/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Install GuixSD

>The link is valid. You're fucking something up
I don't know what is going on I can curl everything else fine

I just removed ca-certificates, any way to install them back?

What desktop for Manjaro? It's just gonna be a media box and remote storage

there's a videogames on linux thread at /v/ right now, just thought I'd drop a link here

by the way NEWS:
>Valve unveils their own fork of Wine (called Proton). It's on github.



Attached: 1520792014213.jpg (913x1024, 84K)

>dosent contribute to core repo
>makes pointless fork
Yeah,ok, great idea valve

Attached: 496.jpg (454x418, 25K)

They revealed they were the ones employing the DXVK guys all along. That's why they weren't taking donations. I'd say it's a net benefit to the ecosystem.

>tfw interjection is blocked on /v/

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people wouldn't be searching for gnu/linux on the catalog, so I just said Linux in the title and worked GNU/Linux later into the post.

Now that the ubuntu manual encryption tutorial is finished I managed to encrypt my ubuntu partition. However, it now means that I cannot boot into vera crypt Windows anymore. I have pointed the grub entry for windows towards the veracrypt bootloader (pic related), but when I select the windows option I always get a blue Windows "Recovery Screen".

How do I fix this?
If it helps the order was encrypted windows 10 followed by encrytped ubuntu. Will I end up having to do something like decrypt windows 10 and re-encrypt, following this article medium.com/@lankycyril/using-veracrypt-with-a-uefi-dual-boot-setup-27d1eacbf36b?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-08-21 19-36-17.png (787x203, 27K)

Also I can confirm that the veracrypt bootloader is still there since I can boot directly into it through the UEFI BIOS menu.

none, obviously

What is the gentoo level of absolute optimization for webm's?

teach me how to grep.

The guess and check method using variable bitrate with constant quality

How do you setup a ffmpeg 2 pass function in bash?

Wait..do you actually need a fully operating computer before you can install Gentoo? I need another operating system before I can compile another?

Seems kinda chicken and egg.

Hey there. I am about to partition my computer and run either OpenSUSE or Mint.

I'm trying to get Mint to work in Oracle VirtualBox, but after it "loads" I get this showing at me. Any ideas?

The mouse moves around, but is divided up visually. It's like the screen was twisted up, so it is probably a sizing issue? But I don't see options to change anything.

Any thoughts are helpful!

Oh also, I've downloaded x64 Mint 19 iso

Attached: mint.png (941x697, 354K)

Mint is shit. Use literally anything else

So I installed debian and ran a couple of hundred commands from the internet to enable wifi and touchpad tapping.
How do I clean up everything I don't need (I think I got broadcom drivers and whatnot) and why the hell do I need to 'su' to access anything? no command is found without it.
I am logging in the normal account I made in the setup. Should I always use the root account?

Assuming you're referring to a liveCD as needing another operating system, then ok. I guess.
But every operating system has the same requirement to install. How do you think windows gets installed by manufacturers if not by using a windows cd that is itself a mini windows environment with the windows kernel?

It's just more obvious with Gentoo I guess because it doesn't have any installer at all, so it requires you to have access to some toolset that you can use to perform the installation. If you're looking for an automated installer then you should not be going for Gentoo.

This might be true. But I'd still like to solve this problem and check Mint out. At least I'll learn what the issue is and get a glimpse at which distro to avoid :)

guessing your path is not loaded, did you install any other shell? do echo $PATH when logged into user

ts most likely fuckery cause you're in a vm and your vm settings are not setup optimally.

does anyone work with visual studio on linux? Im interested to switch after w7 will be thrown away eventually by ms, but im not sure if i wanna let visual studio go. its too comfy for me

Just used my google skills and did usermod tricks and now it werks.
It outputs my /usr stuff, I am guessing this is normal?

>How do I clean up everything I don't need
what do you not need? your package manager probably has a list of explicitly installed packages (which I'm assuming you installed not knowing what you were doing) that you can go through and remove what you don't need.
>why the hell do I need to 'su' to access anything?
you should need that to access things only accessible by root. if you're using it and don't think it should require root then maybe you should reconsider whatever you're running.
>no command is found without it.
erm, you fucked something up then, what's your $PATH? try echo $PATH
>Should I always use the root account?
uh no?

Attached: moo2.png (640x360, 172K)

Yes I totally agree. The question is what exactly is that fuckery, and what the correct vm settings are?

