
>start with C#!
>no, start with C++
>python is the way to go!
>after you learn C, every language is much easier to learn

How the fuck do I get into it then?

>inb4 "ask yourself what problem you want to solve with programming"

I just want to make some money you idiot

Attached: proghram.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

>I just want to make some money you idiot
then see what languages are in demand by employers and learn those you brainlet

>I just want to make some money you idiot
Learn Java

Attached: Copy-of-top-programming-languages-1.png (1000x1000, 58K)

>I just want to make some money you idiot
Learn ABAP. Alternatively, get out of programming, there are easier ways to make money.

Like sucking dicks for a dollar.

Such as?

>I just want to make some money you idiot

Do society a favor and don't get into programming. You probably suck at math and would end up just making shit worse.

This. Learn a trade or something.

only need a million dicks to make it

Unironically this

Programmers are masochists and pervs who just so happen to get paid for it

Rookie numbers. My technique is advanced enough to surpass the default multi-dick sucking, i'm ascending to new highs. At my level you don't even need food.

>browse Jow Forums
>find out what userscripts are
>become genuinely interested and learn JS
>branch out to other languages
at least that's how I did it

See Also any advanced form of construction building, like on oil rigs. You'll ruin your body and social life anyway, why not get better pay for it?

if you want money, webdeving is the way

learn any C, it doesn't matter

once you master one you can pickup the other ones no issue


it literally doesn't matter. just pick one of the big ones at random. people are tribal retards that shill their language just like they would shill their sports team.

Learn some C, learn some C++, learn some Java or C#, then do whatever.

License shitstorm. Ticking time bomb.

No job outside webdev.

Java ripoff by MS. Nuff said.

Literally the Comic Sans of programming languages.

Overcomplicated. Solution to problems that exist only in huge scale programs.

Nobody teaches it properly since that requires teaching how POSIX systems work.

Troll language. Also, webdev.

It's like Python, but with a nonsensical type system.

Its lack of generics makes babbies cry.

It's like the waterboarding of programming languages.

Worst fucking syntax ever. Also, webdev.

Literal joke.



If you're a data collection drone, that is.



Like you have nothing better to do than model friction along a dick-shaped piston.

Sounds like the faggiest thing ever.

If you're planning to ask for monthly paychecks for doing Scratch, you have a serious mental issue.

>less than 100k jobs
>millions of idiots getting comp sci degrees
>billions of pajeets taking all the jobs for half the pay anyway

how could this go wrong?

just start with c#, is decent enough.
I started with cancer, PHP, but that was not a problem, you will just adapt yourself to every language. For example, javascript is more functional oriented and some people use it even for backend.

i know that analogies are retarded but its like you want to make money with self made chairs but dont like learning how to make chairs or furniture in general