Setting WoW to run on all cores
Important: Intel and AMD have both recently in last few years dramatically changed which processor models support HT, especially in lower model processors. As of 2017, nearly all new major brand processors will have something similar to HT, or more than one logical processor per core. Also, cores and HT can be disabled for the system, even if you know the maximum your processor model supports.
Firstly, knowing how many actual logical core you have is important to knowing which mask to use. The easiest way on a PC to tell how many system logical cores are running, is to open Task Manager and switch to the Performance tab (and then "CPU" on win 8 and 10) and read the number logical processors value. As an aside, setting a mask for a larger value than the number of logical cores you have, should produce the same result. So setting value to "7" would limit WoW to first 4 logical cores available, would still be safe and produce the same result of up to 4 cores as available on any CPU.
Dual-cores without HT, Core 2 Duos, most older Pentiums, i3s, and i5s, some i7s (2c):
SET processAffinityMask "3"
Tri-cores without HT, many older AMD (3c):
SET processAffinityMask "7"
Quads without HT, some older i5s and i7s (4c):
SET processAffinityMask "15"
Quads with HT, many older i7s (4c/8t):
SET processAffinityMask "255"
Hex-Core with HT (6c/12t)
SET processAffinityMask "1344"
16-core / Generic 8-core hyper-threaded (8c/16t):
SET processAffinityMask "65535"