>You can't install intel's latest microcode update to patch vulnerabilities without agreeing to never benchmark again on your system.

Attached: incel.png (640x504, 417K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody cares faggot

Fuck off shill

Not even once

Attached: BFxT_LaCQAA9xzV.jpg large.jpg (1024x1024, 71K)

it doesn't say that

>You will not, and will not allow any third party to (i) use, copy, distribute, sell or offer to sell the Software or associated documentation; (ii) modify, adapt, enhance, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, change or create derivative works from the Software except and only to the extent as specifically required by mandatory applicable laws or any applicable third party license terms accompanying the Software; (iii) use or make the Software available for the use or benefit of third parties; or (iv) use the Software on Your products other than those that include the Intel hardware product(s), platform(s), or software identified in the Software; or (v) publish or provide any Software benchmark or comparison test results.

>will not allow any third party to
Good luck enforcing this in court, niggatel.

>publish or provide
you can still do benches you just can't write about them in your blog

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

>your blog
As in every website, youtube channel, magazine, or forum in existence?

anything with name [or ip?] on it

lol, Microsoft forbids benchmarking MSSQL against other databases, and for much the same reason. RIP in pepperoni, Intlel.

> jews censor
stop the press

it's to prevent their stock from tanking

jesus christ. Can't wait for LinusTechTips to do another walk in the rain while skullfucking Intel's eye socket

>everyone is now forced to only benchmark with AMD Ryzen processors
>all normies now buy AMD Ryzen instead because they think Intel is so worse performance they are not even on the benchmark list

im ok with this

*i9 socket


intelshills right now

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What on EARTH are you talking about? Intel published their own benchmarks regarding the ForeShadow attack

Attached: mitigation-impacts-linux-data-center-virtualized-environments-graph-16x9[1].jpg (1920x1080, 420K)

That's with HyperThreading disabled only you dumbo. It will be twice as lower performance with the BIOS update kek

Oh, well that's fine then! We can all just use Intel's no doubt completely impartial and not painting the most positive picture possible official benchmarks, rather than those nasty independent ones conducted by impartial third parties.

Thanks Intel! You truly are my greatest ally!

Attached: Intel grill.jpg (500x500, 137K)

Makes me want to buy an Intel processor just to publish benches after the microcode update.

Is that even legal?

Needs a yarmulke.

Unfortunately, yes.
Oracle has been doing this for years to make their DB appear competitive.

I'm sure lots will, but this will definitely have a chilling effect on any real publication posting any.

So we just need to find someone with a stolen pc, that has the patch preinstalled.


So is it time to send anonymous benchmark results to AdoredTV so he can post them?

why would he post them?

Because if (((tech reviewers))) will follow the license there would be no other way to publish benchmarks

What if you make some benchmarks, then give them to a news source saying you want to remain anonymous, or you post them to them anonymously? The news source didn't make them, and you aren't known to get into legal trouble.

Then those benchmarks cannot be trusted

>send test results to a well known AMD shill

Good job AMD shill

Might as well send an (((anonymous))) copy to AMD Unboxed

I just installed the microcode update and got a 30% performance boost in my benchmarks.
I'd like to share the results with you guys but I don't want to breach the EULA, so don't be afraid of updating your microcode and miss out on these performance gains!

>being this assblasted of glorious Adored TV the Enlightener

d dddddd ddddd dddddddd

>still parotting Adored being an AMD shill
Jesus fuck, stop it with that spacing, the low level shitposting, and think a bit before posting.

Hi AMDoredTV!


Attached: 1506977173618.jpg (882x758, 324K)

Nice spacing faggot kys

>intlel cocksucking niggerfaggot
Checks out.

Reminder to just not give any (You)s.


>agreeing to never benchmark

Attached: Shhhhhhh Jew.gif (600x338, 2.12M)

>Nobody cares faggot
a) Potty mouth
b) Bad grammar
Choose only one.

