Today I got accepted for YC Startup School 2018, I still can't believe they found my project interesting

Today I got accepted for YC Startup School 2018, I still can't believe they found my project interesting...

Does Jow Forums have any experience with all the Silicon Valley bullshit and startup idiosyncrasy? What should I expect?

From what I read it seems kinda stressful desu

Attached: yc.jpg (600x600, 35K)

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Good luck user

Attached: FB_IMG_1534173619016.jpg (720x540, 17K)

>YC Startup School
What the fuck is this? Sounds like a scam to me

My recommendation would be to work on your social skills, networking and meeting new people is going to be the most important thing you from a practical standpoint most likely.
Get yourself some meds from a doctor if you think you need it (a month in advance at least).
Good luck user, we all believe in you.

>Startup School

Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

It's a program from Y Combinator that basically provides tutoring for early stage startups.

>not knowing what YC is if only because of HN
this is why Jow Forums is and always will be shit tier

And how is that not a scam? This is like giving classes for opening a restaurant

I spent 2 years in SV in the late 90s, I then moved to NYC to work in finance. Would it surprise you that I think the trashy, scummy, vile liars that make up finance are actually better people than those in SV?
Finance people don't put on airs. Its just all about the money. They don't even act like they have morals or ethics.
In contrast, the fake liars in SV actually huff their own farts and pretend like their "Assfucking As A Service" app has some moral imperative.
You will hate everyone you meet. Look at zuckers can you not hate that?


Considering the fact I'm not in fucking high school, no I don't read that bullshit

HN is where all the folks working in the tech industry congregate

Jow Forums is for fucking high school just fwiw

>the tech industry
that's basically high school

laffo jealous of that cash

enjoy your shithole MSP "BUT IM A SYSADMIN DADDY" job

>HN is high school
>posts on Jow Forums
if for no other reason HN is worth reading to get a pragmatic idea of the kind of people and opinions you're gonna find in tech


>t. freshman

reading HN makes me want to quit tech

Sorry to break it to you user.

Why the fuck do you care what other people in the tech industry think? That's exactly what I'm talking about, high school shit

Read if you haven't already. Read about what happened to Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug (you may want to read his writings, too). Learn to hide your power level IRL and practice good OPSEC if you operate any controversial websites.

Like /b/, it wasn't always his bad.

not everyone's a crazy retarded sociopath like you

because you can find out about places you might end up working or want to avoid
you can see what stupid shit your coworkers might bring up so you know how to deal with it in a professional setting
you'll understand one day if the neetbux run out

I know, and I really don't want to deal with that kind of people... but it seems that you really can't seriously get anywhere without some of their "help".

>We fucked up with the email delivery, so now everybody wins!!
so basically nobody wins?

keeping up with the accepted norm is for bottom-feeders

Maybe get some social issue and how treat women just shut up and say yes.

Start Up are fucked, just get nice portafolio and get a job in normal or directive IT area.

A lot more money,less work time even more path career.

HN want cheap code monkeys for own start up or made some guys spends years working on shitty project.

>t. machine translation startup founder