The sudo shit is fixed now and path outputs my /usr bin and sbin..etc
I just did apt list and holy shit I am not going through that list. The terminal couldn't keep up with the list and reached packages starting with x.
Is there no magic command to clean up? Also, I decided to use cinnamon(noob friendly?)instead of xfce. can I just do apt remove xfce after that?

I just googled this
apt-mark showmanual
maybe that will show you what you installed.

>The terminal couldn't keep up with the list and reached packages
pipe to less.
apt list | less

The arch installation guide is such a meme it doesnt even cover everything to get your system up and running

yeah you actually have to know something about your motherboard so you can install the bootloader the right way.

>using ubuntu 18.04
>chrome often gets graphical glitches and i have to restart it
>just now, a pop-up was blocking it from closing
>open terminal and type "killall chrome" no sudo
>chrome stays open but the graphical glitches go away

wtf is this? why do they happen in the first place?

This applies to the entire arch wiki and the community itself. They would rather make a guide purposely confusing and overcomplicated just so new users don't get spoonfed.

I spent the last two days trying to install Ubuntu on my personal server. It kept not being able to boot, saying it didn't recognize it. I flashed a fedora server image onto a USB, and it worked just fine
Is this opposite day?
I think it's because fedora is rhel based, and the firmware my server had only supports rhel. Either way, fedora server is good enough for a web server, right?

this shows way more packages than I have manually installed like systemd and grep
this lists literally every packages that exists

Is there a way to specify which repo i want pacman to fetch a package from? Thanks in advance.

I was getting this feeling, been trying to follow the guide and everythings written in an obfuscated way, there isn't a clear road you're meant to follow.

Should I just follow a youtube installation guide? Or is arch just a piece of shit that's shilled for being a sekkrit club


Arch is still the best, everything just werks (after about 90 minutes) just use an installation script like archfi to make the install process easy.

Thanks, but its not really what im looking for. I am using the archiso package to create an openrc version of arch. Im using some artix repos for the openrc packages, but the kernel modules on my (current) systemd version of linux are incompatible with the artix kernel, which stops the iso from booting. So i set up a local repo with the default arch kernel, however for some reason the artix kernel is being prioritized. Thanks anyways though, I might be able to find a work around with this.

keep us updated

>Or is arch just a piece of shit that's shilled for being a sekkrit club
sekkrit club of manual readers.
reading the fucking manual is actually a way to learn something.

Took me ages to realize that for some reason if the systems date time is not correct within a few parameters your SSL verification fails for like everything.

Theres just so much shit in here that fails that is unsearchable in the wiki, you've gotta scour the internet to find a proper working solution.

I will. I think the changes I have just made might work. I dropped the arch kernel pkg.tar.xz in the airootfs folder, and am using pacman to install it locally after the proper "package installation" phase. Hopefully this fucking works.

Dude the manual doesnt say shit about having to set things up properly, lets take disk partitioning for example, you really expect people to read EVERY single man page of every package that you come into contact with? How the fuck is someone supposed to know to put some shit in your /etc/fstab file to make swap werk or even gen fstab to begin with, or even know what teh fuck fstab is.

Shits ridiculous, there is no guide on the wiki for this.

What do you want to know?

>Dude the manual doesnt say shit about having to set things up properly
did you read your motherboard manual? what do you think is relevant about booting when it comes to motherboards? does the wiki explain this for you?
>you really expect people to read EVERY single man page of every package that you come into contact with?
no that's why there's a wiki
>How the fuck is someone supposed to know to put some shit in your /etc/fstab file to make swap werk
is the artix kernel higher version? maybe it has to do with order of repos in pacman.conf?

Attached: moo.png (640x360, 160K)

stop using ubuntu and especially chrome

I mean, coming from a perspective that a person has no previous experience with the unix world and wants to install arch, the wiki is only useful for people who already know what theyre doing, which is fucking retarded.

From the moment you boot up the live image of arch, looking directly at the installation guide tells you nothing, some might have a clue to first format your partitions and whatnot, but who the fuck is going to know what fdisk is, blocks, sectors and all that shit.

I'm making the point that the wiki clearly isn't directed for people who don't know what their doing, which makes no sense

>coming from a perspective that a person has no previous experience with the unix world and wants to install arch
well thats your mistake bud, you gotta crawl before you can walk.

Which kernel are people referring to when they say "the kernel"?

>ut who the fuck is going to know what fdisk is, blocks, sectors and all that shit
not sure how else you learn >that shit

>is the artix kernel higher version?
Nah they are the same version
>maybe it has to do with order of repos in pacman.conf?
I was thinking the same thing, but i cant change the order becuase then it will prioritize systemd rather than openrc, which is a pain in the ass to solve.

