Repeal net neutrality

>repeal net neutrality
>die in a fire

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Why would fire department need unlimited internet access anyway?

Google maps

Selfies and livestreaming

amerimutts just love taking corporate cock in their asses


Throttling/Suspending service has nothing to do with net neutrality dumbass.
They where doing this way before net neutrality and throttling netflix was a normie concern.

jews gonna jew

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And they got fined by FCC for breaking their regulations

Either you're imaging shit, or you're bringing up irrelevant information to the party.
Verizon was at fault for throttling video streaming services.
Throttling all traffic / suspending in overages isn't singling out a certain type.

Sounds like Santa Clara should spend more time paying attention to what they're signing on too.

What kind of niggery is this?

This is based on speedtest? Well no shit they're going to allow full speed just for that. There's a reason was created.

>be anti-NN
>literally die in a fire
All is right in the world.

Majority of idiots expect hollywood style happenings.
End of USA's imperialism?
>North Korea invasion or Nukes, while a band of bearded hipsters and teenagers will try to defend the country till their death
Net Neutrality
>Hollywood style "dictatorship", by Google, rolls out overnight, with screens on every street corner showing propaganda (yeah, plausible especially in the single traffic light towns and the wastelands that are 50% of USA), internet is "censored", and people lose their freedoms and are chipped.

Nothing like that is going to happen. They'll be taking away stuff step by step and since there was a vocal opposition they'll pretend it's good for a while for normies to forget about NN. Not even communism started as a full blown dictatorship and with crimes against humanity outside of Russia.

It's the firefighters fault, they should restrain themselves and stop watching porn while waitings for fires.

ISP's prioritize traffic to/from speed test websites, they are always deceptively high ratings

Why weren't they "deceptively high" prior to the repeal then?

they still were


Do NNfags not understand that throttling is about network congestion and not censorship?

Are you saying that you want NN repealed
Holy shit just go jump of the trump tower while you're at it

Good to see the net neutrality hysteria hasn't died down.

Then throttle everything equally. Perfectly compatible with NN.

unpopular opinion: unlimited data and gigabit speeds are not needed unless you are retardedly addicted to the internet. i work for an ISP and the only reason we have gigabit offered is to give you incentive to buy our middle-tier plans.

that said, NN is pointless and has nothing at all to do with censoring shit. most larger cloud companies already have direct peering links to the major ISPs anyhow.

I remember back in my day back in the early 2000s when the internet was basically impossible to use. Thank god for Obama and NN fixed all of that.

this desu
There are no consumer applications that require so much bandwidth.

> you don't need unlimited data goy, and if you do, you can just pay a premium of 10000% of what it actually costs us to provide it to you :^)

It's not too late to get treatment.

>unpopular opinion: unlimited data and gigabit speeds are not needed unless you are retardedly addicted to the internet
Or, you know, actually have a real job that requires remote working. I frequently move data around, VM images particularly.


it's not about getting money. if everyone had unlimited speed and data, then the internet would suck. there's only so much bandwidth available and that shit isn't cheap to maintain or upgrade.

>Nobody needs more than 4GB of RAM unless you are retardedly using non-optimised applications. Let's put a premium on each MB above that.

i agree.
the obvious ethical solution for this which nobody could bitch about would be for an ISP to either:
A: sell by bandwidth without overselling, such that they can honor their advertised bandwidth to all customers without arbitrary throttling
B: sell by monthly data usage, causing customers to throttle themselves, or having the data hoggers run out of data early

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>Arbitrarily deciding what amount of technological resources a common person needs.

How about you fuck off and die.

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>companies ever listening to the FCC
Verizon and Comcat literally ignored every single fine and punishment from the FCC because they were nothing but a de-fanged beast only put there to appease the masses. NN did absolutley nothing to protect us, and the repeal was just to rub it in our faces.

>look at my non-typical use case
>everyone is just like me!
If you need that good of a connection for work you should be able to afford it. You shouldn't even be using consumer Facebag/Netflix-tier shitternet for srs bsns anyway.


This, Verizon was still doing this shit while NN was in effect.