Like I give a fuck about what some licensing agreement says. I pirate shit all day anyways.

Yeah I'd like to see them bring to court the entire internet.

There is no way some minor sites or youtuberswill not do Benchmarks.

Attached: Reaction faces - 1156.jpg (200x210, 16K)

>Like I give a fuck
>I pirate shit all day anyways.
Look out, we've got a real hardcore dude here. Pro tip: What you're referring to as piracy, is in fact, unauthorized copying, or as I've recently taken to calling it, unauthorized sharing. Piracy is not the act of obtaining an unauthorized copy of a copyrighted work, but rather robbery or criminal violence at sea.

Many computer users make unauthorized copies every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the act which is widely performed today is often called piracy, and many of the people who do it are not aware that it is basically copying, and not stealing.

There really is a piracy, and some people are doing it, but it is just robbery at sea. Piracy is an act of theft: an action at sea in which goods are forcefully transferred from one ship to another. Piracy is important to be aware of, but unrelated to unauthorized copying; it can only function at sea. Piracy is normally not used in combination with unauthorized copying: the two acts are basically separate. All the so-called piracy is really unauthorized copying.

Why are they doing this?
Are they that afraid of their foreshadow patch which'd really cut the performance?

Look goy stop asking question ok? just buy CPU and when we decide to worse the performance down the line because of some mistake from our part, just accept it ok goy?

Attached: 1529355593549.png (1228x1502, 944K)

Imagine that shiny new 8 core Coffinlake that was supposed to destroy AMD ends up being 20% slower.

>15-50% performance loss

Attached: 1433838123.jpg (432x422, 24K)

I'd guess in the US, yes, but in the EU?
You can probably ignore that EULA, I think there was some ruling that makes US style EULAs mostly invalid here, but I'm not sure how exactly.

The purpose of that line and the entire article is to scare reviewers who don't want to deal with intel lawyers off. If debian and theregister haven't brought this to attention nobody would even notice, so they had to write this article to make it work.

How many flaws got discovered on Intel? I reckon this the 5th or 6th one. With all the bios and OS updated each one shaving 5% off the performance, intel CPUs have lost 20-30% in a year.

Intel is dead.
They finally did a dirty trick again.

Oy vey, this is bad indeed. Oy vey...

Attached: worried.jpg (140x186, 10K)

For just spectre? last I heard it was 11. 3 of those also effected AMD and 2 of those 3 effected every modern processor in existence.

That's bad. They'll revert it once they realize what a mess it is just for keeping their reviewers under their control.

There's so many that it's been decided upon that the only reason Intel was faster was because everything was built upon broken hacks.

the bogpilled choose AMD/whatever

>No need to do your own benchmarks goy! We've done them for you! Just trust us goy!

30% Performance loss in VMware.

I want to use this to troll shills, but that website does not talk about performance loss.





Attached: Capture.png (1223x446, 37K)

let's believe our friendly company. surely they'd NEVER EVER lie. it's not like lying would make them more money and their only goal is making money, right?

The table clearly says "performance degradation". You can definitely use those numbers to annoy shills.

>tfw used core 2 quad for almost 10 years
>bought nu intel because I thought I'll be as good
>muh brand loyalty
>tfw cpu+mobo+ram goes into the trash because nobody will buy it second hand right now
wake me up pls

Attached: 1533562514693.png (552x661, 288K)

>and got a 30% performance boost
You fucking double nigger, this sentence alone is already illegal under that license.

>provide any Software benchmark or comparison test results.
>provide any comparison test results.

That's because you can get Sandy i5 systems for $90, retard. Phenom II X4's and Core2 are the new Pentium 4's.

>you will not publish or provide any software benchmark or comparison test results
Literally saying that the only people who can put out (((becnhmarks))) are paid intel shills.
>>oy vey, delet this goyim. This is very anti-semitic.

Amada a cute! A CUTE!

Days without Jewish tricks.jpg

Yet another shitskin that fails to read.