>>you really expect people to read EVERY single man page of every package that you come into contact with?
>no that's why there's a wiki
No, you dont read manpages unless you are really trying to learn how the program works. You search manpages for the specific thing you are doing at the time, and learn over time.

>I'm making the point that the wiki clearly isn't directed for people who don't know what their doing, which makes no sense
The wiki just assumes you have a basic knowledge of bash and how to solve problems on a linux machine.

The linux kernel written by Torvalds.

Unix was a proprietary system in the 70s and
a) it was shit
b) nobody today uses it

it's like being mad at a piano because you want to learn to play the piano and you aren't instantly Chopin

No thats not what i'm saying, my only point was that the arch wiki is not as clear as it could be, it purposely doesn't outline every step clearly and make it vague wishy-wash shit that gives you a few buzzwords to google and figure out yourself, why is it even called an installation guide

If you need to copy and paste commands to have a functioning system, maybe arch is not for you.

Whenever I try and connect a bluetooth device for the first time it will pair and connect, then immediately disconnect. I need to restart in order for the connection to hold. Why? Also my mpd breaks on every single restart. I have to reinstall it daily. I have a feeling my bluetooth headphones and pulseaudio have something to do with this, because after trying to run mpd, I have to reset the connection to my headphones again. Wtf is going on???

I like how you just simplified the problem and pulled a strawman, I am literally arguing the point that the arch installation guide is simply not what it's labeled to be, its a phoney.

I'd much rather argue your competence than discuss any specific problems you are having with the installation process (mostly because you haven't mentioned anything specific)

You probably could have read the man page for fstab in the time you took to complain about it.

Attached: tweakin.webm (640x346, 2.41M)

There is a reason there is so much praise for the arch wiki all throughout the Linux community, not just within arch users. Have you looked at the Debian wiki? its fucking atrocious.
Plus, if you don't need to copy and paste commands, and know what you're doing, why don't you improve the arch wiki? Fill in the parts you think are missing or need a better explanation.

I love this comment. Please contribute everyone!

Im not having a problem with the installation because its installed. Why cant you just admit the arch wiki is not what its hyped up to be instead of trying to pull personal attacks over the internet. Sad.

No I havent seen the debian wiki.

There are plenty of youtube tutorials that actually give at least a surface level insight as to what the commands you're typing actually does, which is why I'm guessing no cares after the system is actually werking because the wiki is a hopeless buzzword guide

Everyone has a different setup.
None of the installation guides I have gone through have ever been identical to mine.
You need to learn what you're doing before getting an easy install, that's all.

Arch was the first distro I tried, it is a cakewalk after you understand.


hi, any thoughts on my mint virtual machine lol

otherwise, I think i may try arch linux next and enjoy reading some wiki articles???

>There are plenty of youtube tutorials that actually give at least a surface level insight as to what the commands you're typing actually does, which is why I'm guessing no cares after the system is actually werking because the wiki is a hopeless buzzword guide
This is so much bullshit.
1. Not everyone wants to sit through 10 minutes of pajeet speak to learn what syscalls a command is calling.
2. Why the fuck would you go to Youtube when you can pull up the man page for a program, reading the intro, and searching for what you need.
For example, i have a very surface level knowledge of grep, however, i can easily pull up the man page and search "recursive" for the arg to do a recursive search.
And if you dont know what command to use to do something, use apropos.
The wiki just fills in the details for the stuff left out of those two options.

Arch Linux users

Most common apps are on the AUR, which is quite annoying to deal with. What did you do to become comfortable updating and getting apps from there to work? I've had problems with
>Dropbox (Straight up not working)
>Chrome (Second simultaneous media source on chrome does not work, missing symbols)
Even screenfetch shows 'nouveaufb' as my GPU, and that was off pacman.

The difficulty in Arch is supposed to come from administration isn't it? How long did it take for you to learn, configure, and become comfortable with it?

I was learning it a while ago but lost interest as well. With the Steam on Linux thing announced I've gained interest again and maybe I'll even ditch Windows. Also if anyone has any prowess in any of these issues I'm having I also need help with that.

really, don't use mint.

have you had success with any other guest on virtualbox? my guess would be mint might not have the right drivers for the gpu being presented by virtualbox. try using virtualbox to send the keys CTRL+ALT+F2 or F3 and hope that drops you into a console.

