Is it impossible to cheat modern day slot machines? Am I wasting my time with this?

Is it impossible to cheat modern day slot machines? Am I wasting my time with this?

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you can brute force them. if you reroll enough eventually you'll get your target outcome

i imagine it would be quite easy if you opened one up and replaced the PRNG hardware with something that generated not so random numbers

>brute forcing a slot machine
im sure that would be profitable

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anyone who goes to a casino seems to think that way

Didn't russians recently get caught for cheating these? It was some sort of wide spread organized effort.

As a bookie. No.
They're completely random with no set "pay points", what you will notice with these terminals though is that they do follow behavioural "patterns" almost. If they have a large payout then a few spins later they're like to payout again, as most people will jump off after a big win.

But if you're looking for a quick way to cheat the system, win millions on your 25c, there's no way.

Theoretically, if you were the slot machine programmer, you could implement a feature in which a certain exact sequence of button presses/slot pulls could trigger a jackpot or an edge towards you. If you are familiar with the inner workings of a slot machine and know how to interface with it, you could install an add on when the cases are opened. Sometimes they are left open when they are being serviced.

I've once had a conversation with a guy from Kosovo who works in the industry: He told me that some older models had a serious flaw. If you unplug them when you are in the risk-ladder they will pay you the jackpot as soon as you plug them in again.

Bookie here.
They're remotely monitored and watched like hawks. If I turn my machines on 30 seconds late when opening the shop I have security up my arse in minutes asking what's wrong.
With that in mind do you believe it's feasible that no one would notice software being installed onto one? Assuming the machine was dropped out of application and onto windows so the thing could be installed. Even then they run on a custom windows, read as "9.1" (SG Gaming ones do anyway, which are what I deal with) so whatever changes go onto that to prevent remote exploit/interference.
The internal units themselves are barebones, having only enough connectors for the required hardware, any hardware changes instantly trigger warnings on backoffice terminals, so much as a low paper roll and I get flashing lights. Hardware changes trigger an instant block on the machines, seizing the things up.

People are going to sit here all night spouting "What if" "Why not" "But what if this were to-" No. There is simply no way to tamper with these, to "force" a payout without admin access. Even service techs only have enough access to replace hardware with identical. Even then the machine has to be powered down during the change and then it does a full check on start up.

That could be possible but all RNG's are audited by multiple institutions. And the software as well.

I know of people that are using some kind of wireless device and cheating slot machines across Europe. They won't tell what it is though

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I can promise you now. No such software exists that can exploit current machines. If there were, I would know, as it would certainly be in widespread use.
While there may be ways to monitor pay limits on older machines still in use in eastern europe, anywhere with the money to change these terminals (Which is anyone that operates them) will do so if there is any risk of remote exploit or "cheating"


Modern slot machines are programmed to only pay out a certain % of what people have already put in.
There is zero chance for the owner to be losing money.

They are also programmed to generate winnings in a pattern that encourages people to keep playing, but I'm no expert on the psychology of that.

No, I'm talking about western Europe. They are essentially touring different cities and countries and winning small amounts from each individual casino in order to not bring suspicion.

Someone winning $10k in 50 casinos is a hell of a lot more suspicious than someone winning $500k in one. Let me tell you that now.

Odds are generated on press. Only after a spin has started do you have the ability to see chance percentages, even then that information is only fed to a back office terminal. Not to anywhere accessible on the terminal itself. So if you're claiming a "device" can bruteforce it's way, undetected through firewalls, which in any business is a big ask yet alone a casino, and then onto a select terminal with no idea of network layout, and then tell the user the odds of paying out? Yeh nah. Hoped you enjoyed the clickbait article.

>Is it impossible to cheat modern day slot machines?
>Am I wasting my time with this?

>Wanting to get your teeth pulled out in the basement of a casino

If you followed the suggestions of half the idiots in this thread of tampering with hardware they'd likely just shoot you dead and claim you were tampering with the cash box.

rip OPs legs

You can't a good goy system
It's unbelievable how many low IQ retards fell for this yid trick

I don't think you realise how illegal that is

Hence the word Theoretically

>Quite easy


Lot's of interesting points brought up in this thread, basically don't waste your time. There are actual exploitable systems in casino's (comps, poker) whereas the only surefire way to win the slots is to win big then never play them again.

how is what you described "completely random"?

>Jow Forums tries to Kaiji a slot machine


Attached: kaiji winning lot.webm (1024x576, 2.98M)

>walk up machine
>put .75 in
>put another .75 in
>get 60$
>play until total after spin is under 55$
>walk away

Shame I blew all my slot luck on a low bet.

How would chance not be on the slot machine itself?

The hardware is what pays out the money too, dumb ape, messing with the hardware would render it useless.

Can't wait till OP gets caught and ends up doing manual labor underground for a decade.

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No, that was VOTING machines, not slot machines.

What's the difference anyway?


You can trust a slot machine more!

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That's not possible. With every penny you throw inside you lose money. I doesn't matter how much you (((win))). You lose money.

You're too young to be using Jow Forums, kid.

They need to post pauout odds and last payout. So you can choose wisely. Most likely the odds still payout to the house.

if it has intel cpu then it is not really random

I work for a company that makes a shit ton of these and the only thing I'll tell you is this: it's possible to get all the money out without anyone noticing...
Also thanks for paying me

>I don't know what an expected value is.
Oh boy. I think you're in the wrong place here

Even better. kek

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