>using photoshit
>not using glorious Gimp
Using photoshit
GIMP 2.8 > GIMP 2.10
GIMP is something you tell friends about but you never use.
gimp is okay. it does things differently to every other image editor out there, though. which means relearning how to do basic shit every few months i decide i want to use it for something.
>he doesnt use pain.net
I use it at work for making simple editing of images. And even though it is clumsy sometimes it is still great alternative to bloated photoshop.
>not using both
>A common cause of confusion in the file dialogs (opening, saving, exporting…) was the presence of two file format lists, one for displaying files with a specific extension, the other for the actual file format choice.
>they actually figured it out
wow, I'm amazed
Why is Paint.net so based?
And yet why Pinta remains crap?
what's the linux equivalent of mspaint? just a simple ass program to crop pics and make quick shitpost memes.
GIMP 2.6 with classic behavior patch > GIMP 2.8
I love how the developers seriously don't understand how naming your software "The GIMP" could have a negative impact on its adoption.
I’ll switch to GIMP when I can get a handy cloud subscription for it.
>over 30 years in development
>still ugly
>still cobby
>still buggy
>still crashes regularly on projects larger then editing MS paint memes
Last week was the final fucking straw for gimp on my PC. Sick of its bullshit. Installing PhotoShop today and wont be looking back. Time to move on and get some work done without freetard bullshit.
They finally fixed all the linear colorspace related issues.
You dont know how much I despise the piece of turd that is GIMP, clearly made by autists for autists, even making the simplest things is major pain in the ass. MS Paint is x200 better than fucking GIMP
>he fell for the freetard meme
The name describes it perfectly.
It's funny the amount of Foss software we use where I work.
(G)raphic (I)mage (M)anipulation (P)rogram.
Says what it does. Unlike Photoshop, that isn't just for photos and isn't a shop at all.
wait, so now when you export the Name field is just for the file name and the file extension is in that drop down list?
>>still ugly
that's your gtk theme
i'd suggest using a not crap distro for the rest unless you use windows in which case you can't be helped
GNU Image Manipulation Program
>MS Paint is x200 better than fucking GIMP
>wintards actually believe this
>still ugly
it doesn't
>still cobby
>still buggy
>still crashes
werks on my machine™
>Not using a program because it won't fuck you in the ass when you bend over for it
There's simpler ways to stimulate your prostate
pic made with
Who is this guy?
proprietary's software doom
In most cases yes, but in GIMP's case it's so bad that it doesn't matter what they named it.
Some might say that it's a gimped piece of software
(G)reen (I)s (M)y (P)epper!