>there's only so much bandwidth available
And that limited bandwidth evaporates at some time in-between billing cycles starts. Thread is not about speed, it's about data cap.
I always wondered, are Internet providers charged for traffic volume at any stage of their work?

Yes, they have contracts on exchanging data between themselves measured by volume, not speed.

Wouldn't that make everyone worse off?

Not really. All these ISPs are not dumb pipes and offer a lot of their own content. If they have to throttle everything they would also lose out. Not to mention people would be more likely to notice the throttling and get pissed off. And in practice there's no difference between 1% utilization and 99%. Only need to throttle when it hits 100%.

Every large ISP pools for free with others or gets paid. Verizon, AT&T, Telekom, their only expenses are infrastructure maintenance and customer support, which is like 1% of their revenue, the rest is profit.

And no one "needs" kids. Let's start taxing people, for every kid they have. The only way we have to keep the planet livable is to reduce the number of humans crawling on it.

>automated system throttles bandwidth until someone notices, company bends over backwards to fix

having no kids is just as ruinous as having too many. you should have 1 or 2 to prevent population bubbles

imessage bae on how hot he is rn ;)

>Oy vey these firemen goyim used google maps too much.
>Shut it down to save some shekelz, after all they broke the limit of the unlimited data cap plan!
Every time you anons try to be contrarian you always get fucked by jews, have you all thought that maybe they know you guys will always do what's the opposite of the lefties want so they put their democrat puppets to """defend""" net neutrality so you niggers will go against it and it gets repealed?

China has a self-imposed ban on number of children. Japan sort of just had it happen without any sort of government force behind it. They're both facing a crisis where there's too few young population to support the aging population and in China's case, there's a huge imbalance between the male and female population.

>buy plan that says you get throttled after x data
>omg but we're firemen!

>nothing happened without net neutrality
>nothing changed with it in for several years
>nothing changed now it's repealed

>commiefornians getting burned
Nothing of value was lost

>he posted the actual correct answer instead of just shitposting
GTFO of Jow Forums

>Even if Verizon's throttling didn't technically violate the no-throttling rule, Santa Clara could have complained to the FCC under the now-removed net neutrality system, which allowed Internet users to file complaints about any unjust or unreasonable prices and practices.

Straight from the article, dumbass.

>titanic average deck height before iceberg impact: 20 m
>titanic average deck height after iceberg impact: 40 m

And then they say we are sinking. Check mate globalists!

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They could still complain to the FTC, which is where this sort of thing should be heard anyway.

Stop trusting outlets whose best interest is to lie to you.

My monthly data is probably close to TBs.

What's with american providers being shit? Your internet is africa tier.

Yeah, because an organization like a fire department should just stick to text-only websites where the generous $37/month 30kb/s speed plan can handle. What a day to celebrate amerimuttness.

>My monthly data is probably close to TBs.
>you are retardedly addicted to the internet

The average deck height remains the same if half of the ship is below the water like that you fucking retard

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>download and uploading in the background is an addiction

FTC is not specilized in dealing with the type of "good transactions" that an ISP service provides. The FCC, being a communications agency, is the appropriate ruling body. But keep licking that corporate boot, i am sure it looks great in your thick chump portafolio.

>walk to literally any store and purchase wireless dongle and data card

>the deck didnt break in half
Ah yes, the beauty of the self-righteous idiot.

>the agency tasked with business dealings is not good at business dealings
>the agency that oversees technical standards is more appropriate
While we're at it, why don't we put accountants in charge of engineering and engineers in charge of accounting?

>you eat internet

Wrong, jacking up prices when the consumer is not in a place contest them is textbook monopolistic practice.
The FCC should not be dealing with these complaints any more than Congress should be hearing federal appeals. The only thing they should be looking at is interstate telecom disputes.
Fuck off you authoritarian shit heel

Look at this image and tell me the average deck height has gone UP

This is the dumbest post on/g/ right now.

>he doesn't eat his internet

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We're getting closer to a true ancap paradise. Best timeline desu

>blocks your path

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And nothing of value was lost

and humans only NEED a glucose drip and a pod room to survive. anyone that wants more is just addicted to luxury