order to hide the shit they saw. They observed and documented UFOs and found structures on the moon, may even have used some secret technology they wanted to be kept secret.


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Things will be okay.

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Nothing gets past the van allen radiation belt, radiation has been being trapped and collected ever since earth had a magnetic field, nothing living or machine gets past it without being destroyed.

"its all the Juden."
really ITS OUR FAULT the west fails, for dindooin nuffin about ((them)) after centuries.

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Wouldnt russia have learned this and pointed it out to catch us in our own lies?

God exists

Russia don't exist

That OP is a faggot.

>pic quote
if that's supposed to be the first verse of the Dhammapada, then that's a really shitty version of it.

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They were in on it, duh!


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satan doesn't real


Buzz Aldrin's Instagram... ch-ch-ch-checkit out


she told me the same thing!

not the biggest but one of them

The biggest lies are always inserted in all forms of propaganda so subtle you must be top tier Jow Forumsack detective to find them
Here is a example youtu.be/VpK8fpqPJT0
@9:13 =Syria , dangerously good bring you're daughter.
@19:24 walls are not for protection goy it was just artists showing off.

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At least a million people involved in the space program in some way at that time and they are all liars. get real you fucking jerk.

The American dream

More people work for the Catholic Church. None have seen heaven, many have fucked children.

actually made me think, not memeing here
I watch almost none of the normal TV docu programs, but I wouldn't find it hard to believe that similar examples would appear frequently if you pay attention.

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the biggest lie ever told?
Telling us the devil doesnt exist.

People are equal

should have been first reply.

trust an entryist leaf to deny your rightful claim.


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>What's the biggest lie ever told?
That the Earth is round.

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The earth is round

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That pol is always right.


The absolute redpill, that only a couple of anons will understand. Good on you

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Second post is the post

"Your propulsion and targeting systems are better than ours"

They put a man on the moon, they can drop a bomb in a toilet.
Keep it hush...

Xoxo, Russia

That any of us is free.

Does the holocaust even have serious competition?

Ah man I remember when I posted shit like this.

It's "They don't think it be like it is, but it do." you absolute fucking idiot.

Dumb newfags

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>Jow Forums is a board for the discussion of any topic

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that the earth is a jew

Winter Bynes