How does anyone get anything done in this piece of shit software...

How does anyone get anything done in this piece of shit software? Even after learning the controls I still am faster in literally any other IDE.

Attached: Vimlogo.jpg (600x548, 115K)

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Then don't use it.

You need to develop Stockholm syndrome first.

>Even after learning the controls I still am faster in literally any other IDE.

You haven't learned the controls.

Until muscle memory really kicks in, it will always sucks.

Practice for at least three weeks user, and come back here to make another tread.

t. someone using it daily professionally

Attached: a23156fe7e83768d7bcd28187dbdc91d.jpg (631x942, 70K)

What are some essentials plugins to make it work like an IDE?
I want it to redirect me to a class for example if I ctrl+click an include myclass.h I want it to open

>maybe the piece of shit was the user all along

Still, if writing code, 99% of the time you will be just looking at code and thinking about it, so any speed difference shouldn't matter.

Watch this:

Then tell me vim is shit.

That's ctags dipshit

Kind of off topic but I just joined a new company and had no experience with Python beforehand, but my supervisor/boss uses a Mac and is constantly shilling pycharm and Macs
>Macs are better because of xyz
>pycharm has a neat debugger in it
>look you can view the directories too and search for things inside of files that aren't even open
I tried telling him about pdb and grep -r/find/sed, etc and why the terminal will always be better, but he keeps trying to shill this shit to me. I don't care that he uses pycharm or a Mac, I just wish he'd stop telling me to use it. Anyone got advice?

Smile and nod next time he tries to preach shit to you.

If you're working on anything more complicated than fizz buzz, plain vim is not an option. Lots of IDEs have Vim editor plugins though, so if you want to look like a cool vimster you can still do it in an IDE.

Probably easier to put Vim in an IDE than an IDE in Vim desu.


>If you're working on anything more complicated than fizz buzz
This is completely untrue
>Lots of IDEs have Vim editor plugins though
None of them have close to the full featureset of vim. There is a lot more to vim than meets the eye

>This is completely untrue
Ok explain to me how it's untrue big boy.

Because literally thousands of people use vim everyday for their jobs that are a little more complicated than writing fizzbuzz.

I wish I was at this level

>Boohoo i need a builtin debugger, linter, docs, git, completions inside separate editors for every languge because i can't just Ctrl+z and i am too lazy for emacs

Lol, I have all of this in vim except for the debugger, but I have a keybind that inserts pdb breakpoints.

This user.
I've got the same kind of people in my firms.
Believing that IDE are better.
They don't know what to say while I'm always helping them with git/docker/deployment with jenkins/ or any other CLI software.

Attached: 2f8cc4f6b14dc3480d95e602e6fce658.png (500x700, 173K)

Admit it, emacsclient with viper/evil is superior. There is no reason to use vim

Fucking normies

Attached: 49a9308b0dcb9d340704931b1d11043c.jpg (500x521, 31K)


Single reason why?

>use vim inside this OS instead of the terminal
for what reason would anyone using vim do this? I don't want any of the things emacs offers, I like my text editor doing one thing and one thing only

Because emacs is a Lisp interpreter with some basic text editing features. I have no use for that

o r g m o d e


this is the right answer.

also, if you have to code all your project on a terminal you're doing it wrong.

That dude is a warlock holy shit. What is he using to split the editors and move between them? Tmux?

And he also mapped a command to run the script, how does he get the output to pop under like that, close after reading, and the switch to his original window?

I have no idea how this fucking wizard does anything. I just watch all his videos in awe.

Actually I know hwo he does the split editors


I mainly use Atom with Vim keybindings, occasionally plain Vim for small things (although plain Vim got me through an entire PhD).

No matter what you think of Vim, when it comes to typing shit it does it well.

Attached: 1285345379060.jpg (294x313, 55K)

>That dude is a warlock holy shit. What is he using to split the editors and move between them? Tmux?

Vertical split is :vs or ^Wv
Horizontal split is :sp ^Ws
etc.. just rtfm ffs

vim has :split and :vsplit
>:help split
but I don't think he's using that. it's just neovim behavior (maybe some another vimfork or even vim 8) when you run an external script, seeing later in his video output takes up almost the entire screen.

in neovim running
:!python3 '%:p'
looks the same as in the video

mapping it to f4
map :!python3 '%:p'

Attached: 2018-08-19 21:57:10.png (960x529, 13K)

>it's just neovim behavior (maybe some another vimfork or even vim 8) when you run an external script
I just switched to neovim for this, it's a much better way of doing it.

Does him understand via a plugin or otherwise scope? So I have a ref in my tags file and I follow it through it goes to where the ref is called again not defined, how to fix? I'm using standard crags -r .