Fucking A. Nobody's paid to write a book long explanation complete with citations for every big word for dummies in the wiki.

is there a better way to search man pages, like ctrl f or something?

Theres too much shit I just dont know, i'm just going to say "what the fuck am I looking at in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg files".

The build didn't work, even with the arch kernel. Im thinking the archiso kernel module that mounts /run/airootfs/sfs/airootfs may have some ties to systemd. Or the openrc build could be leaving the airootfs.img somewhere unexpected. Any ideas on what to do about this?

use /
man pages use vim keys.

Attached: openrc_syslinux_error.png (803x472, 61K)

Question about switchable graphics on Laptop (i.e. Nvidia Optimus).

I have a laptop with the dual GPU thing, and it falls into the camp of "I can't disable the integrated graphics". Bumblebee is an abandoned nightmare, and cannot run Vulkan. Can I just bypass the intel graphics stuff by installing the nvidia graphics drivers and be done with it? I've never dealt with this setup before buying this laptop a month or so ago.

>use /
>man pages use vim keys.

I will give it a shot, thank you very much.

Why do 2 (or 1?) of you not like mint?

so many questions. my thinkpad is doing a mini DP output on my external monitor. When it comes back from sleep mode the external blinks like some power distribution issue until I run the xfce thing that positions the monitors.

my question is, how do I run this script automatically when the computer wakes up or I plug the monitor in?

How do I get rid of the big ass program title in cinnamon?

So, is it possible to run browsers like firefox without a desktop environment? I've installed xorg-serv and xorg-xinit on arch, but I have no idea if installing firefox without any desktop environment will werk. If it did can I use the mouse for the browser?

Why does linux eat through my laptop battery so fast?
I have tlp and some power saving things for my gpu but it still gets 2 hours max.

Yes. Firefox just requires X to run. Will it work with a mouse? Honestly I forget, it's been ages since I've run it like that.

I'm scared I just installed firefox without a desktop environment and its been 15 minutes and a bunch of hacker like text keeps zoomin on the screen, did I fuck up?

That's normal user.
Just don't do it at starbucks and you'll be fine.

AUR problem:
>The URL aur.archlinux.org/rpc.php?v=5&type=search&arg=shitIwanttoinstall returned error : 429

What do ?

Attached: 1519369409752.png (478x536, 81K)

lower your screen brightness

But Proton does contribute to upstream when their contributions are something that will be accepted to upstream.
>Modifications to Wine are submitted upstream if they're compatible with the goals and requirements of the larger Wine project; as a result, Wine users have been benefiting from parts of this work for over a year now. The rest is available as part of our source code repository for Proton and its modules.

>Most common apps are on the AUR, which is quite annoying to deal with.
literally install an aur helper
with aurman it's just aurman -S application
install vivaldi or chromium with codec and font packs.

Thanks user, I didn't think of that.
It was at 7500 brightness I changed it to 5.

Anyone tryout Wifislax?

Okay so I deleted /usr/lib/libmozjs-52.so.0 in persuit of fixing graphics driver issue

On reboot it’s a black screen with cursor, so I went to tty2 to reinstall the kernel (this was recommended in help forum) and this solution did not work.

Can someone help me get back to my wm?

Random thing I've noticed is that the computing world is overwhelmingly atheist. Can anyone give me a non-rude explanation of why this is? I am a Christian btw. I am okay with atheists though, so long as they aren't screeching their superiority to me haha.

cute post

Attached: 51.webm (600x680, 620K)

To believe in something anyone can make up and assert it as truth is the literal definition of stupidity, not being toxic its just the truth

Finally finished installing, it says GDK_BACKEND does not match available displays, am I supposed to invoke something before running Icecat/mozilla ?

Probably because the internet is made up of people all over the world and "no belief" is kind of the default stance we all enter this world with. You aren't born with belief.

I don't like to use the word atheist because too many people can't agree on what it means, and I don't care to argue over the definition because it's irrelevant.
But when it comes to your question I would say that it's mostly people who just don't hold a belief either way or even just people who prefer to not discuss it, which is different from believing there are no god(s).
Really hope this doesn't turn into a huge off topic religious debate.

Just installed Debian with XFCE via netsinstall

I'm getting a kind of warp or faultline in videos near the bottom of the screen (1920x1080 at 60fps refresh rate)

Any ideas on what or what absence might be causing this?

Someone advised me to install something called "compton," which did nothing. What's your opinion on installing "delete system 32'? I hear that's a very versatile piece of linux software.

It's a basic correspondence with their career choice, being Mr Logic among the people who don't know better.