Your gonna get JEWED boy, prepare that ass. Find a lawyer, too.

>[kevetching intensifies]

>you've been banned from all boards for posting this anti-semitic thread.

>posts a totally unrelated link to the thread and acting as if he's proven the OP wrong
What the fuck is this reply supposed to be, eh?
Weak kike tricks there rajesh shekelberg.

>>posts a totally unrelated link
That's where you're wrong kiddo.

>>tfw cpu+mobo+ram goes into the trash because nobody will buy it second hand right now
You're underestimating brand loyalty. If you fell for it there are millions of mindless idiots who you can target.

>>A nice story happened few days ago: Switchplus, the biggest registrar of .ch and .li domains have blocked the archive mirror domain “”.The reason was “we have informed by the police that there is ‘illegal content’ hosting on the domain”.They also treatened to delete the domain after 3 days of blocking.After short interview[1] it was discovered that the “police report” has been sent not by the police but by a random person who simple wrote “detective sergeant” at the bottom of his email.And what made the Switchplus executive believe that the email was really send by the police is that it was a “repetitive case”.How nice.When Switchplus receives few emails signed by Nigerian King, it would ensure them they are talking to real Nigerian King.A rowhammer attack, huh.I was under impression of talking to an inexperienced junior employee, but quick googling revealed that Wolfram Schmidt is the CEO of Switchplus, about 50 years old[2].He manages assets of thousands people and feels right to sequestrate them based on fake email messages in his inbox.If you - my reader - have a business competitor with a website on .ch or .li domain, you might easily destroy the business of the competitor by sending email message to Wolfram Schmidt telling that you are a Nigerian Detective and you found something illegal on the competitor’s website.You do not even have to point what exactly is illegal.One message might be not enough but 2-3 messages should form a “repetitive case”.And if you own a .ch or .li domain managed by Switchplus, your domain is in danger.
hasbara kikes are literally shameless. Show me how this story btfos what OP posted. Faggot.

>Show me how this story btfos what OP posted. Faggot.
It doesn't it's just an archive of the original link, he's calling the OP a faggot for linking to a shit site, but because you're too dumb to read and understand the page you're automatically redirected to you didn't realize that.
Nice deletion btw

Attached: file.png (1895x393, 134K)

>still kikeing this hard
>n-nice delet there b-buddy! hah! everyone, look at him. Huh! Look away from what I was doing!
No it isn't you kike.

So you're too dumb to know what is, read the info you're presented, realize you're not on the right URL and that there's an automatic redirection on some subdomain to the blogpost explaining you why they don't work.
I think you might be retarded.

how will intel ever recover?

Attached: 1528277581392.jpg (1072x650, 126K)

>tfw bought an intel laptop because ryzen laptop from lenovo comes with only 1 sodimm slot. so single channel.

what the fuck is wrong with intel

>it's just an archive. Do you know what an archive is goy? Let's talk about archives
>he's calling the OP a faggot for linking to a shit site, he wasn't gonna btfo him
>ackhtually, he was gonna btfo him, but that link isn't available now, ha-hah!
>no one can see that link except for him goy. Trust him. OP is literally wrong
>a redirect from a url 7 months before this thread explains how the OP of this thread is wrong

Ahahahaha seething novideo and intlel shills afraid of true Benchmarks

b-but at least we still are in no need of more than 4 CORES r-right guys ?

Attached: 1231341451515.jpg (882x758, 268K)

Couldnt you circumvent this by having one review outlet benchmark without the patches and one with both not saying if its been updated or not and then have some anonymous third party bring up the discrepancy?

VMware already published their numbers, they don't give a fuck.

Good on them. Fuck intel and fuck israel in particular.

Companies can put whatever they want in their EULA, whether or not it's legally binding is another matter.

Literally full retard.

Attached: file.png (1498x1066, 461K)

As far as I know in the EU only EULAs that "wouldn't surprise a rational person" are valid (It's like this in germany)