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it is possible to split and open your program in a virtual terminal in neovim/vim 8 too

map :sp term://python3 '%:p':exe "resize " . (winheight(0) * 2/3)
it runs the windows asynchronous. so you can have a program running while you're editing, yank things from it etc, or have it stay there while you're debugging errors. only drawback would be that you have to close it like a normal window instead of just pressing Enter.

notepad.exe is where it at

Vim/Emacs(I prefer vim but acceptable) - God comfort level
Sublime/Atom(I don't like atom but also acceptable) - For a lot of code or a more graphic a little less comfortable editor
IDE's - piece of shit slow as fuck as software, yes it helps you, but so do the editors if you use some plugins and configs
>Basically vim/Emacs > more graphic editors > IDE's

org-mode and programming Emacs-Lisp is a thousand times less painful than fucking vim-script

no joke, I got bullied into using atom with a vim plugin instead of vim (which I used for 5 years). In atom I started using the mouse a lot and 2 months later developed such bad wrist pain I had to stop working for a few months.

just use vim. If you're too much of an ADHD zoomer to spend a few afternoons learning the keybindings you should neck yourself.

Attached: kms.jpg (160x160, 27K)

reversing that image lead me to this strange subreddit
few threads, nsfw, traps maybe you can enjoy

That's not impressive at all compared to Emacs. Literally babby tier.

>chmoding the file manually
>Emacs does it automagically on save when the file has a shebang.

sublime masterace

This is the correct way to use reddit, as a cloud storage for your porn

>>chmoding the file manually
>>Emacs does it automagically on save when the file has a shebang.
that's a security flaw

It's a meme you dip.

>Babby's First Unix Permissions Lesson
No it's not. The execute bit does not provide any security except for setuid binaries, it's merely advisory. You can literally run any file just by passing it to the linker directly.

That's what I thought. Sure this guy loves traps and has a strange fetish for wedgie

keyboard driven editors are a meme and
modern editor are complex and bloated.
Seems like the only acceptable editors are Sam and Acme

>If you're working on anything more complicated than fizz buzz, plain vim is not an option
t. brainlet pajeet code monkey

what doing with vim?

They don't. They're just autists.

There's a difference between learning something and learning it well. I am extremely fast when using Vim, faster than I am in any other environment, because I have learned it well. It's not enough to just "know" that pressing "i" puts you in insert mode. You have to actually train yourself to do it automatically. You haven't actually learned Vim at this point. You've essentially done the software equivalent of memorizing a cheat sheet of physics formulas and thinking you're now a qualified physicist because of it.

That's because you are retarded. Do not blame software you can't use if you are stupid, use windows and word, maybe you can use that. a pile of shit.
There's a debugger plugin in Vim 8.1.

>got me through an entire PhD
Are you Luke Smith ?

i really like vim for prose (markdown, latex), python, bash, config files, c(++), and perl.
for java, vim (even with plugins like ALE) is absolute shit. I don't have time to memorize the entire fucking java stdlib or android sdk, set up vim bindings into gradle, ant, maven, set up qemu+avd or any of that shit. I just use intellij's IDEA or android studio with the vim keybindings for java.

You should be using ideavim for everything lad

ctags + pathogen + NERDTree gets you most of the way

it sucks as a cloud for cheese pizza though

>Even after learning the controls I still am faster in literally any other IDE.
Name your 10 most used commands and prove yourself wrong.

He is very good, but those videos are nothing compared to Bisqwit's.

His videos are sped up so it's hard to compare

Tbh I'm faster with sublime (mod ijkl are arrow keys and other programmed shortcuts in my keyboard)

>Even after learning the controls I still am faster in literally any other IDE.

Attached: download (1).jpg (246x205, 8K)

>>Tbh I'm faster with sublime (mod ijkl are arrow keys and other programmed shortcuts in my keyboard)


Vim, fresh install

> :help

What I'm doing wrong ?

Attached: vim__.png (979x512, 18K)

wrong OS my man

you're using the wrong operating system

You're not english.

Compared to ed, vi was an improvement.
But that was long before my time.

Nowadays, if you want something very small and easy, nano seems to be the editor of choice. Unless you're my coworker however, nano is not meant for development. It's meant to edit config files while installing a system.

nano is for people have haven't learned vim yet.

Vi is fucking bloated. All you have to do is use SAM instead and use Ed in the terminal. If you need an ide, use emacs

Vim is for people who can't program Emacs Lisp.
Lisp came as an introductory course at my uni, so there was no barrier to learn Emacs Lisp. I customized Emacs and it feels pretty comfy now. I still use IDEs to have autocompletion and class member lookup etc.

I think its a joke and people aren't actually using it but its kind of like Linux in that its worse than the normal stuff but they just lie about it to convince others to waste their time.

go tell your friends at Jow ForumsprogrammerHumor

Can't you get Emacs to autocomplete
I know Vim has that built in so I'd assume Emacs does too

Good for him I guess. I'm still most comfortable in an IDE.

user, you did it wrong. You install Emacs and then evil.

ctrlsf + fzf