Is hacking a meme? how the fuck do people actually learn it?

is hacking a meme? how the fuck do people actually learn it?

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Just do it.

>how the fuck do people actually learn it?
If you have to ask, you will never be a hacker. Hackers learn on their own.

Set a goal and accomplish it. Then set another goal and accomplish that. Keep doing this and over time you will become a hacker.

Why not try looking into hacking wifi to start? There are videos on how to do it.

>how the fuck do people actually learn it?

by figuring shit out and making sense out of things.........

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 41K)

>he doesnt have magical hacking breans
No skills necessary

Just read those (((write ups))) and you'll be able to do the same.

Cause they are unrelated actors


desu on real life people usually are like that. I don't look like either of my parents, my sister looks like my dad and my brother looks like my sister and mom. It's not a perfect mix

>user discovers hes adopted

Lord help me.

unfortunately is not a meme but, it takes so much work and skill that it doesn't make it to the news too much. most of the time someone gets "hacked" they did stupid shit and got owned by script kiddies like myself. Which should not happen given how wpa and https is being used on everything

Hello baby let's go sex

The term '''hacker''' is kind of a meme. Search for "penetration testing," "Kali Linux," and/or "IT Security." You'll probably find what you're looking for.

The first 2 that you listed have been taken over by retard children.

Fuck. Why is he so hot?

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on high school there was an obnoxious guy who thinked himself as a person who will be the best programmer in the country (Mexico lol). I was getting on to linux so I asked him, and he could only think of "Linux" as "Kali Linux", basically saying that it was too advanced for me to grasp or use as a daily driver. Lmao I was expecting him to say that Linux is just a kernel or directly him replying a distro, but he started sperging about how advanced and for hackers linux is. Also he said that it was "dangerous" to use linux on dualboot with windows. He said it was a security vulnerability, asked why and he answered that it was experience and that I didn't understand. Wew lad, literally impossible to talk to him. I have kali on a usb and Debian stable as main distro so I know he was talking shit. He was not that bad a guy but when you talk to him about technology he gets full retarded script kiddie, he also subscribes to a lot of development courses like unity or web development shit. I got pushed to study math and not systems engineering because I'm afraid of having to deal with mates like that on class lol, although there are some retarded kids here because it's physics/math common core until second year.

>is hacking a meme? how the fuck do people actually learn it?
You becoma a hacker seen your coworkers and the security flaws they made. Every body do the same mistakes that you think are basic

ty for your blog post

>much much time
>lots of guessing and trying
>logical thinking
>understanding how systems work
and much much more

>how the fuck do people actually learn it?
Everyone here asks how to "learn" it as if it's some specific skillset described in some ancient arcane text nobody wants to share. It is not a skillset, however, it's a state of mind which leads you to acquiring the necessary skillset(s). A curious sociopathy, malicious to a degree, that drives you to figure out how things work and exploit their inner workings to make them work the way you want them to instead. Either you have this mindset or you don't. Nobody can hack all the things, most people just focus on one or a few different areas relevant to their interests. Web space, embedded systems, phone systems, industrial control systems, it depends on what you want to do.

Watch and learn.

>Git gud at several technologies.
>Learn certification material about security+, CySa, CEH, Pentesting+, OSCP and so on.
>Become good at math and puzzles
>Become good at logic and algorithms
>Enjoy Raymond Smullyan's puzzle books
>Learn electronics
>Learn Cryptography
>Learn reverse engineering in hardware and software.
>Become a DIY maker
>Keep learning stuff.

They understand how it works to begin with , they understand why it works. Therefore they understand how to hack it. Other than that , some hackers have social skillz , they know how to trick people into revealing information.

Step 1: Learn general IT. Install Gentoo/Arch/Void and understand how each layer that you've installed works, become knowledgeable enough to maintain it. This will also develop your google searching skills.
Step 2: Learn programming. Python and then C is a natural progression, but it's up to you. Can be done before or alongside step 1.
Step 3: Decide what type of hacking interests you. There are three types - wifi cracking, website hacking and pentesting.
Step 4: Learn about your chosen one (start with only one, you can move onto more later). This is the bit I'm at and somewhat stuck on, finding good resources is hard. Even the Kali tutorials are quite shit. Would appreciate anyone directing to some good material.

So much fucking this.
I spent years wasting away, smoking ganja, jerking off, thinking "one day" i'll just get my shit together and actually start to get into it.

Eventually stopped dicking around, started by building a nice homelab to test stuff, completed some hobby projects that were in the back of my head for a couple years and got into new fields that were interesting for me but too complex for many years.

tldr: stop being a lazy cunt and just do it step by step, if you can muster the energy to learn a new thing every day you'll make it.

>Cancer nigger is ungrateful for my story
Kys cunt

two pairs of gloves
cotton for white hat
leather for black hat

This looks like copypasted from WikiHow

It'd be quite funny to see step 4 in a wikihow

Tfw I wrote that reply before reading to the halfway

>There are three types - wifi cracking, website hacking and pentesting
Oh boy do I have news for you

Nice milkers
Learn to code and try to understand script kiddie tools. Also improve them as you wish.
there you go

Attached: aid355171-v4-728px-Be-NEET-l33t-hax0r-Step-4.jpg (728x546, 44K)

Go through years of being a filthy skid, putting in the hours

please elaborate

>tfw hacked the memedatabase

Attached: aid355171-v4-728px-Be-NEET-l33t-hax0r-Step-4.jpg (728x546, 59K)

>nice homelab to test stuff
what the fuck that supposed to mean. I am poorfag, cant i just start with virtual machines?

>still attacking systems rather the users

>A curious sociopathy, malicious to a degree

Go fuck yourself.

Well you need a solid understanding of networking and of the system you want to breach. So you'll need to learn pretty much everything about what you want to hack. You need to know how it operates at it's lowest level, how to manipulate it, how to use it as intended.

Hacking is taking advantage of vulnerabilities or exploits, you will come across these if you're dealing with a particular system for a long time.

So essentially to become a hacker spend a lot of time using what you want to hack and learn it on every possible level.

Non-maliciously if you are using a system for an unintended use - you're essentially hacking.

fuckin whitehats man
str8edge poindexter fgt kys
go lar lar in ur car car